Ask Yavin IV There Is Always Another Lesson

Jacata Lurel

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Feb 28, 2021
Reaction score
It had been a week or so since the funeral, and a heavyweight still laid on the entire temple grounds. True to his promise, Jacata had worked harder than he had ever had in his training through a week wasn't much time to see much progress. That didn't stop the Padawan from feeling agitated as his sparring partner scored another hit on him.

He rubbed his stinging leg as they reset. He had thought about what kind of wound each hit would have caused earlier in the day, but now he was tired and could only focus on his throbbing muscles.

"Begin," the Jedi Knight running the sparring class announced, and Jacata leaped towards his opponent, hoping to catch them off guard. He swung a heavy but inevitably slow swing as he came down, which his partner easily dodged and exploited the opening, poking him in the side.

He mumbled some words under his breath, kicking at the sand. He was normally alright at dueling, but today he was doing terribly, and it was only getting worse with each bout.

"That will be enough for today," he said as the class deactivated their training lightsabers. Jacata paused, his sore legs making the prospect of climbing the stairs a daunting task, so he stood there for a moment as he let the feeling fully come back into his leg. He wasn't made at his sparring partner, they were doing what they were supposed to be doing, but he was pretty disappointed in himself.

@Valen Pelora

Alexandria Voran

Jedi Order
Former Grandmaster

Character Profile
Valen Pelora
Nov 30, 2020
Reaction score

Healing took time. The galaxy had few universal truths, but this simple fact reigned supreme. Even the Force could not remove time from the equation. Time might not heal all wounds, but it could numb the pain. It could bring some closure. It would allow you to move forward. The Jedi Order was healing from the losses they suffered. Jedi Master Alexandria Voran took small steps forward on that path. There were days she wanted to stay in her room, where he did not think she had the strength to go on. Those days were becoming fewer and fewer. She found peace in her work. The responsibilities of her new role settling on her shoulders. Alex felt Max in those moments as she walked further down this road. This was what he would have wanted.

Today she watched a small group of Padawan’s drilled at the direction of Knight Curian. The Morellian Master looked down from the walkway onto the temple grounds. They were doing well. She was keeping a careful eye on the progress of all the Padawans. The events of the past week had caused great concern among the upper reaches of the Order. The Padawans needed to be better prepared. She would see to that.

One young Jedi rang against her senses in the Force. Alex watched the Mirialan uncharacteristically struggle. She had taken special care to learn the names of each Padawan who sparred routinely with Curian. Jacata was usually one of the most focused. Today, he struggled. He was a small thundercloud in the Force. She could feel his frustration when the sparring ended. Curious. Alex filled herself with the Force, jumping from the walkway before Jacata could ascended the steps. She landed lightly just a few feet away. “Jedi Lurel.”

Her voice carried across the grounds. She patted her right side as she walked over. “A few more shots than usual today.” Alex let a small smile form. “The galaxy won’t stop turning if you take a few days rest.” Jacata had been here nearly every day. His commitment was admirable but rest was important and she worried there was a deeper motivation of a more concerning nature.



Jacata Lurel

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Feb 28, 2021
Reaction score
While most of the other Padawans broke off into their small groups of people heading to wherever they were going next, Jacata lagged behind. His usual cheerful mood was a bit soured, each step sent small stinging sensations as the feeling came back to his legs.

His eyes were down, not noticing the Jedi Master until she actually spoke. He jumped, somewhat surprised at the woman as he looked up. He tried to gather himself quickly, giving a slight bow. "Master Voran." he replied in greeting. He had never actually met the Jedi Master but there were not many Master's within the Order, so most people at least knew of them. He wasn't sure why she knew who he was.

As her voice carried, Jacata internally winced, knowing that the others were probably laughing at him. "With all due respect, its all the more reason to push myself even harder," he responded in a slightly defensive tone. He needed to be stronger, he needed to be more. If he couldn't even defend himself, how was he going to defend anyone else against the Sith?

"I'm sorry." he said, getting ahold of himself. "I shouldn't argue. I will get some rest." he said, head down. Why had he thought he could know better than her, though maybe she just knew he couldn't be good enough.

@Valen Pelora

Alexandria Voran

Jedi Order
Former Grandmaster

Character Profile
Valen Pelora
Nov 30, 2020
Reaction score

One eyebrow shot skyward as Jacata pushed against Alex’s request for rest. She did not care much for deference, but it was unusual for a Padawan to push back. Jacata impressed her. In that split second, Jacata seemed to realize he may have forgotten himself. The young Jedi quickly apologized before putting his head down to trudge away. Alex could feel the emotions boiling beneath the surface. Guilt, failure, defeat. She knew these demons far too well. They were not to be faced alone. Indy had helped remind her of that. “Have I suddenly been gifted with all knowing foresight?” She frowned slightly. The Force quickly built in her hand, reaching out to grab a nearby bench. It floated quickly to plop down beside her. “There is nothing wrong with questioning what you are told.” Alex took a seat on the bench.

“Although in this case…I am right.” She smiled. “Come…sit.” She would wait until Jacata turned around and then she would pat the seat on the bench next to her. The Jedi Master knew the signs of mental and physical exhaustion when she saw it. The Order was rebuilding. They needed Jedi with steel in their spine.

She had seen something in Jacata, a flash. That deserved a second look. “Tell me about your training.” Her face returned to a perfect Jedi mask. “Why was today different?” Alex had watched nearly every session the past week. She was trying to identify those who needed aid and those who were ready for the field. Jacata certainly had looked the part until earlier. She would get an answer out of him.

