The Galactic Alliance

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Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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The Rebellion

Rebellions are built on hope, but the Galactic Alliance emerged as tensions flared. For five centuries, the galaxy endured Sith rule. But as the Sith Lords who ruled the Empire became increasingly cruel and oppressive, voices began to rise and call for a return to democracy and personal liberty. The rebellion brought together unlikely allies from all corners of the galaxy—disgruntled Imperial senators, the criminal underground, extremist groups and even what little remained of the Jedi—and united them under a single (albeit shaky) banner. The stakes could not be higher. This rebellion held in its hands the galaxy's hope for a free and just society.

  • History
  • Organization
  • Government
  • Military

The Sparks of Rebellion

It could be argued that the seeds of rebellion against the Sith Empire were planted five centuries ago when it annexed the Republic. The Core Worlds were used to democratic rule and personal liberties. Despite the corruption of the Republic government, its citizens were angered by the sudden takeover of their government and subsequent loss of their sovereignty.

In order to prevent widespread revolts, the Sith Empress Andraste moved her capital to Coruscant and allowed the Senate to remain intact. This compromise ensured that the Empire would be ruled by a sovereign, while the newly created Imperial Republica would simultaneously be overseen by its former governing body. However, this was a ruse meant to placate the populate. In reality, the throne retained full control over the Empire and its governing; the Senate was little more than a puppet kept to give the illusion of democracy. But the ruse did its job and, for a time, there was peace in the Core.

The ruse would eventually collapse. As the successive Sith rulers became more and more authoritarian, it became quickly apparent that the Senate held little real power to reign in their dictatorial tendencies. But dissenters in the Senate, and in Imperial Republica’s populace, had no opening to lash out at the Empire. The Empire was a military juggernaut and, after absorbing Hutt Space, was too strong to oppose with military might alone. It was not until a schism formed within the Empire’s ruling royal family that an opportunity presented itself for a successful rebellion to take root.

An Empire Divided

With the rise of yet another Emperor on Coruscant, tensions flared and rippled across the Empire. The reigning Lord on Korriban, overseer of the Old Empire, believed that the ruling family on Coruscant had grown weak and complacent. The teachings of the Sith were explicit: only the strongest could inherit the true power of the dark side of the Force. With this in mind, the Lord of the Old Empire, himself a distant cousin of the Emperor, challenged the Sith sovereign for supremacy over the Empire and therefore the galaxy.

The divide grew volatile. The Emperor dispatched the Imperial Starfleet to the border between Imperial Republica and the Old Empire as a threat to his would-be-usurper. But the Lord of the Old Empire was only emboldened by this action and, having amassed followers of his own, dispatched ships to meet them. Skirmishes between the two sides quickly broke out and the Dark Council on Coruscant—itself quickly dividing between the two would-be Sith rulers—feared that civil war was on its way.

This was the sign of weakness the disgruntled senators on the Imperial Republica had long been waiting for; but senators alone lacked the might to oppose the Empire, so they began to scour the galaxy for allies to aid them in their cause. It did not take as long as many of them thought it might. Criminals and smugglers had long had free reign during the Hundred-Year Darkness. With the old Jedi Order fighting against their dark brethren, many crime syndicates flourished. But the Sith Empire’s reign challenged their supremacy once again and, soon, Jedi antagonism was replaced with Sith antagonism. In light of this, the galaxy’s criminal element found an odd kinship with the dissenting Senators and an uneasy alliance was forged between them to fight back against the Empire.

At first, the fledgling rebellion was reduced to simple piracy and harrassing Imperial supply lines. They did not yet possess the firepower necessary to challenge the Imperial fleet, even in its divided state. But their early action was not without purpose and did not go unnoticed. For five centuries, the survivors of the Jedi Order remained hidden in the Outer Rim Territories. There, they trained new Jedi and quietly waited in exile for the moment they could reveal themselves to the galaxy and assist it in throwing off the shackles of the Sith Empire that had once defeated them.

