The Snake, Who Thinks Himself A Krayt

Grik Volic

SWRP Writer
Dec 17, 2018
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Grik sat within the main hall of his freighter, as his two Barabel crew manned the descent into Bandomeer atmosphere. The Emperor's intelligence agents had learned of a group of Sith pretenders spreading lies in and around the Imperial border systems. The leader, a rejected Acolyte of the Sith, has gathered a small following on Bandomeer, and has foolishly drawn attention to himself. Emperor Vrael has ordered an assassin, and a trained Sith to cut the head off of the snake. Having been assigned this mission with a young Tiss'shar Imperial assassin, Grik had afforded his ship's facilities to his comrade, as a single ship would not be so easily suspected by the locals.

The two pilots conversed in the Barabel language back and forth, before turning to Grik, "Sssssir, we are within range of the capitol," the pilot Barabel barked.

"Thiss One seeez a clearing in the woodssss to the wesst - " the co-pilot began to add, but Szebat had cut him off.

"Land there, and stay with the sship. This One will be back with meat," Grik growled back at them in Basic.

The next few minutes were silent as the two landed in the clearing. Grik watched the cameras and plotted his course toward the city, where he'd search the perimeter for the sewer to gain access into the city, without causing much alarm; because no one's afraid of the croc in the sewer until it bites someone. Once they landed, the Barabel pilots stood, and relieved themselves of the helm, to set up a shooters' nest in the woods nearest to the ship. While they did that, Grik went to his locker in the head, and swiped his security card to his armory, where he kept his gauntlets, rifle and power packs. He had foregone the typical drab coat that he frequented, instead opting to appear as non-sentient as possible. On his gauntlet, he had a wireless commlink with an earpiece easily concealable from a distance, since his partner lacked any affinity for the Force. Once he was sure all of his gear, including his lightsaber, and dual-bladed shotosaber were clipped to the back of his simple belt and cloth trousers, he went to find the Tiss'shar.

@Nommie @Darasuum

Cher No Gorgon

SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2018
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After the Emperor's intelligence agents learned that a Sith pretenders centered around a rejected Sith Acolyte were foolishly drawing attention to themselves by spreading lies. And with it possibly more followers. The Emperor assigned Grik and herself to go and take out this traitor. Stopping the spread of lies and hopefully others who plan to do this very same act of treason from committing the same crime.

Well it sure is wise of the Emperor to assign the two reptilian beings to this mission. With there being a joy of a hunt and humans naturally fearing the idea of being hunted by a nonhuman. Oh this is going to be one very good hunt for sure! The Tiss had kept her calm so far during the flight over to this somewhat abandoned planet. But now with the time to route out and neutralize the traitors drawing ever closer. It was proving mkre difficult to keep herself in check.

The Raptor stood there looking out one of the windows as Grik's freighter started to descend into the atmosphere of the small planet. She did not have much as far as clothing besided the small belt that wrapped around her thigh where she kept the holster for her pistol. If that counted as clothing anyways. She preferred to appear as non-sentinent as possible, to keep her targets guessing if she is what they call an intelligent being or a wondering predator of sorts. That kind of behavior from her targets often gives her just enough time to close the distance and seal the target's fate.

As the ship made the final descent and landed not that long after entering the atmosphere, Cher took a few minutes to check her pistol. Her black scales flickering in the light that seeped through the window. Her red eyes following the two pilots as they headed out of the ship after relieving themselves of their duties at the helm.

It will not take much or long for the Barabel to find her. As she has not wondered that much from the main room on the ship and there was no mistaking her red eyes as she looked at the much larger reptile, " I am ready when you areee Grrriik." She hissed as best as she could in basic.

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Dec 24, 2017
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While to everyone else they were little more than a cult, the Children of Shade were zealous and proud of their beliefs. Thus far their agenda had not reached beyond Bandomeer but they had plans to change that. Some were in it for the lies produced by the reject while others saw the potential power of the dominating leader. False leaders often ended up in positions of power and biting off more than they could chew. But so far that had yet to come. Two guards at least were known to always be with the Acolyte Reject. A dozen or so guarded his home or were stationed around the recreation center he had setup as his new stomping grounds. Even children and the old were starting to be susceptible to his pull. To anyone that came they would have to deal with the community as a buffer for whatever it was that they planned.


Grik Volic

SWRP Writer
Dec 17, 2018
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Grik grunted a response, and continued toward the wood-line. He saw little use in talking when work needed to be done, and food need to be collected. He continued through the woods, barely stopping to duck underneath low-hanging limbs. He was fixated, and ready for what lay ahead. As he marched, more or less, through the shrubbery, stopping only to cut down stubborn vines and limbs with his claws when they were a true hindrance. When they came to the opening, he stopped short, and held out a hand to stop his comrade. "You should move ahead, get assss much information on them as you can, and get back to This One. Thisss One will remain hidden, until we know how to move," he spoke, before setting himself up behind a tree, and scanning the perimeter around him.

Cher No Gorgon

SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2018
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Cher followed her much larger comrade aa he led the way. The Raptor had a bit of an easier time silently moving than the Barabel. But he appeared to figure out how to move the noisy brush out of his way. They kept at a good pace until Grik stopped and motioned for her to do the same.

Cher looked to the other reptile as he gave her instructions. She nodded, "Offsss coursse." It made sense for him to stop moving and her scout ahead. With his size and difficulty moving through the woods, he will give them away. With her scouting out the area she can also find a path that will allow Grik to get to the location quietly.

So the Tiss moved away from her partner. Swiftly and quietly. She didn't need to worry about blending in as her dark scales does that for her already in the darkness of the forest. Cher stopped at the first location that gave her a good spot to observe for a moment or two, using the large shadow of the trees to remain hidden. Before the guards could find out she was there she moved off and started moving again.

