Ask The Expulsion Order: Ossus

Frankie Flynn


Character Profile
Jan 30, 2023
Reaction score
Ossus: Lord Verrian
Ever since the Empire captured Ossus from the Jedi Order, there has been a notable Sith presence. No doubt to use their Force magic to corrupt whatever Jedi artefacts or buildings remain. A Sith Lord is refusing to leave a former Jedi temple for unknown reasons. The Empire will not abide by this. Kill him, retrieve his lightsaber and destroy whatever he's been working on down there.

"BB-T9 give me a status update."

The droid hums and beeps a few syllables in response, indicating their exact coordinates along the Perlemian Trade Route and time remaining to destination.

"I hope we can count on this @Rhonwen. I've never worked with her but the data about her that hasn't been redacted looks promising. I can't believe this is my first mission BB-T9! I hope all goes well but going up against a Sith? This should get interesting."

The BD-626 Starblade pulses into existence overhead of the grim looking world of Ossus. As the stars leave her eyes Frankie checks the monitors and engages the sensor array to begin scanning for incoming signals or messages.

"We'll wait here for Rhonwen to make contact before descending to the planet. No need to go up against a Sith alone. I'll send out a decrypted signal only ISB members can receive, BB-T9 switch to hail on back channel frequencies." ~ "Lt. Flynn to Lt. Rhonwen. This is Lt. Flynn hailing you on back channel comms. Please Respond."
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