To Catch a Strategist


The Hot Mess
SWRP Writer
Aug 22, 2013
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Ivaris looked at the newest iteration of the Imperial Missions Directory, the blue glow of the screen bathing her face in the darkness. Ziost’s library was almost deserted at this hour of the night, and the luma-strip fixtures were on an automatic mechanism that turned themselves off to conserve energy. No other terminals were occupied in her corner, but she could sense the faint presence of one or maybe two others in the other wing where dusty tomes, scrolls, and books were kept.

Her promotion was just out of her grasp yet again, and finally her skills were at a place that she was confident she could hold her own against other Sith. The only thing was, she had to prove her capabilities more than others because of her previous downfall in the dueling ring. She wasn’t entirely happy about it, having to jump through what she saw as bureaucratic hoops, but there was no arguing with superiors. To minimize the number of missions she’d have to go on for them to be satisfied, she was determined to complete the most difficult ones alone, or with minimal, largely-unqualified help.

Frowning, she scrolled through the listings a second time. Training missions were quickly bypassed. She’d been on one, once, more as something fun to do than to further abilities. It was enjoyable to hunt possessed overgrown chickens, if not entirely what she needed to get ahead. Most of the other missions failed to capture her fancy. Out of curiosity, she clicked on the link to the Imperial Criminal Database, fully expecting it to contain only targets like “Jedi Master such-and-such” or “Defected Sith Lord this-and-that,” but down at the bottom were a list of prisoners that escaped from the Reckoning prison ship.

She didn’t know much about former Admirla Velti, much less how to find him. If one thing was certain, however, it was that she could certainly kill him. He would have been well-trained in fighting tactics, but he was no force user (otherwise he would have joined the Sith).

Searching for his file in the imperial database, Ivaris would learn all she can from simple sources to give herself a starting point before doing the dirty work of tracking him across the outer rim worlds.

This was going to be one long week.

How in the world am I going to kriffin’[/i] find this blasted man?

If I were an Admiral, where would I go?’

His file contained a little on his personality. Apparently he was not particularly fond of Force-sensitive heirarchies, but was incredibly faithful to the Imperium’s ideals of order, control, and absolute perfection. Velti despised the “entirely unreasonable rule of Darth Exodus,” and refused to carry out his orders to bomb Muunilinst . Charged with high treason and heresy, he was sent to the Reckoning prison ship, but freed after the Rebels laid out their successful attack. The former Admiral was rumored to have left the Rebellion under peaceful terms, with information on his whereabouts ending there.

Given his values, which amazingly didn’t often change that much in a person even under devastating events, he was probably not a bounty hunter, nor a mercenary-for-hire. She surmised that he would likely wish to stay in the realm of which he exceeded, military-related things. And since he knew how to fly... Flight school instructor? No. He was in the Navy, but she didn’t doubt he would be teaching; skills grew rusty over time. Velti was a strategist and a leader of men. He could do that in a private security company, couldn’t he?

It had been a long night. She set up searches in several holo-net databases and search engines for private security companies operating outside of Imperial or Rebellion space, and without direct ties to the Hutts as well. Then she narrowed the list, still impossibly large, by ones that had positions recently filled. Finally she took the Imperium’s archival picture of Velti and using facial-recognition software ran compared it against the companies that had photos of employees and/or affiliates. There were three hits, one of which she ruled out due to it being female. (?!)The other two looked similar enough, differing with names and backgrounds.

Several hours later:

Ivaris sighed loudly and ran her fingers through her disheveled hair, prompting the guy on the next terminal to send her a nasty look. “Nie geros! Nu sua rodija,” he hissed. Quiet, I am studying!

She almost laughed. “J'us aras zhelosa. Galez j'us neviz tu'iea kitas kovothis.” You’re welcome. I hope you horribly fail your next test, she replied with a venomous smile.

Hours of research, and she thought she had him. After down to two matches, only one held a position she thought was suiting his experience and skill set, and only that company was conceivably large enough to pay for it.

Now, drafting a plan was the only thing left.