Trials of the Exiled [Flashback]


SWRP Writer
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
1,018 ABY

...It had been several years now since the Siege of Coruscant. Denal had lost his mother and the institution that gave his life purpose. By the selflessness of a Twi'lek jedi knight that day, Vering escaped certain death and made it to Ryloth. The knight who helped him that day told Denal where he would be safe.

The Twi'lek had led the padawan to his own family. When Denal explained what had happened at Coruscant and how their daughter had sent him here, the parents vowed to protect him.

The Zabrak was a respectful youth. Trained well at the Coruscant Temple, Denal never spoke against his elders. In fact, he fit in perfectly with the Twi'lek village. Many in the small village would call on him for aid with their problems. As a jedi, it was Vering's duty.

Most often it was mending a roof or tending to livestock, but sometimes he would need to settle serious quarrels among the Twi'lek people. On the rarest occasions, Denal was forced to act as the village's guardian. He first proved himself as a protector when the people lost their freedom...

The sun was just rising on the day that the ships descended from the sky. Villagers stepped into the streets to see the new arrivals. Hushed discussion broke out as to who they could be. While many Twi'leks moved to welcome the ships. Denal had been sleeping when the ships landed, but it was screaming that woke the Zabrak.

Rising from his bed, the padawan made his way to the roof of the traditional Twi'lek style rock home. Peering down, his eyes were met with chaos in the streets. Slavers! Denal thought to himself clenching his jaw tight. Electric whips emerged from the darkness of the two ships. Stunning blaster fire accompanied this and the horrible men inside showed themselves as they pursued their prey into the village.

Denal would not sit and watch as his people were abducted into slavery. With a powerful leap, the padawan landed in the middle of the street. Twi'leks ran in the opposite direction that Denal faced. Looks of terror were on their faces. The padawan ignited his blue saber and stood his ground waiting for the slavers to approach.

They were a vast assortment of vile creatures, each more dangerous than the last. Many were Zygerrians which did not surprise Denal from what he had read about them as a youth in the old Coruscant Temple. From the mass, he also noticed...a Talz...a Falleen, but his analysis was cut short. A Zygerrian halted several of his men while the others continued after the villagers. "Lookey here boys. We have the distinct privilege of killing one of the last jedi. Blasters to kill." He and the few men began laughing as they spread out in front of Denal.

"You will try, that I am sure." the Zabrak padawan said in a calm voice. Seconds after, the blaster fire ensued. Swiftly Denal began blocking the shots with his saber sending each shot off into a different direction. All the while the rest of the slavers were capturing the villagers. Vering did not have time to spend on such a small amount of the forces.

One deflection hit an Aqualish slaver in the chest. With that distraction, the Zabrak moved towards the other three. He deflected as he ran, but jumped before reaching them so that he could better strike. A diagonal slash cut through the Zygerrian and another. The last standing was ended with a pierce through the abdomen.

Turning around, Denal reminded himself that many would need saving. There was not a second that could be spared. The horned man took off after a Trandoshan who was whipping several Twi'leks on the ground. Using the force, the padawan directed the course of the whip away from it's target. Bounding forward, Denal tackled the reptilian.

One of the Twi'leks aided in subduing the slaver. "There are more who need us, Chinta. I will need your help." the padawan asked for his aid. Pulling a blaster out of the slaver's pocket, he handed it to the Twi'lek man. He nodded and stood ready to follow.

The pair took off down the street. Many were now trying to escape into the homes, but they were thoroughly Perseus by the slavers. One home Denal ran into knocking one of the Zygerrians over with a thrust from the Force. He seemed to be unconscious. The other slaver was killed by Chinta's shot.

Two children sat on the floor with tears in their eyes. "Go now. Find a good place to hide downstairs." the Zabrak encouraged. The children obeyed without a word.

Four Twi'lek men stood outside with blasters in their hands. "Denal, we have them on the defensive. Come!" As Denal walked to the doorway to meet with the men, he halted in his tracks when one of the Twi'leks fell with a shot to the head.

"Quick, inside!" the teenage Zabrak ordered. Without hesitation, the three men joined himself and Chinta in the house. "We can hold this position and wait for them." the Twi'lek suggested. Denal nodded crouching to the ground.

While they sat quietly they all heard a woman yell "Denal!" It was Kesej, his somewhat "new mother" since he arrived. The Zabrak abandoned the building in an instant. He ran toward the yelling using his lightsaber to deflect incoming fire. One shot hit his lerm arm enough to halt his run for a moment.

It angered him, but these thoughts quickly were pushed out of his head. Anger had no place in a jedi's mind. This often was a difficult task for the padawan. Without a master for some time, it was hard to stay on the proper path of a jedi.

Kesej yelled out once more with the crack of a whip heralding it. There she knelt, hands bound. There were seven others being escorted to the ship. None would be taken today, he wouldn't let them.

All around, Twi'leks were struggling to get away whether they be running or wrestling to escape. Some of the men were strong enough to escape. They would run to aid their family members. Stun blasts were fired left and right, knocking down his fellow villagers.

The padawan moved to strike one of the slavers, but was hit with a whip from the side. Denal grunted in pain before moving into a defensive position. The man whipped again but was awkwardly countered with the padawan's lightsaber.

While the two dueled, Twi'leks were being loaded onto the first ship. At least eleven had already been loaded into it who were thrown into two giant cages among prisoners from different planets.

Turning his focus back to the human with the whip, Denal lunged forward ducking under the whip. and cut horizontally at the knees. He ran to the group where his mother that was nearing the ship. He punched the rear guard in the head knocking him unconscious. The Talz leasing the slaves turned, pulling out two blasters.

Dashing to the right, he dodged the first bullet and deflected the second with his lightsaber returning back to it's master. The Talz fell forward and Denal began cutting the bonds on the slaves. "Kesej are you alright?" he asked hurriedly. She nodded and hugged him.

He nodded respectfully before heading to the ships. The Twi'leks with the blasters had started a shootout at the first ship. He was glad to see them holding their own against the slavers. As the Zabrak grew closer, he saw Chinta had taken charge of the men. As the padawan passed, he said to the men "Keep them busy while I break out the prisoners!"

We've got you covered!" Chinta shouted as he took down a slaver. The Twi'leks were making good work of the forces. Many had begun retreating to the second ship. It was only the first that held the precious cargo however. It remained heavily guarded by some the better fighters. Among them seemed to be their head of command, a scarred and gross looking Zygerrian.

The slaver shot one of the Twi'lek men in the chest. Scoffing, the leader took out another with an easy shot. Upon seeing Denal, he smiled and pulled out a pair of detonators. With a quick activation he through it into the ship with the slaves. Stepping away, he strolled over to the departing second ship. All he said was "Don't worry, we'll find more."

"Nooo!" the padawan yelled running closer to the ship. The helpless faces of the men and women inside were the last thing he saw before the detonators went off causing the destruction of the entire ship. Denal dropped to his knees and the village ur rioted into cries and shouts for their lost family and friends.

"I've failed..." he mumbled angrily to himself pressing his hands hard into the rock ground under him. "I will not fail again.." he said blaming himself for the nearly dozen deaths of his fellow villagers.