The handful of remaining Jedi also sensed the opportunity in the division. They also took notice of the actions these early rebels were taking to harass the Empire and saw the opening they had long awaited. A number of them gathered and revealed themselves to the leaders of this small rebellion in the ruins of an ancient Jedi enclave on Dantooine. The early rebels were initially distrusting of the Jedi—as the ripples of the Hundred-Year Darkness had not yet calmed—but ultimately decided to accept them due to their long-standing opposition to the Sith.

These Jedi knew that, if the Sith were to ever learn they were still alive and in-league with a cell of rebels, both would be obliterated before the rebellion could fully take-off. As a result, the Jedi resolved to keep themselves in the shadows and advise the leadership with their precognitive Force abilities. They would only reveal themselves when the Force designed them ready to do so (or whenever the rebellion needed them most). The trio of disgruntled politicians, criminals, and Jedi subsequently made Dantooine—a relatively remote and unassuming farming world—their headquarters.

An Early Setback

The division in the Empire drastically changed the public’s perception of the leadership in the galaxy. The Sith Lords were essentially divided over who should reign as the next galactic dictator, and while they still had staunch supporters on both sides deep in Imperial Space, the galactic fringe was quickly growing fed up with the Empire’s dictatorial rule over the galaxy. Extremist cells began to crop up on independent worlds. Taken alone, these incidents were barely of note to the massive Empire and were usually put down by sector security forces led by the local Sith governors.

The early rebel alliance saw a use for these extremist cells. One in particular, a noted ruthless group based in the Onderon system, had perfected hit-and-run tactics from their base on Dxun. Rebel leadership—with some push back from their Jedi advisors and some of the more peace-minded members of the council—made an effort to recruit cells like this into their cause. Quickly, the fledgling rebellion was growing into a force that could actually threaten the Empire. And, as more outlying systems became irritated with the tensions in the Empire, more supporters flocked to the rebel cause.

Even the scattered Jedi came together. One in particular scoured the galaxy and tracked down those willing to fight. Some joined, others did not. There were those who refused out of uncertainty and those who were not approached in time: a Twi’lek mechanic working on Nar Shaddaa, a Feeorin instructor hiding on Tatooine and a Morellian female in the Outer-Rim. In the end, they were the lucky ones. As the rebellion gained traction, acts of terrorism and resistance were on the rise. Many were emboldened to take more drastic measures against the Empire. However, they had overplayed their hand.

The Empire took notice of one of their more bold and reckless actions: an attack on an Imperial arms factory on Corellia. The world had been one of the founding Core worlds and later a defining force in the Imperial Republica. Being so close to Coruscant, where the Emperor remained, the assault was ripples felt were strongest. It was not a simple attack on Imperial resources, it was an attack on their sovereignty and dominance over the galaxy. Responding in force, the Imperial forces chased the rebel cell off of Corellia and traced them back to their base on Dantooine.

The ensuing battle was devastating. The Empire had no idea what kind of operation it had stumbled upon, believing these rebels to be nothing but a small band of terrorists and pirates, and treated them as such. Imperial ships rained fire down upon the ruins of the Jedi enclave on Dantooine, destroying many small freighters and killing a significant number of insurgents, including most of the rebel leadership. The survivors fled through underground tunnels into the kyber crystal caves that the Jedi had once used in the construction of their lightsabers eons ago.

A small company of rebels survived the battle and the Empire, believing it had snuffed out yet another forgettable threat, left Dantooine none the wiser. Of course, the rebels were not quick to retaliate. The loss of the majority of their leadership had crippled them. And at best, there were several dozen rebels left. Furious extremists, broke smugglers, hopeless freedom fighters and only two Jedi, a human man and woman, had survived. Arguments were made, questions asked: what more could they do? In everything but name, the Rebellion was dead. They were nothing but a spark in the darkness.

But sometimes, a spark is all that is needed to start a fire.


A Rebellion is Born

What was left of the rebels returned to an abandoned Jedi sanctuary on the river moon of Al'doleem. It was there the final string of debates were made, and where a Duro freedom fighter by the name of Hugo was chosen to lead them. As for the remaining Jedi, their existence was wiped clean. To everyone else, they were six feet under on Dantooine—except to the new Rebel Commander. By his side, they would act as personal advisors and low-profile confidants. At the same time, they would embark on a journey to retrieve the others and revive the Order.

