The Tech Game

Silver Cutlass

Rowdy Rebel
SWRP Writer
Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
If you are anything like me (I pray for your sake you aren't), whenever you see a piece of cool tech in a sci-fi movie, you start thinking about how you might use that in real life. So, let's make a game of this, shall we? Post what piece of technology you'd like most to have in real life (and from what movie, TV show, etc that it was on) and how you would use it.

While as much as I'd love a lightsaber, I have to say that I'd love to have the WABAC Machine from Peabody's Improbable History segment on the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. As a history buff, it'd be amazing to be able to go back in time and observe key events like the World Wars or the Mongol Empire in action, or to meet and speak with fascinating people like Albert Einstein, George Washington, Alexander the Great, and Aristotle.

There's mine, what about you?