Ask The Spice of Life

Skelgok Desilijic


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Jan 7, 2020
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There were few things that couldn't be bought with credits, the old Hutt saying said. But if that was the case, then clearly you hadn't offered enough. Or was it?..never mind, the point hopefully got through or if it didn't then sit down and listen carefuller.

In any case, times had been flush since Skelgok had taken over Kessel and its vast resource potential. Utilising the help from one of the most powerful galactic villains anyone had ever seen, the mines had never operated as efficiently as they were now. Credits trickled in from the various other business operations the Hutt had established, but none were greater than the jewel of Kessel.

Even after the hefty bribes and payments to the cartel, there was still plenty to skim off, as was expected of a Hutt of his calibre. Even the little rancor he was gifted some time ago was growing rapidly, having a particular taste for Trandoshans of all things. There was one thing that Skelgok was envious of, more than anything else, and acquiring one for himself was a top priority, and a fleet to defend it.

The planetary forces the Hutt Cartel commanded over Kessel were one thing, but loyal entirely to Skelgok they were not.

Unfortunately, it came to his attention that a business associate that he'd dealt with some time ago had died a probable horrible death. Or of old age, it was sometimes hard to tell with a collection of species that only lived a tenth of your own lifespan. Naturally the Hutt would invite this new represenative back to where the former struck the original deal, his throne room and directly on a large carpeted red X before the mighty Hutt himself.


Param Vour

Wandering Force-User

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Aug 24, 2023
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Param walked through the doors to the throne room, escorted on either side by the Hutt's guards, but flanked by two xextos carrying large gift containers. They wore mercenary gear, she was wearing something a quite a bit more alluring, a small purse slung over her shoulder with her EZPhone, lightsaber, and vibro-blade in it. She'd only had a small amount of time to research the Hutts and how they conducted business; her former master's financial logs showed that a large portion of Troiken's spice mining came here, and she was determined to find out why.

She stopped, a few meters away from the Hutt where the large red X was formed. The mercenaries that flanked her moved around and placed the gift boxes in front of her, opening them. In one, a an assortment of boxes of tea, ranging from regular to tea spiked with illicit substances; everything a Hutt would need to turn any business partner into an addicted junkie that would do anything for more. In the other box, gilded echani foils ranging in size from a longsword to a dagger, laying gently ona bed of various colored roses. Collectively, the gifts were quite the sum, and pretty to look at.

The Sith Champion gave a bow of respect to the Hutt. "Your reputation preceeds you, Daimyo Shelgok," she said, her voice extending across the room with confidence. Straightening herself, she stood as a business woman, with her hands clasped in front of her. It was also a sign of respect, showing that she was willing to put herself in a vulnerable position in front of the Daimyo while his guards could easily point their weapons at her in return.

"Please accept these gifts from myself and the people of Troiken for allowing me such an visit," she said.


Skelgok Desilijic


Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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The grand Daimyo sat upon his throne with a watchful eye as the next visitor in a long list of cunning and shrewd con artists, scammers and entrepreneurs. Each hoped to get on his good side and earn favour, coin or both, and sometimes in the wrong order.

A massive pile of gifts and treasures sat in the corner of the room already of varying interest, but while a Hutt would never turn down a free credit, something new and alluring was always best. Something that only they had, and could hold above the others, was sometimes more valuable than the largest chest of credits.

That is why when the tiny silver haired woman arrived with her tribute, it instantly caught his purview. That, and flattery, went a long way to getting on his good graces. That being said, a well protected Hutt was an alive Hutt! And thus a dozen Gamorrean guards with their deadly pikes and blasters, gathered around the throne and room, watched the new stranger with keen interest.

<"Your tribute pleases me, greatly. The citizens of Troiken must rejoice to have such a wise leader."> The Hutt joyfully laughed, a delayed chorus of laughter around the room followed suit. <"You do not look like the last Troiken I met, did you kill him and come to take his place?"> He now asked cautiously.

It was terribly dangerous to trust those who would betray, making a partnership with one such individual was always problematic. But that didn't matter, so long as you were the first to strike! Which was why doing business with the Hutts was such a dangerous affair, but usually, the obscene amount of credits one made in the meantime often made such risk worthwhile.

At the very least, she would be free to state her business and the grand Hutt would hear her out.


Param Vour

Wandering Force-User

Character Profile
Aug 24, 2023
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"I presume the last Troiken you met was my adoptive father," Param spoke in practiced Huttese. There was no sense in coming to meet a Hutt without it. It had taken her forever just to learn how to say 'where is the bathroom,' but once she was able to get it down, it became fairly easy. Like learning Echani all over again. "I did not kill him, great Daimyo, he disappeared. I noticed in his records that he was sending payments here, and so I set up this meeting to see if we could come to a new agreement. One that would reward us both, I think."

