Ask Unexpected Tagalong

Chant Sindhu


Character Profile
Jan 11, 2020
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Soaring through hyperspace Chant Sindhu sat in her cockpit with Ness on the right hand side. With one webbed hand she rubbed her cheeks and a heavy sigh escaped her. The green astromech immediately commented on that through droidspeak. A weary smirk surfaced on the pilot.

“You don’t have to tell me twice, sister. That last job on Bespin was a pain in the neck.” Ness interrupted with a beep and two clicks, causing Chant to nod. “True we did get a good payday but that official was so condescending. I would’ve slug his fat face if it wasn’t for the credits.”

Getting up from the pilot seat, Chant turned and sighed again. “Wake me when ya need me Ness.” The latter acknowledged with a string of beeps. The Mon Calamari grinned slightly at her best friend. Walking away, Chant exited the cockpit as the ship seemed to hum within lightspeed.

Rolling her neck the spacer subsequently went to her cabin and closed the door with the switch of a button. Meanwhile back in the cargo hold in the back Chant had several large crates stored there, lined up in three columns. It was supplies she had bought in Cloud City and believed to be nothing else. Unknownst to both her and Ness there was another...


Lyra Mantel


Character Profile
Jan 19, 2020
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Lyra was tired, both in the physical sense of the word and of this life that had been thrust upon her; no one had offered her a choice. She didn't want this anymore, but it was all she had ever known and the only means by which she knew how to survive. It would seem she was destined to spend the rest of her miserable existence on the run. It was all she would ever be; miserable.

Bespin had been just as unforgiving, if not more. It was unfamiliar which had made it all the more difficult to settle in. It had been days since her last meal and the best she had found for accomodations had been a long abandoned apartment building. The integrity of its structure was compromised by years of misuse by other homeless, but it had been more suitable than sleeping on the streets.

She leaned forward, resting her head on the side of one of the crates. It was impossible to know where they were headed, but she was safe even if just for a moment and that was all that mattered.

Lyra had only barely avoided the bounty hunter who had tracked her all the way from Coruscant. He had been relentless in his efforts, but so far she had been lucky enough to outrun him. Unfortunately, her luck would have to run out at some point.

Her eyes grew heavier and, before she could react, she was asleep on the cool metal floor of the cargo hold, tucked behind a small stack of crates.

Chant Sindhu


Character Profile
Jan 11, 2020
Reaction score
Chant slept in the cabin bunk on her right side. At first it was a peaceful rest, as dreams flowed through the pilot’s mind like a gentle stream. Images of Naboo, it’s green fields, blue skies and glorious waterfalls played out in the vision. Soon it was followed by a vision of Keren, her hometown with ships flying in and out of the spaceport

Moments she found herself rushing through the city streets on a green landspeeder. In the passenger seats behind two teenage humans, one boy and one girl were cheering her on. “Faster, Chant faster!” The girl with tan skin exclaimed with a big smile while the young man of similar features let out a shout as they narrowly cut through an alleyway.

Chant, many years younger nodded, replying. “Hold on guys. This is going to be close.” Suddenly she twisted to a corner on the right, nearly over-turning the speeder. All three youths let out further cheers and laughing.

But without warning Chant’s vision changed into a violent dogfight in space from a cockpit. Crimson lasers cut through the darkness and starfighters igniting in explosions. Horrified, the Mon Calamari could do nothing before a blast erupted next to her craft, causing it to spin out of control.

Chant opened her large eyes, screaming. A moment later the pilot stopped, seeing that she was in her dark cabin. Sweating and shaking all over Chant sat up and bowed her head. Squeezing both hands while fighting to take a hold of herself Chant whispered.

“Will this ever end?”

It took a few minutes before the freelancer calmed down enough to stand up. Wearing a sleeveless gray shirt with orange flight suit pants she put on the boots. Might as well check the inventory that will give me something to do. Chant thought before exiting the cabin.

The cargo hold door slid open and she went inside. Walking between the sets of crates around her Chant nodded. Nothing seems to be out of order. Just as she thought, the former starfighter pilot was passing a small stack when spotting a body. Instantly Chant jumped back and cried out in shock.
