The overwhelming Force


SWRP Writer
Jan 4, 2016
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Zimlat's recently acquired ship began it's decent to a planet that was beautiful, grass planes rolled for miles speckled with the occasional mountain or canyon.
"Welcome to the planet of Adega sir" the etiquette Droid, that Zimlat nicknamed Dova, pipes up causing Zimlat to jump slightly since the robots had been completely silent for the entire trip. The sudden jolt peeked his senses which in turn allowed Zimlat to feel the force becoming more and more strong as the ship continued down to the surface then running just above a canyon. The rushing sensation became almost unbearable as they approached a water fall. In fact the sensation was so intoxicating that Zimlat didn't realize his ship was on a crash course with the waterfall, until they were smashing through the wall of water but instead of smashing into rock face the ship emerged in a hidden cave. The first stage of the cave had a high vaulted top and was about the size of a small towns shipyard. The cave formed a half cone shape that gently defended down to about 20 feet high.
Zimlat stared in awe as the ship came to a gentle landing. "Welcome sir, this is the specific coordinates you provided, may I be of farther service?"
"No, do what ever your stand by protocol dictates" Zimlat says with a wave of his hand as he makes his way back through the ship and down the now open landing ramp.
Once outside of the ship Zimlat closed his eyes took in a deep breath through his nose and let the air slowly trickle from his mouth. The force here felt so intense, almost as if it could be cut by a knife. Once his eyes opened he found himself once again staring at the waterfall. He walked back up the ramp and grabbed a jar before making his way over to the waterfall and collecting a small sample. He made his way back to the ship, staring into the water that was in the jar. Yet again, Zimlat couldn't explain it but it just looked like the water was alive. He once again made his way up the ramp.
"Dova, do we have the equipment to run an analysis on this water sample?"
"Of course sir!" Dova exclaimed as he hobbled over and took the jar from Zimlat and disappeared down a corridor. Zimlat stood in the ship reflecting on the crazy situations that had led him to this point. Just as he was recalling the moment he channeled the force for the first time Dova came back down the hall "Sir the water appears to be normal for the most part, the only oddity is that the is an extremely high concentration of midi-chlorians."
That explained the overwhelming presence of the force which calmed some of the few nerves he was experiencing in what already had a strange feeling of. home. He made his way off the ship once again and made his way down the tunnel.
As he got to the point where the cave reached the lowest he once again could feel the force flowing throughout the area to the point where Zimlat began tremoring with pent up energy. He once again closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and allowed the air to then trickle from his mouth. With his body back under control he began making his way. After walking for a few minutes the naturally winding cave a thick fog began to fill the air, and what sounded like faint whispers gently drifted across Zimlat's ear drums. But, like a man on a mission, Zimlat pressed forward. The fog continued to thicken until, at one point, Zimlat moved his hand in front of his face and was unable to make out the slightest movement.
"Welcome home Zimlat" A calm, gentle voice that belonged to a female resonated through the cave. Though the noise was sudden and unexplained it for some reason calmed Zimlat, for arguably the first time in his life he felt at peace. "You are in for an interesting life no matter the path you choose"
"Path I choose? Can you explain?" Zimlat asked
"I will child, but first there is a more pressing question you seek answered" the mysterious voice returned.
Caught off guard by the sudden shift Zimlat took a moment to recall what question had been eating at him, "Why can I not control the force? I can feel it flowing through me but when I try to channel it, it ignores me."
"I know my child, but tell me, have you never successfully used the force?"
Immediately Zimlat recalled the moment, strangely the moment seemed to appear in the smoke in front of him. He stared in awe as he watched himself swipe his arms to the side and this time watched as the Sith not only went through the wall but out the other side.
"That requires a lot of strength and usually a lot of practice in the ways of the force." The gentle voice said
"Well then how was I able to do it?" Zimlat asked
"There's the good question, my child" the calming voice chimed happily "As you can tell your understanding of the force differs from the norm, your manipulation of the force comes only when necessary, when you are threatened."
A wave a warmth and understanding wrapped around Zimlat as he came to an understanding of what caused him the most distress. "Thank you" Zimlat whispered with a huge smile on his face.
"You're very welcome, now onto your story..." The voice continued on explaining, very cryptically, the possibilities that are in front of Zimlat.
After what felt like days of talking, Zimlat began to see the fog dissipate but instead of looking deeper to the cave like he thought he was, he instead found himself looking at the ceiling. The back of his head was in pain but he couldn't remember falling. When he stood up he saw in front of him 3 openings of the cave. The left side glowed a faint blue, the right a faint red, and the middle shined a dim white.
Understanding the choice in front of him, he knelt down and began to meditate allowing the force to flow freely through him. In doing so he unknowingly intensified the forces vibration sending a wave that easily stretched past the atmosphere of the planet.
(I plan on turning this area into a temple and light saber building ceremonial grounds. I hope to be a part of the Fulcrum but if another force using faction would like to be involved, message me)