Tabloid The Llanic Affair: When Chancellor Xerxes Lost Control of His War Dogs

Lîsabé Hanivel


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Sep 8, 2021
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The Llanic Affair: When Chancellor Xerxes lost control of his war dogs

Hello, darlings! I’m back with the best news of the Galaxy! The New Republic is back in the mouth of the people and not because of something good, which wasn’t any surprise! The last good thing that came out from there was the revelation that Emil Ro had most of the Senators as his lovers. After that, every news that came from here was pure chaos! Exactly what comes from the Free Worlds Alliance. But we can’t complain, these political conflicts are so interesting!

The latest was the appearance of ships of the New Republic Navy inside ISC territory without any apparent reason. According to our sources, they were some of the Republic’s most powerful ones! So far we don’t have any explanation for why it happened, but rumors say that they were under the command of Admiral Ceris Odrosses.

Many speculate if it was an attempt of Alexander Xerxes to start a conflict against the ISC. If it was the case, the Chancellor lacks vision and perhaps even brain cells! Our specialists consider that the Consortium could easily cripple the Republic in case of a war.

However, the theory that is running amok in the Core Worlds is that this situation only shows how the Chancellor has no control over the members of the military. Many individuals are calling Xerxes as the weakest Chancellor that the New Republic had. What isn’t much since it was only reorganized a few years ago!

While Ro is considered a pit of depravity and the incarnation of hedonism, he at least was capable of reorganizing the military. Meanwhile, Xerxes seems to be incapable of controlling his Admirals. Many started to believe that the peace with the Sith was his first signal of weakness, rather than the political victory that the Chancellor seems to brag about. Perhaps he already knew that he had no way of controlling the Navy during an open war and decided to make peace! It’s a clever maneuver, but also shows him as a weak leader to his political enemies and the rest of the Galaxy.

We are going to bring more information about the events of this incident as soon as they arrive. Meanwhile, we warn anyone wanting to visit the Senate District of Coruscant. There’ll be traffic problems due to several members of Emryc Thorne Fan Club already gathering here in protest against this Republic aggression to the sovereignty of the ISC. Apparently, they don’t want the government that the President worked so hard to create to be maculated by what they call as “Xerxes dirty paws and visible stupidity”.