The Princess and the Pig (ASK)


SWRP Writer
Jul 5, 2008
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"Hey Boss, we'll be hitting realspace in ten."

Dragged from his thoughts by the familiar voice of his pilot, Lanx Brach presses a button on the side of his desk and replies, "Thanks Seth. I'll be right there to negotiate docking arrangements."

"Good, because last time we-"

"Brach out," Lanx interjects, a grin on his face. He then presses a button to mute com channels to his private quarters. Standing up and stretching, he makes his way to a storage compartment on the far wall. After he enters his code into the lock mechanism, it slides open to reveal a wide array of tools. Various items, among them being blaster pistols, rifles, grenades, surveillance equipment, slicing devices, and utility belts, all sit in their right spots. He reaches in and pulls out a long brown coat and a belt with two blaster holsters, along with a few more compartments for any other odds and ends.

Throwing the coat over his chair, he fastens the belt around his waste, and fills each of the holsters with a long blaster pistol. Grabbing his datapad from his desk, he drapes the coat over his arm and strides out the door into his ship's corridor. In a few moments he reaches the cockpit, punching a button to open the durasteel door.

He steps inside, and takes a moment to watch the bright blue colors dancing in the viewport. "Hey, look who's here," chimes in the voice he had just heard over the com. "Glad you showed up, Boss, you know I'm not any good at negotiating. Talking really isn't my thing. I mean, I can hold a casual conversation just fine, but when it comes to convincing someone... well, let's just say talking isn't my thing."

"For it not being strength of your's, human, you certainly indulge in it without trepidation." Lanx turned to see a gray-skinned Twi'lek leaning against the bulkhead, his Lekku curled up around his neck. His smug expression suggests irritation, but he can clearly distinguish a hint of a smile penetrating the emotional facade.

Sliding on his coat and dismissing the banter, Lanx takes a seat in the command chair located in the center of the cockpit. "Is the crew prepped, Lanir?" he asks the Twi'lek.

"Yes, we've double-briefed our objectives, and they're preparing their own gear now."

"Good," Lanx says, putting on a com headset. "Get everything you need in order, and make sure everyone is ready to deploy once we dock."

The Rylothian native nods his head in acknowledgment, abandons his smug posture against the wall and exits the cockpit briskly. Pressing a button on his command chair, Lanx's voice travels through his headset and echoes over every loudspeaker in ship, "Brach here. We'll be reverting to realspace in one minute. Be ready for immediate deployment, we're initiating our operation without delay. One last thing... Welcome to Nubia, everyone."


SWRP Writer
Jul 12, 2008
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Nubia? Wasn't that near Egypt or something?

What's the plot?

Can I join with Hart'eo Buteci?


SWRP Writer
May 14, 2008
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((You want me to npc the rich prick, or do you have that handled man?

And sorry Dan, we've got this pretty much covered. We've been planning this story arc since he joined :P The finality is up to him on how it happens at this point, so I might be overruled in saying we've got it entirely covered, but I don't think there is enough leeway for someone else to join in >.> sorry about that.))


SWRP Writer
Jul 5, 2008
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(Yes, for now we have this covered. Maybe another time!

I can handle it, Markus. I'm going to make this "shortish", if I'm at all capable of that. That way we can follow through with our plan ASAP)

Lanx's grip was loose on the control yolk of the soaring speeder. He ran his thumb gently up and down the handle, feeling the contour of the gripping. Only open country was stretching before them at this point. The city lay a few clicks behind them, and their target lay a a few more clicks ahead.

Next time him sat Lanir, his usually handsome garb exchanged for utility black. He was toying with a short semi-automatic blaster rifle, checking every orifice for dirt or rust. Suddenly a clank echoed through the speeder cabin, and the Twi'lek winced as he bent down to retrieve the dropped cartridge.

"Stop fidgeting," Lanx says with a smirk. "You're not even going to need to use that."

"You always say the fallback plan is more important than the primary plan," Lanir replies, while reloading the cartridge into his weapon. As he locks it in place, a distinct whining pitch can be heard, before it fades a moment later into the background. "And I'll be hogtied in a Wampa's nest before I get stuck in one of your fallback plans without a functional weapon."

Lanx grins, his gaze never leaving the viewport. Up ahead a faint glow can be seen, and soon they are rapidly approaching the enormous Villa owned by the Yuedda family, one of the first investor's in the planet's hyperspace industry. Tapping a button on his ear, Lanx opens a com channel to their companion speeder and says, "Two, you ready to break?"

The reply crackles over the encrypted com channel, "Affirmative. Just waiting for the word."

"Standby, two, let's get a little closer first," Lanx orders. He glances over his shoulder quickly. Behind him, a female Bothan and a human male both give him thumbs up. His team is ready to go. Tapping the ear com again, he says, "Two, break off now and continue with operation. We'll see you inside."

"Happy sailing, Boss!" comes the jovial reply. Lanx smiles in response, and watches for a moment as the speeder that was once flanking them veers off onto a slightly different course.

Squinting to try and observe the enormous walled complex growing in front of them, Lanir leans forward and comments, "They don't have aerial search lights." He pauses for a moment, then looks at Lanx and gives him a toothy and devious grin. The plan had seemed positively ridiculous at the briefing, but it was all starting to make sense now. "They're not worried about anything getting in from above."

"The plains on this planet are much too windy for any kind of aerial drop," Lanx explains. "We're going to use that to our advantage."

Lanir raises an eyebrow and slyly says, "Happy sailing..."


SWRP Writer
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
((lmfao, alright. I'll enjoy the read and shut up now ^.^))