The Simulator Room - Looking for Master - Open

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Monkey with a Wrench
SWRP Writer
Mar 17, 2011
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The Simulator room. How fun. A room that was around five hundred yards wide, with a open policy on people that wished to actually sneak peeks at the newest generation of Padawans for their Jedi-Knights. Whether there were people there looking in on the current simulation that the younglings were granted, from the control room, it didn’t matter to the occupants. But what we’re they doing there. It was easy, it was one of the war games that the Temple had for no grades, but for combat practice and the chances to actually be allowed to see if a master was interested in them before the beginning of the last tests of the year. That and the people inside had actually made a bet with another class saying that they could survive longer then they could. The Terrain for what they had been ordered to have, rocky terrain with a set objective. Eliminate the

So there Monkey was, shaking his head from what he could see behind the rock pillar, looking around towards the numbers that were there coming for them. Granted it was little more than a simulation room full of nothing but holograms and some really colourful sayings picked up from various mercenaries. Studying what he could see through the reflective image of a knife blade that he had borrowed from one of the five Padawans from beside him, he sighed and shook his Head. “Alright. From what I can see, they got about fifty men, and a tank.” He explained before he looked around the barren terrain that they had to deal with and he shook his head. “Not including the scouts that are out there…. And seeing as we don’t have the time to actually be doing any hunting, we’ll have to go with the first option we got. Full attack… So who’s got the tank.” Monkey asked as the looked around towards the two to his left. And then the three to his right, and he saw that they were all hesitant. “Who’s got the tank?” He repeated. And then when he received no answer again, he nodded.

“I got the tank. Alright. Tynave, Farleen. Take the left. Jason, T’pel, Rock. Take the right. Use a solid pincer move. I’ll flank from the left and go for the tank. It’s basic, it’s predictable, and they won’t expect it. Or at least I hope not.” He stated shaking his head while Jason just reached out and touched his shoulder. “You hope not?” He asked in that squeaky voice that really got on peoples nerves just after a few hours of listening to it. “Hey. You got a better plan, I’m all for it.” He replied shaking his head. And then that was when he received no indication that they had a better idea than he did. “Alright, now quit your bitching. It’s work time. You guys wait for my attack and then engage when they‘re focused on me.” He ordered and then they broke up into two teams, one running quickly to the right. The other the left. Only he went further. Of course though, when he got to his position. Breathing deep he just chuckled and then moved forwards quickly jumping from his place of hiding and straight on top of the tank. Pulling out the standard light sabre, he quickly sliced into one of the control nodes when he noticed that getting to the cab was out of the question due to the placement of the guards. When the small node became exposed, he saw the wires and he chuckled darkly.

“Now this looks important.” He stated as he reached out and ripped them out, looking to disable it for a time. What he hadn’t counted upon was the fact that when he added pressure to the exposed wire tips, they touched and cross connected. So while the others engaged the men in the middle, the tank sprang to life powering forward, running over it’s own men while the torrent that launched the shells span out of control with him holding on for dear life when it came to be. Three revolutions later, his grip on what he had to hold onto, failed, and he was sent sailing into the air, squealling like a little girl. Had the room not been equipped with safety systems. He’d have crashed into the holographic covered wall with the force to be considered a blood smear. The force field sprang to life, and slowed his hitting the wall. But it did not stop it completely. No. when he landed upon the ground, he held his arm while the horn blared that the simulation was over. As his team rushed forwards, he just started laughing, looking towards the team as they came forwards. “Well. I came, I saw…… I dislocated my arm.” He commented with a grin. One that many of them shared, though Jason approached with a worried expression. “It’s probably killing you and your making jokes?”

“First thing that the training master said to me on my first day at the temple. “It’ll hurt more unless you smile.” His words exactly.” He stated with a grin looking towards the graders as they approached. To what reason, he had no idea, but he waved at them with his good arm while he stayed seated where he was.
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Monkey with a Wrench
SWRP Writer
Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
due to matters with my new master and lack of popularity, I'll be heading over to the Ossus room. Cheers!


Join Smash Brothers already!
SWRP Writer
Jul 22, 2007
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All right then. I'll lock this.
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