And so, the Galactic Alliance was born.




The Galactic Alliance is an ongoing movement aimed to resist and topple the Sith Empire. Overseen by the Rebel Council—comprised of dissenting Senators, freedom fighters and infamous smugglers—the Alliance seeks to restore the former Republic and end an era dominated by fear and corruption. In its earliest days, the Council maintained a shared responsibility and convened either across the stars or at individual worlds. However, the setback on Dantooine left much of the Rebel leadership dead and the Alliance in disarray. What government they had was now buried under the rubble of the former Jedi enclave.

In their desperation, those who remained turned to a new leader. Someone who could salvage the Rebellion from the ashes of Dantooine and overcome the odds set against them. But they were not alone. The surviving Jedi, now at their lowest point in galactic history, understood there was no going back. Mingled into the Alliance, they are now advisors, diplomats, or dreamers longing for the restoration of the Jedi. Now, it is up to their newfound leader to save the Rebellion, the dream, and reclaim the Republic.


Since Dantooine, the Rebellion’s military is insignificant compared to the Sith, but not meaningless. It is said that "one man with a sharp stick and nothing to lose can take the day." The Alliance is no different. It is flawed, naturally. Unlike the Imperial Republica, the Rebellion lacks an active fleet, an organized military structure and the industrial might of the Core.

Still, with every passing day, the Alliance grows in number and support. The weapons and resources needed to overthrow the Sith may be in short supply, but only for the time being. Even then, faith in the rebel cause is strong. The spark is lit, and the fires of rebellion is destined to spread across the galaxy. As long as hope remains, so will the Alliance.

The Jedi

A critical component of the Alliance’s organization and military are the remnants of the Jedi Order, which as long since changed since five centuries ago. Although dedicated to the light side of the Force and aligned with the old Jedi Code, tradition has faded with time.

Individual Master-apprentice relationships have become rare and, instead, Padawans often rely on Jedi Knights, Masters or each other. With little Jedi left to judge, old taboos were left behind. Marriage and close attachments are accepted, but only as long as they neither led to jealousy or rage, which in turn could lead to the dark side of the Force.

Overall, the Jedi of the Galactic Alliance are devoted to restoring peace and democracy to the galaxy. They are also dedicated to hunting down lost Jedi lore and, one day, aim to restore the Jedi to what they were before the Sith menace stamped them out and seized the reigns over the galaxy...


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Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score

Galactic Alliance Chain-of-Command
Alliance Ranks

The following is the current chain-of-command within the rebellious Galactic Alliance in order of authority:


Alliance Command

Alliance Command, also referred to as High Command or the Rebel Council, serves as the governing body of the rebellion. Members of Alliance Command advise the Commander and coordinate the rebellion against the Empire. Despite the authority of the Commander, Command can also decide their fate. If leadership is found inept, they can vote to remove and immediately elect a replacement.

Note: Generals and Admirals frequently serve on the Rebel Council. However, just the act of being promoted to general or admiral does not make one a member of the Council. The Rebel Council elects its own members and generals and admirals who serve on the Council outrank those who do not. This clause is also true for Jedi Masters who serve on the Council versus those who do not.

Alliance Commander: The faction leader. The Alliance Commander serves as Commander-in-Chief, Chief of State, and the Minister of War. They are the face of the Rebellion. Selected after the loss of previous leadership, and given much needed power and authority, they are called to lead the Alliance and ensure its survival and success at any cost.

Supreme Allied Commanders: The assistant faction leader(s). These represent the leaders of the rebellion's armed forces. One represents the Jedi Council, one represents the Alliance Starfleet, and one represents the Alliance Special Forces. Together, they coordinate all of the military operations for the rebellion and serve as the military (and spiritual) advisers to the Alliance Commander. Each are equal to one another and are only second to the Alliance Commander in the chain-of-command.

