Training Never Ends

Dameon Shikyo

Master of Technology
SWRP Writer
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
Dameon was still waiting back from the Sith Master he had met not long ago and of course he knew not everything in the world would cater to his schedule. Still he felt like this was a good time to start practicing what had become his new favorite skill and develop it. He had only recently learned the ability to increase his speed with the force but he wanted to harness it into a combat tool and not so much as a means to faster travel. His droid Waizu stood at the ready the red light saber ignited and in defense mode.

“I will kill you now Master.” The droid stated as it charged at Dameon.

“Give it all you have.” Dameon replied simply having programmed the droid to help with his training.

Waizu charged quickly and flawlessly leaving no noticeable opening from the front. After months of training his droid had learned and adapted to Dameon’s combat style, possibly the only other being that had and his droid was no joke it would kill lesser skilled people in moments.

The attack was a balanced vertical slash and Dameon sidestepped parrying the blow and coming across his body with the counter attack. Waizu expertly tossed up his hand pushing aside Dameon’s lightsaber and coming in with a thrust to his torso. Dameon quickly spotted his droids counter attack and maneuvered turning himself to get to the droids back during the dedication of the thrust. Dameon grabbed the back left shoulder of his droid and prepared to stab his droid through the chest but something surprising happened. The droid recognizing Dameon’s position launched a kick out to Dameon’s chest and it landed home square in the chest.

“You’ve learned Waizu. I am impressed your not just using your blade anymore.”

“Master I am stronger than you now. I WILL kill you.”

“Who programmed your arrogance?”

“You did Master.” The droid commented back as it charged again.

This time Dameon decided to start working in his force powers to better learn the force speed skill. He focused on his feet as the droid approached. He than rushed the droid himself his own light saber at the ready. Waizu went for the slash but Dameon had already overtaken the droid getting behind it and quickly turning as he rushed again catching the droid off guard as his lightsaber quickly found every appendage from behind effectively disabling his droid.

“You learned Master. I’m impressed.”

“You learned sarcasm too?” He teased.

“I just decided to try something new is all. Instead of completely focusing my force speed to my legs and feet and I also focused to my arms so I could strike and handle my lightsaber much faster than any ordinary person could follow.” He stated as he deactivated his lightsaber and holstered it away.

“Now lets put you back together.” As he said that he began to collect the droid pieces and powered down his droid and began to piece it back together using his welder to fox the limbs.

Dameon Shikyo

Master of Technology
SWRP Writer
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
After some time Dameon had completed Waizu’s repairs and sat there looking at his droid that he had once again beaten in combat. Everything was bound and connected by the force he knew this and so did every other force user. Dameon had recently been experimenting with a new skill and ability the likes of which hadn’t been seen yet. It was a combination of using his force powers and hacking. If he could further learn how to remotely hack without even using his data pad he could effectively become a Master of all things mechanical and electrical and without much physical effort just mental.

Dameon flipped the switch of Waizu and stepped back extended his hand toward the droid as he focused on the machine and visualizing the droids programming. He had heard of force users being able to control the minds of lesser-minded individuals. In a way this is what he was doing except instead of planting ideas he was changing in an essence the DNA of a droid to make it do things it normally wouldn’t be programmed to do. Waizu stared at his master with a blank expression his visual processing fading in and out for no apparent reason.

Dameon calmed himself exhaling air that had been trapping itself in its lungs. His mind raced knowing the programming of the imperial machines better than anyone probably ever did. All he had to do was focus and convert one set of data, which was the droids actual programming, and change it into what he wanted to do. It was difficult it felt like I needed two brains to even accomplish. Picturing one changing into the other while still maintaining focus on the two.

He decided to change his tactics instead of looking at the finished product he would visualize it as if he were at his datapad. Visualizing each line and changing it bit by bit till it finished only instead of with the datapad he could go much quicker. Meticulously he kept at it Waizu’s visuals cutting in and out the droid in an awkward spasm as its functioning changed. Waizu suddenly stopped looking down at the ground as if powered down and Dameon lowered his hand the whole process taking roughly half a minute.

Waizu looked up grabbing his staff and began dancing erratically using the staff as if it was a cane. A mild amount of amusement came to Dameon.

“What did you do master….this is just embarrassing.” The droid stated without any emotion.

“Don’t worry I will change you back now. I think I have the hang of it to some extent.” Dameon said raising his palm again and focusing hard on the droid a third of the time had passed and the droid returned to its previous state an aggravated bodyguard.

“10 seconds still seem’s too slow. I need to improve.” He stated as he felt a slight head ache his mind overloaded by all the coding he had acquired by looking into the droids programming.

“I need to rest.”

Dameon Shikyo

Master of Technology
SWRP Writer
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
Isolation was never easy for a weak mind but his mind never weakened. He had been alone now for months with only the company of his droid. His mind broader and much more focused on the realisms of the universe. He found his master to be more correct than he first thought seeing the falsities in both the light and dark side and yet seeing the positives of both as well. His power with the force had improved in a majestically malevolent way that seemed mysterious yet so clear. Perhaps this was what his master meant by being one with both sides of the universe. He learned about his parents and respected them for their decision to follow the Sith but didn’t relate to their beliefs.

There would always be those that fight for the Light and those that fight for the Dark but when the universe becomes balanced there must be those that fight both to keep the balance still. Until than he would have to fight the overwhelming power in the universe which seemed at the moment, at least, to be the side he had originally sided with. It wasn’t going to be an easy task to be the agent of neutrality and to show no affection to one side or the other. He had seen his destiny however and knew it was meant to be even if it took forever. His power of the force had increased to where he no longer struggled with controlling the force and it would naturally seem to flow through him al he needed now was to guide himself in the ways to manipulate it. He had been studying on how to use lightning and choking methods of the force which was dark but needed to see it to gain any further knowledge.

The time had come for him to reenter the world of the living and fulfill his destiny. His time in isolation had ended and he would teach the world one deed at a time of the importance of neutrality. His skin had changed from the normal looking skin to a having a streak running up from his neck to across his right eye and was completely grey for reasons he could only speculate. He put on his newly made mask that was half white and half black with grey bars coming out of the eyes and to the center and downward. He was no master or extreme expert in anything but he was good enough and an agent of both justice and chaos is what these times called for.