Unexpected Deposit (Open)

Cyril Khan

SWRP Writer
Jan 7, 2006
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One can say that the best crime has some form of organization, and for the organization to function, one must have an economy. Nal Hutta, the capital of the infamous Hutts, served the empire as both a governmental and economic center. Anyone hoping to make any large profit from the criminal organization would find the best results from various locations on that planet. Of course, with so much money moving around, a place must exist to keep it stored and under control. Any businessman in the galaxy knew the Imperial Bank held much of the wealth of the criminal lords of the Hutt Empire. If a person did not fear loan sharks and lethal deals, money came easy from that place.

Many of the great entertainers of the Hutts, who hadn’t lost their economic freedom, stored their income within the Imperial Bank. The rising Twi’lek diva, Valeena Tanto, made herself no exception. She charged into the Bank with her agent just under an hour before closing; the bank official, who had waited all day for her arrival, rushed worryingly towards her. The Hutts had made Valeena a secret deal; if she invested all her money into their banks, she would receive top wages for performing for the crime lords. Of course, the diva did not hesitate on accepting the offer, and that day she meant on transferring all her wealth from other galactic banks to the Imperial. The bank official could not help but panic; she had arrived several hours late, and the success of this transfer would determine the success of his own career and life.

“Where have you been?” The official tried to remain polite, but he could not control his nervous, shrill voice. “You were supposed to arrive hours ago.”

“You would not believe the filth that tried to handle her.” The agent frowned at the man, and Valeena just stood with her nose in the air. The bank official fought the urge to bite at his fingers. “The Hutts would not approve of others soiling their new entertainment.”

“No, no, they wouldn’t have it.” The official shuffled through some papers and handed them to the agent. “I need physical record of this transfer, along with the physical deposit of the currency.”

“You make me laugh.” The agent, wearing a chest plate of armor and a side arm, held up a brief case and showed the contents to the official. The handle connected to the agent’s wrist by means of a voice-print handcuff. “We’d need a ship load of these to carry just money. This contains her wealth in the ‘currency’ of spice. Make no mistake, this does not leave my or her sight until locked firmly in the main vault.”

“But the next time lock opening of the vault isn’t until the bank is closed to the public.” The bank official knew a panic attack would come any moment. To fulfill this request would be to break the Hutt’s rules, but to not do so would be to fail a deal with the Hutts. Both of which could result in some future physical injury. Unfortunately, neither the agent nor the diva felt any pity for the Catch 22 situation.

“Fine, then we will wait.” The agent frowned while he watched the official electronically label the briefcase as a spice container. Any expert on spice would know that some variants matched the signatures of explosives with sensor equipment. The last thing the bank official wanted was for someone to come bother the diva because they thought she was depositing dangerous materials.

Unfortunately for the official, this transfer deal had more hidden behind it. First off, Valeena and her agent did not even make it to the bank; instead they rested peacefully in the locked cargo hold of a locked, private vessel. Also, powerful explosives hid within the spice, in such a clever way that the spice signatures nearly matched the explosives. With the electronic marking of spices on the case, the briefcase bomb would move through the bank unnoticed. Even if opened, only searching through each bag of spice would uncover the hidden explosives within. To make matters worse, more high explosives hid within the body of the Valeena impersonator. Of course, who would expect such a thing from the beautiful diva? Even then, wearing nothing but her highly revealing performance clothes, no one would suspect her of carrying anything dangerous (and if she did, externally, anyone could spot it). Even if someone had the smallest hint of suspicion, they would have the biggest trouble uncovering what could be going on.


Umm... what?
SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2009
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Nal Hutta was exactly the type of place Lynel had been looking for, to use a hideout. Plenty of job opportunities, access to the largest bank around, and top notch entertainment.

The young man was hurriedly rushing a conversation with a potential slave dancer. She was getting on his nerves, which meant she had no future working for him.

When he had finally gotten rid of her and her current owner he was able to slide into the bank right before closing time.

"Yo, I need to make a withdrawal." he said to no one in particular. His long dreadlocked hair was covering his eyes so he couldn't see much anyway and making eye contact wasn't big on his list. His companion, a nexu named Deva, stalked slowly around the room and then snarled. In front of her was a twi'lek. Deva hated twi'leks.

"Down girl, the slave won't be any trouble, her master is with her. So be easy." Lynel flipped the air out of his face and looked around impatiently. "Can I get a withdrawal please?"
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