Tomix Reiger

Prancing Yawn

The hat that knows all
SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2011
Reaction score

Behind the Mask

'Operator One'
STROST Team Leader

Tomix Reiger
Galactic Alliance​

29 standard years
164 lbs
6'0 feet

A one-way, sly smirk is always painted on Tomix's face, accurately portraying his personality. His jet black hair is gelled into short spikes, most of them pointing backwards. His eyebrows are sharp and his eyes are a rather generic brown, but he still holds an easily distinguishable mark - a short soul patch rising to just below his lip. He's got an acrobat's build; most of his weight being in lower body muscle, allowing for more dexterous maneuvers.​

Tomix is cocky, and he knows it. He's not afraid to point out how he took on an entire squad of HOSTEN troopers, or caused an AT-AT to implode by a single sniper sh-
EDITED BY USER "Soulpatch"; 4/26/1011/12:39:48
Hey, hey, hey! Let's not incorrectly portray me, here. It was two shots..
So yeah, I'm a little cocky, a bit arrogant, but, hey, I've got a good shot to back it up. What this little blurb should really be talking about is my excellent leadership skills!
I'm rather young, yes, and most of my missions are done solo, but I know how to pull a team together with my sly charisma! No, really, people tell me that. Ask around. Anyway, from now on, I'll be narrating this little novel with ACCURATE descriptions.​

I like the Galactic Alliance, saboteuring, ladies, and cigars. I dislike the Empire, gay ladies -they constantly taunt me with their revealing clothes, for me to follow them around and ten minutes later see them kissing another gal - and it ain't their sister, trust me! I mean, what the hell sort of B-S is that? Empire, if you've hacked into our classified database and are reading this, take notes. That's the worst kind of torture a man can ever receive.​

I wear a custom-fit M89 Special Action Uniform with special orange trim. My primary weapon is an AW7-UR. Darn nice little gun - usually I don't use shotguns, but it's compact, and it hurts like hell. A stormtrooper told me once after he took a blast from it. A special addition onto my armor is a nightvision mask outfitted with an air filter and a small oxygen supply. Plus, it looks pretty neat. In close range I use two plasma torches. They melt quite a few metals - the ones that really count, anyway - and I'm often mistaken for a Jedi Knight because of them. Ain't that a funny idea?
I'm also loaded down with explosives - anything from magnetic marble bombs to .. bigger bombs. I've also got one of those standard blaster pistols somewhere - eh, not down here..​

OoC: Code for I will do it later, I promise.





