This Will End Poorly

Tomic Domin

SWRP Writer
May 23, 2019
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Last time he was on Coruscant he had been a "rather naughty boy" as his, quite frankly, incredibly creepy CO had called it. Of course he remembered it as the time he had lost his left hand and, more importantly to him, when he had lost his right eye.

They wanted him to try and get close to a senator of the UP, someone who was older than him but not by much.

"How the hell does someone become a senator at twenty?"

He was muttering to himself as he mused on the files he had read even as he pushed his way through the crowds towards what was apparently another of her charity ventures. Dressed in his armor, it had had all Imperial markings expertly removed so he looked like any other paramilitary man on Coruscant.

There were an alarmingly high number of them.

As he approached he was stopped by the head of the Senator's security detail.

"And who in the blue skies of Alderaan are you?"

... the language was actually slightly more colorful but Tomic got the gist of it and didn't quite feel the need to even mentally repeat what the rude man had actually said.

"I'm the new recruit for the guard detail - the UP office sent me down here when they realized she was going to a level lower than they'd like? Apparently the senator was to have been informed?"

The head of security grumbled to himself before touching his ear to com the senator.

"Senator, there's a young man here. Says you know something about him being here as extra protection? Something about UP orders. Give me the word ma'am and I'll sling his cyborg arse right down to the next level."

This was going to end badly he could just tell.


Keira Zale

SWRP Writer
Jul 5, 2019
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Keira wasn’t having a great track record in terms of guards. Her last one died unceremoniously on Nar Shaddaa, and she was nervous about taking on any new ones. She almost jumped when the head of security commed her. She grumbled a response for the man to be sent in. Keira’s efforts with the Gamorreans weren’t going too well either. They had no interest in her help, and they scoffed at the idea of any of them running for office.

She immediately spotted the cybernetics. Outside of that, he was actually pretty cute. Most of the guards that came in usually looked like dumb oafs. Keira chastised herself for even letting her mind wander there, quirking an eyebrow at all the cybernetics. How did he manage to get so roughed up? On the plus side it showed he wasn’t afraid to get down to business.

“How old are you?” She blurted out before she could stop herself. Keira cleared her throat, glancing down at her datapad, “Sorry I was um...expecting someone...never mind,” She managed a smile, realizing she was already kriffing this up, “I have no room to talk. Most people here think I’m a little kid too.”

Keira walked over to shake his hand, taking care to reach for the non bionic one, “Keira Zale,” She nervously ran her fingers through her hair, “Well, I’m gonna be honest with you. The last guy that went with me anywhere ended up dead. I go to very dangerous and low income areas across the galaxy, and no one really wants to sign up to go with me. I can’t offer too much pay, but I need a lot of protection,” She knew she wasn’t really selling this, but she was being honest, “Does this sound like something you wanna do?”


Tomic Domin

SWRP Writer
May 23, 2019
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Being glared at by the head of security was both new and not so new as far as experiences went. The man was clearly a former drill officer and Tomic had experience with those kinds of people in the past. He was honestly surprised that the man hadn't demanded to know what his major malfunction was.

He caught sight of the senator.

She was... both what he had been expecting and not at the same time. He had expected someone young, someone almost his own age who was probably out of her depth really. What he got was a young woman who looked like she might be a little bit stressed but also looked like she was holding it together pretty well. The file had noted, in it's clinical way, that she was attractive but that didn't really do her justice. Specifically there was just something about her eyes...

Striking was the only word that really fit.

"Close your karking mouth before you catch flies."

He had been staring.

His cheeks reddened despite himself as he hurried to answer the questions she had asked him. Despite being somewhat distracted he had heard what she had asked, thankfully.

"Ah... nineteen." he lied slightly, being a few months shy of 19, "I get that a lot don't worry."

Less so since the grenade actually. He was glad she went for a handshake with his real hand and shook it. Unbidden he felt a small smile forming.

"Honesty from a politician... I'm sure there's a joke in there well above my paygrade or job security to make." he joked lightly before nodding, "I might be young but I've got some decent equipment, some training, some experience and a whole lot of youthful energy to help me along."

The muttered comment of "young, dumb and full of cum" from the head of security was not subtle and very much not appreciated, it just added to how red his cheeks were going. Time to segue away from THAT little gem.

"So what is it today? Dangerous, low income or both?"


Keira Zale

SWRP Writer
Jul 5, 2019
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Nineteen? Then again, she couldn’t really talk at only being a year older than him. She caught him staring. That was usually the case when people saw her for the first time. He was probably judging her for being a young senator like everyone else. His face was turning red for some reason, and she quirked an eyebrow, “Uh are you feeling all right? You don’t look so hot,” She asked with genuine concern. He appeared to be having the equivalent of a woman’s hot flash.

Keira simply chuckled awkwardly at his joke attempt. She didn’t do so well in awkward situations and had a habit of just giggling during them. He changed topics and moved onto the job. Keira nodded, “Both,” She said almost excitedly, “There’s a district in the underbelly of Coruscant with a school for orphans. I want to get some volunteers to read to the kids there and supply them food.”

It sounded like a pretty boring ‘mission’, but they would be going into territory that could be potentially dangerous. Keira looked at him to gauge his reaction, “I don’t know how to all,” She admitted, “I will be relying on you a lot,” Keira looked him up and down and walked over to grab her purse.

“So I suggest you train your eye on your surroundings instead of my ass,” She said with a completely straight face as she walked out of the room, motioning for him to come with.


Tomic Domin

SWRP Writer
May 23, 2019
Reaction score

Well he was already ballsing up his first impression on the young senator but at least she didn't think he was some kind of threat or that he hated her right? He supposed her thinking he had an issue with blood rushing to his face was better than her being suspicious of him or hating him for some strange reason.

It was embarrassing as hell but what could he do about it now?

"Yeah I'm fine." he hurried to assure her, "Just um... from a less temperate world than this."

Utter lie.

Onderon was actually a lot hotter and wetter than Coruscant but it was good enough of an excuse that she might drop the fact that he was doing a reasonable impression of a tomato. He blinked at her change of tone however, rather bemused by the fact that she seemed so excited for something like this. Nothing she had said should be easy or exciting after all. Maybe she was one of those people who loved a challenge?

"Well at least somebody is thinking of the children...?" he nodded a little bit, "It's alright. If everything goes alright you shouldn't need to know how to throw a punch or take a dive to cover; I'll take care of any of that. Just, you know, maybe don't go taunting armed attackers so I don't have to throw myself in the way of their blaster bolts?"

He tried.

He tried SO HARD.

But with her comment...?

And the way she walked away from him...?

Yeah, he looked at her ass.

She had drawn so much attention to it that he couldn't help himself! He was certain that wouldn't end well however so he did his best to catch himself before he started staring. Instead he followed her dutifully, trying his best to keep an eye on everything but her.

"You must have a lot of confidence in your ass to assume it will distract me from my duties." he joked as he matched her stride, checking their way as they moved on, one hand resting close to his holstered blaster pistol in an easy resting position, "You driving or am I?"

No way they were taking a cab here.
