Thera Dern

William Henning

SWRP Writer
Feb 12, 2018
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Name: Thera Dern.

Jedi Order.

Jedi Knight.



Is your character Force Sensitive?


If so, trained or untrained?


Age: 24.


Height: 5'7.

Weight: 140lbs.

Other: Brown hair, brown eyes, light complexion, no distinguishing marks.


Attributes: As a Jedi Guardian who has focused her efforts on developing her skills in lightsaber combat, Thera excels in utilizing Force abilities that enhance her her physical and combat abilities. As a result of her single-minded devotion to only a few fields of study, she lacks a familiarity with more conventional weaponry. Thera is considered a maverick by the Order on Jedha as she feels it is the duty of the Jedi to protect and aid its citizens and that it is their indolence which has allowed many of their fellow Jedi to skirt dangerously close to the Darkside as they fight it without the wisdom and guidance of the older and more experienced masters.

Personality: Thera has a long memory and does not forget those who have aided her or shown her kindness in the past. Conversely, she does not forget those who have spited or impeded her progress. This makes Thera both an exceptionally loyal and exceptionally spiteful being. Both of these characteristics being deemed unsuitable for a Jedi as the former can lead to unnecessary attachment and the latter to bitterness and anger. Resolving to rid herself of these un-Jedi like qualities, Thera has taken to meditation and attempted to detach herself from her surroundings. While she has shown improvement in ridding herself of negative emotions, the masters on Jedha feel she is still far too prone to forming attachments.

As well as being prone to attachments, Thera is incredibly focused and determined which is both a benefit and a detriment. She will not move on to another field of study until she feels she has mastered the current skill or ability she is studying to a sufficient degree. This has caused her to become highly specialized in certain skills and abilities but lag behind in others.

Biography: Thera Dern was born in 6927 BBY. Like most Force sensitives born around this time, Thera was taken in by the Order at an early age. Distinguishing herself from her peers, she excelled in her chosen fields of study and was quickly chosen by Master Fayne, a male Gados known for his mastery of the Ataru form, to be his apprentice. During a scouting missions in the Outer Rim, her master would be gunned down by enemy soldiers after they had been separated from their unit. Ordering Thera to hide she had been forced to watch as her master gave his life to lead them away from her position. Thera was eventually found by her scouting unit and brought back to the temple on Jedha.

Having been left scarred by the experience she became undesirable as an apprentice and ended up finishing her training under a myriad of different masters. Being forced to learn during the height of the war, Thera's training oftentimes involved fighting on the front lines for Jedi generals desperately in need of reinforcements. As a result, she gained practical experience fighting on numerous worlds and a myriad of different environments. During this time, Thera became largely self sufficient and self taught, spending most of her time in the archives when she wasn't on the battlefield. Like many padawans during this period, Thera was advanced prematurely to the rank of Jedi Knight, her master's death precipitating and accelerating this event. Despite an initial lack of confidence in her own abilities and her doubts about her worthiness of Knighthood, Thera found she thrived on the battlefield. It was a place where she could forget her pain and loss and lose herself in the thrill of battle. Over the years, she developed a reputation as an excellent warrior.

Being a front line fighter for the Order, Thera was present at the Battle of Illum, only surviving because she had been edge of the blast's radius and been able to erect a Force barrier to shield herself against the worst of it. Initially staggered by the feeling of thousands of deaths washing over her, Thera had numbed herself to the Force, closing her mind to the seemingly endless assault of mental anguish. In a haze, she allowed herself to be lead back to Jedha by the remaining Jedi forces. There, Thera would spend several weeks resting and recovering. Upon feeling ready to return to the front she would report to the Council to receive her next assignment only to be informed that there were none. Disturbed by the Order's seeming indolence, but unwilling to abandon it and join one of the equally perturbing splinter groups, Thera has begun to speak out against the Jedi's continued inaction earning herself a reputation as a maverick within the Order.

Skill: Thera is proficient in Form IV ( Ataru ) and the Form V variant, Shien. While she is a dedicated wielder of the saberstaff, she is capable with a single blade and moderately skilled in dual blade fencing ( Jar Kai ). Thera has specialized as a lightsaber combatant and battlefield warrior causing her most developed abilities with the Force to be battle oriented. She is extremely adept at abilities such as; precognition, physical augmentation, enhancing senses and creating Force barriers. She lags behind when it comes to non combative abilities and mental powers such as; healing, telepathy, battle meditation and other more arcane abilities.

Gear: Saberstaff ( able to function underwater and split into two single blades ), A99 Aquata Breather, Kolto Pack.

Roleplays: N/A.

Relationships: N/A.

Ship: N/A.

Droids: N/A.

Pets: N/A.

Kills: N/A.

Combat: N/A.
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Lord of Naps
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2013
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The Padawan rank was abolished approx. 7 years before she was born so she would not have ever been a Padawan. Jedi during this time would be promoted to Jedi Knight around the age of 13-14 on average and before that would just be considered younglings. She would not have been directly apprenticed to a Master, but it would have been common for young Jedi Knights to be paired with older Jedi to continue learning, but this would be very informal. So only some minor edits need to be made, shouldn't be too hard.

Let me know when those changes are made and I will jump back in to approve!

William Henning

SWRP Writer
Feb 12, 2018
Reaction score
The Padawan rank was abolished approx. 7 years before she was born so she would not have ever been a Padawan. Jedi during this time would be promoted to Jedi Knight around the age of 13-14 on average and before that would just be considered younglings. She would not have been directly apprenticed to a Master, but it would have been common for young Jedi Knights to be paired with older Jedi to continue learning, but this would be very informal. So only some minor edits need to be made, shouldn't be too hard.

Let me know when those changes are made and I will jump back in to approve!

Will do.


Lord of Naps
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2013
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Please tag me if you return to this character and have made the requested changes.