Param's tone and language was as graceful as her movements, her dress only making things even moreso like Param herself was a flower that had grown in a garden. Unfortunately for her and everyone around her, she was born and raised in a garden of death and suffering. "Troiken will provide you with raw spice, directly from the mines. I'll throw in more of my spice and marcan laced tea. With it you can turn any business associate or partner into your personal addicted lap dog. This comes with an extended warranty. As I find new things to lace the tea with, they will automatically be provided to you in the next shipment."

She kept her posture, even as she began to explain what she wanted in return. "In return, Troiken needs a labor force, and mercenaries. It will also need a sizable fleet."


Skelgok Desilijic


Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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Skelgok sat still on his throne, picking his enormous teeth with an even bigger tongue. The little woman spoke calm yet firm, polite yet driven. It was a wonder yet that she hadn't already been serving him.

More spice was always welcome, the value of the narcotic was always kept high by the cartel, and further increasing their control of the substance would help this. The inclusion of this new tea caught his attention, and her mention of its unique properties to mind control his enemies and friends alike caused the Hutt to be brimming with possibilities.

<"I accept your proposal in theory, but we would need to know specifics before this can be agreed upon."> After all, she was speaking in general terms and the Hutt had no interest in taking a fair deal.

<"Your father already received slaves and mercenaries from us, in exchange for seventy percent of your spice production. What do you propose instead?"> Skelgok may have fudged the numbers that he got from Troiken, considering he'd never looked at the actual paperwork that the former overlord had insisted they sign in triplicate. But that was a big number, and big numbers always were better than small ones.


Param Vour

Wandering Force-User

Character Profile
Aug 24, 2023
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Param bowed her head in respect, a smile creeping across her lips. "You keep the seventy percent, great Daimyo. I'll add shipments of the tea as a bonus to that deal," she said, raising herself once more. Hutts never accepted fair deals, and she had come prepared to be on the shit end of the stick here. It was an investment, not a trade deal.

"However, I only need one shipment of labor, while you will be getting continuous shipments of spice. I will also only need enough mercenaries to pilot the fleet, and train others on how to pilot it. In essence, great Daimyo, you're providing a one time shipment inexchange for continuous income." She was essentially, making herself a wallet whale, throwing money for a service she no longer even needed or used.

"There is one more matter I would like to discuss, however," she said, her smile fading. This would be the hard part. "Troiken is... volatile. There are organizations at play that would see Troiken fall completely to them, which would make it so that I could no longer hold up my end. In exchange for the continuous revenue, I humbly request that you help protect Troiken, and your investment, should it call for aid."


Skelgok Desilijic


Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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Param's immediate submission brought forth a wondrous belly laugh from the great Hutt, having swindled a super majority control of another world's spice and thus increasing his fortune by a smidge. Not only that, of course, but he'd also be gaining a new type of addictive substance to boot? What a steal.

The rest of her list of demands floated by like a pair of bagels covered in creme cheese resting in the hands of a Hutt sleeping on a pool floatie. That was until she reached the part about danger and trouble on Troiken. A cold, calculating expressed crossed his mind. If the little lady was run out of town, any gains he made today would be at risk, and by the time he had organised any counter-play it would be potentially too late.

<"You have yourself a deal."> The enamoured Hutt slapped his belly with laughter. <"What kind of Daimyo would I be if I did not protect my investments, fret not, little one."> Waving over his assistant droid to collect her details and prepare the contracts. <"Was there anything else you wanted to discuss?">


Param Vour

Wandering Force-User

Character Profile
Aug 24, 2023
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Param gave the Hutt a warm smile, and yet another bow of respect. She erected herself before speaking again. "I believe that is everything," she continued to speak in Huttese. "I'll have a dead man's switch in regards to your investment, great Daimyo. If something were to happen that threatens it, you'll be the first to know." She held out her hand to her side, one of the mercenaries she had strolled in with coming over and handing her a datapad.

"The list of ships being bought are on this datapad," she said, placing the datapad down on one of the chests. It listed 100 Z98 starfighters, and 10 Justifier Patrol Craft. "I'll leave one of my one of my associates here to finalize the transactions." Param gave a deeper bow this time, signifiying that she was done. "Is there anything else you need of me?" Speaking to Hutts was like servitude all over again; you needed permission to see them, and permission to leave them. Param was satisfied that she had met all the criteria needed to leave. She had a lot of work to do.


Skelgok Desilijic


Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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The excited Hutt looked on as his associates took down the details from Miss Vours. The ships requested were relatively simple enough to build, once the appropriate paperwork and licences were bribed for acquired. But this also presented the Hutt with an opportunity to expand the modest shipyard on Kessel, thus far mostly being used for small craft and commercial use.

It would take some time and a painful amount of credits, but the reward would be worth tenfold the investment, or so he told himself. With everything else squared away and accounted for, Skelgok shook his large head.

<"Pleasure doing business, Miss Troiken."> He said, letting her leave at her pleasure.


/end thread