Rebel Council Members: Other members of Alliance Command. These council members typically represent large groups within the rebellion and provide a variance of perspectives. Just as the Supreme Allied Commanders advise the Alliance Commander, these council members advise both the Commander and the Allied Commanders, particularly on the political ramifications of their decisions. They are third in the rebel chain-of-command.​

Jedi Council

While only a pale comparison to the Jedi High Council of old, the Jedi Council is the recognized leadership of the handful of Jedi who still remain. It is composed of five Jedi Masters who are charged with overseeing the training requirements of new Jedi and coordinating Jedi-specific missions. The Jedi Council advises and aides Alliance Command, but is ultimately subservient to the will of Command and the Commander. The leader of the Jedi Council is a member of Alliance Command.

Alliance Special Forces

Alliance Special Forces (ASF) was an umbrella term that encompassed the Galactic Alliance Army and any specialized sub-faction or rebel cell therein.

(Rebel) General: The most senior rank of Special Forces. Generals presided over brigades of rebel ground forces and usually were the overseers of two to three rebel cells. They answered to, and received their orders from, the Supreme Allied Commander of the Alliance Special Forces.

(Rebel) Commander: Also known as "colonels." Commanders were in-charge of up to four battalions of troops and earned their rank by leading missions that benefited the whole of the Galactic Alliance.

(Rebel) Lieutenant: The second-in-command of a rebel cell and/or battalion. They are usually the Commander's most trusted officer and can take control of the cell or battalion in the Commander's stead or in the event of their absence.

Rebel: The foot soldiers and operatives of the Alliance. They are the backbone and foundation of the rebel movement. They are the diplomats, strategists, freedom fighters, spies and intelligence operatives.​

Alliance Starfleet

The Galactic Alliance Starfleet (GAS), also known as the Rebel fleet and the Galactic Alliance Navy, was the spacefaring forces of the rebellion, which included the Galactic Alliance Starfighter Corps.

(Rebel) Admiral: The most senior rank of the Starfleet. Admirals generally oversaw small rebel fleets, including capital ships and several wings of starfighters. They answered to, and received their orders from, the Supreme Allied Commander of the Alliance Starfleet.

(Rebel) Captain: The most senior rank on a capital ship, unless it is an Admiral's flagship. Captains command a single ship and the starfighters attached to them, and receive their orders from their supervising admiral. They can also lead starfighter squadrons as the senior officer.

(Rebel) Lieutenant: The second-in-command of a capital ship or a starfighter squadron. They are usually the captain or commander's most trusted officer and can take control of the ship or squadron in their commanding officer's stead or in the event of their absence.

Rebel: The foot soldiers and operatives of the Alliance. They are the backbone and foundation of the rebel movement. They are the diplomats, strategists, freedom fighters, spies and intelligence operatives.

Jedi Order

The Jedi Order, known more commonly as just the Jedi in the wake of their Order's destruction five centuries ago, are what remains of the Force-sensitive monastic order that opposed the Sith and served the light side of the Force. The remains of the Order have allied themselves with the rebellion and have begun actively training the next generation of Jedi in the hopes of restoring the Order to its former glory.

Jedi Master: A Jedi Master is a seasoned and powerful warrior, as well as a master of the Force. They have undergone the most rigorous tests life has put in their way in order to prove their command and mastery over the light side of the Force. With the Jedi on the verge of extinction, it falls to the them (those of the remaining five) to train others in the ways of the Force. Jedi Masters are looked up to as leaders among their own kind and allies, albeit discreetly, within the rebellion. However, they still answer to Alliance Command.

Jedi Knight: A Jedi Knight is a fully-trained representative of the light side of the Force. Once, they were the most numerous members of the old Order. Today, they are as rare as any other Jedi. In the past, Jedi Knights were forced to go through rigorous trials to obtain the prestigious rank. Now, proving a commitment to the light and an understanding of the Force is considered enough. Jedi Knights are also skilled warriors whose presence alone can often change the tide of a battle. And in this case, a war.