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Dec 24, 2017
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The two members of the Old Empire would not be hindered by the forest by any great deal. There would be no opposition or threat of the local wild life. Bandomeer was an independent system and did have its own planetary defenses but the presence of the individual ship entering its atmosphere was nothing out of the ordinary. As far as the whole world was concerned they were wary but not paranoid. The city that the duo had been approaching was similar towards that mindset. They carried on their normal lives and since the pretender had been shunned by the Imperial institution he had been focusing on his current status, preservation and state of living. For the most part people just kept on living like it was a normal day.

The first thing the two operatives would perhaps notice was the smell. The defunct and disused sewer drainage grate smelled and with recent rainfall had refuse and sewage. It was not a major system but littering and combining from numerous sources still had kept its interior rank to say the least. But the grate blocked the way. No water or garbage blocked the way if the two could get inside. They would be able to traverse the catacomb like system if they so wished.

@Nommie @Gian Greydragon

Grik Volic

SWRP Writer
Dec 17, 2018
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Grik sat still for a moment, before the rank stench of the sewers nearby assaulted his nostrils. That moment, he cracked a wide grin. If he could move underground, he could close in on his enemy relatively easily. Moving slowly, Grik made his way over to the grate which blocked the way, though this would be more of a problem if Grik were weak in any sense of the word. Taking both hands, and wrapping his scaly fingers around the grate. With a moment to spare, Grik would meditate on the Force, before attempting to rip the grate out of it's place. Combined with his natural strength, the Barabel would most likely be successful in doing so.

Cher No Gorgon

SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2018
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Cher couldn't find a way to get to their target without been seen. On top of that the Tiss caught the faint scent of something rank. So the reptile sentinel decided to head back to her partner to report to him that she couldn't find a way in. If there is a way in then it will most likely be guarded.

She silently made her way back to Grik. Then the source of the Rank scent that invaded her nostrils was made clear to her, "There'sss no way in from out here withoutsss being sseen." She told the bigger reptile as she watched him grip the grate as he attempted to rip the heavy object out of place. Cher was sure that the Barabel will be able to get the Grate out of place, but the longer they stay here the two may be spotted. So she gripped part of the grate herself and did her best to help the other sentinent move the heavy object out of the way.

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Dec 24, 2017
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A moment would pass as nothing occurred. A light breeze blew through the trees and the birds flew over head. The echoes of air passages came and went down the sewer tunnel and the smell never changed. But there came a creak, as the hinges of the grate broke some rust off. It was an old creation, weathered and oxidized by time. In the next moment the grate would break free in a loud metallic snap. Some of the solid sewage that had been held back by the grate at foot height flowed out and around the feet of the two operatives. The sewage tunnel was open for the two reptilian individuals.

@Nommie @Gian Greydragon

Grik Volic

SWRP Writer
Dec 17, 2018
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Grik recoiled back with the grate in both hands, as it broke away. He dropped it at his side and ducked under the entrance, gripping his double-bladed shotosaber in his right hand, and igniting both blades to serve as a torch. The golden orange blades lit the catacombs sufficiently enough to allow them to maneuver unperturbed. Grik took the lead, expecting the Tiss'shar to follow suit.

Cher No Gorgon

SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2018
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Cher watched as Grik recoiled when the grate finally broke loose. The Raptor then watched the bigger reptile step into the entrance, then followed suit. Her red eyes flicked around, half expecting them to be jumped. But the Tiss was not afraid of such a possibility. Besides who would be stupid enough to attack two scary looking sentinents, especially when one of them is holding a shotosaber? If someone did attack they must have a death wish, a painful one at that.

she remained in her hunched over position with her clawed hands tucked close to her body. Following Grik she has come to learn that the male reptile is not a talker when on a mission. Which she didn't mind since they both have the goal in mind to catch their target. Not give him the slightest hint that he is being hunted.

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Dec 24, 2017
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The tunnels ahead would be long winding paths. Barely any external light penetrated the subterranean environment. Dripping liquid from above, the sound of soft squishing substances underfoot and the hum of the acolyte's lightsaber were all the could be heard for some time. There were several sets of ladders along the way leading up to the surface though there was no telling how close they would be to their target without poking their head out or using other means. Occasional voices or foot traffic passed overhead but so far nobody had any idea that two reptilian sith were underneath them seeking to kill.

Grik Volic

SWRP Writer
Dec 17, 2018
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Grik stopped for a moment, as they came upon the ladders, knowing they'd have little indication where to make their exit otherwise. Reaching out with the Force, he scanned the surface world, using the mental image he'd gained from the bushes prior to delving into the sewer. He crouched, one knee into the sludge, clearing his conscience of all other distractions. Id doing so, however, dependent on the rejected Acolyte's aptitude in the Force, he could potentially catch wind of a Force Sensitive among them not of his ilk. Understanding this risk, Grik prodded in short bursts, while moving past some of the ladders.

Cher No Gorgon

SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2018
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Cher followed her larger companion closely, still keeping an eye out. So that the two stayed concentrated on their task she didn't say anything when he came to a stop. But she can already guess from what she has seen above ground that they are not to where their target is located. Well at least she didn't think that they were. Who knows maybe their target is closer to the outer edge of the town then she thought. But then again the Tiss is not force sensitive so she was not exactly able to 'sense' where the target is.

Still she looked at the ladder curiously wondering if perhaps they were right where they needed to be, or if they are still a ways away. Either way the Raptor is eager to get a move on. The sooner they find him, the sooner the two can sink their teeth into him. When Grik started moving again, Cher followed him. Her red eyes scanning their surroundings very carefully.