Jedi Padawan: A Jedi Padawan is a Force-sensitive trainee who has just begun to learn the ways of the Force. Initially, they may have only just begun to tap into their Force potential but lack the refined control that Knights and Masters possess. Padawans train by learning alongside their fellow Knights and Masters, but also by practicing on their own. In this way, they master the skills necessary to control their powers and move up to a full-fledged Jedi Knight.

Jedi Hopeful: A Force-sensitive rebel who has been identified as a candidate for Jedi training. Only if they are taken on as a Padawan by a Knight or Master are they able to move up the ranks and begin learning what it truly means to be a Jedi.​

Note: Jedi are able to hold other ranks within the Alliance. For instance, a Jedi Padawan might also be a Rebel Commander and hold the authority and responsibilities that come with that rank. However, their Jedi rank will always be dominant on their infobox to show their affiliation with the Order.

A Note About Ranks

Rebel ranks are meant to show one's seniority and military branch within the Galactic Alliance. However, the rebellion is a diverse organization comprised of cells and a plethora of professions, among them Jedi, smugglers, spies, mercenaries, soldiers, and pilots.

Just like in the canon Rebel Alliance, members of the Galactic Alliance are encouraged to hold varying professions and to see their ranks as only a sign of which military branch they belong to and where they fit into the chain-of-command.

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Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
**Insert Notable Alliance Worlds**
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Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score

A transmitted notice by Alliance Command to all rebel cells within its authority.

Rebellions are built on hope but they endure through vigilance. The Alliance is in its most desperate hour. The slaughter at Dantioone cost us dearly. Some would ask how did this happen? The truth is simple because we screwed up by being careless. Such behavior following a disasterous operation led the Empire to our former headquarters and nearly destroyed the Galactic Alliance in its infancy.

We can’t afford committing similar folly again. From this moment forward our rebel cells and all its members will be bound by this new guide that has been drawn up for our security.

Article 1) All rebel cells are required to write a full report for every mission they have conducted and their aftermath. In order to be transmitted to Alliance command for record and review. All missions against Sith and Imperial forces must be authorized by Alliance command.

Article 2) Whether an operation is successful or fails all members involved are instructed to avoid fleeing directly to any main rebel facilities. Make every effort to ensure you are not followed.

Article 3) In additional rebel operatives are not to make any mentions or references whatsoever of the worlds our bases happen to be on to unauthorized personal. This included to citizens and would-be defectors until they can be fully trusted. While your cells have only limited knowledge of our inner workings you are still not allowed to give any known intel out without approval.

Article 4) If you can’t avoid encounters with Sith or Imperials make every effort to avoid giving away key information until you finally get away. Though if you believe the hostile can be convinced to defect inform Command so an operation can be planned and reviewed.

Article 5) Furthermore you are to report any such encounter quickly and be questioned by our Internal Division for further details. They are expected to be given full cooperation and have complete authority to perform their investigations.

Article 6) Fraternization with the enemy with the intention of committing treason is strictly prohibited.

Article 7) The consequences of such action when found out will be judged by the Internal Division in review with Alliance Command.

Article 8) Would-be defectors will be tested in various ways until their sincerity to the Rebellion is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Article 9) All rebel personal from cell leaders to the new recruits must be made aware of these articles and follow their directive to the fullest extent. No exceptions are allowed.

Article 10) Any rebel is not to deliberately commit these specific crimes such as bombing schools or civilian hospitals. Also using innocent citizens as flesh shields in a firefight counts as well. We maybe terrorists in the eyes of our enemies but we will not give the bastards the satisfaction of proving them right to the rest of the galaxy.

Article 11) If suspected of committing such hideous acts members will be questioned on the matter. These crimes are treason to the Galactic Alliance’s values. On the event of conviction they will be punished according to Alliance Command’s judgment.

Article 12) Should treason be intentionally committed and proven the guilty party will be marked and face the full wrath of the Galactic Alliance! We will not spare any expanse until any and all traitors are hunted down and dealt with as deemed appropriate.

(OOC: This Alliance Code of Conduct will be updated or modified when it is deemed necessary. Feel free to ask questions down below.)
Credit goes to @Minuteman75

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