Open to 1 Urgent Supply Drop to Coruscant Survivors Requested

Kas Anace


Character Profile
Blue Oakwood
Feb 8, 2024
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Urgent Supply Drop to Coruscant Survivors Requested
Three Day Window on the Message.

Survival Thread Link

We are risking sending you a message from the surface of Coruscant with our coordinates. We are surrounded by Abominations and defilers. If anyone can hear this, if you have any supplies please drop them off to us, landing will be near impossible and it risks your ship if you get too close, as they cover our air space. If you can jettison them in an escape pod or drop pod we can reach them.

Our navigator and Jedi say these are the best coordinates to risk the drop. KT2-JNNL-72

We’ve nearly forty survivors, with just 5 days of supplies left and many injured or dead. Our days are probably numbered and this may bring more to us, but we are desperate. There is a slim possibility we might make it, we just need some weapons, food, clothing, water, and medicine. Anything you know that works against these creatures. Anything you have for shock, anxiety, soft tissue trauma, or Withdrawn Catatonia. Fear is killing the minds of those here as surely as the defilers. I don't know if you can be creative, if you have an idea, we can use it. Anything Please.

If you hear this thank you. You might just be making our last days easier or less painful, and that is valuable too. Force be with you and with us all.

A list of the dead and living is transmitted, in case they don’t get another chance. Their names, photos, and last wishes. The message will repeat every hour for three days.

Supply Drop, Message of Hope, or Crazy Heroic Gesture.
Please include what you sent in the message, don’t worry about quantity, I can RP some of it not making the drop if it's too much. If it's just a message of hope that is great too. If you want in on the madness on the ground, we can start the posts up here with you making a heroic attempt. Rolling in that case for you is totally optional, with a three-day limit on posts to keep it moving, and npcs free to use.

Essla Ta'dek


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Feb 8, 2024
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(OOC: I hope this is where the post goes…)
The Wespre slowed to a stop over the coordinates as Essla popped open her canopy. "Cee-Too, watch for any abominations. I'd like to stay alive." The droid whistled in confirmation. Essla finished fishing the drop capsule out of the storage compartment and armed the parachute, then tossed it over the side of the ARC-170. She watched it tumble for a moment, then rock slowly as the chute opened. This heroic stuff made her feel…good? Sort of? Well, who knew. With a sigh she closed the canopy and shoved the throttle forwards. The engines glowed brightly and the ship flew off, leaving Essla to think.

thirteen lbs of rations
twenty gallons of water
three E-11 blaster rifles, fully loaded and with ten rounds of extra ammo each
this audio message: "Hello. This is Essla Ta'dek. I hope these supplies come in handy. I…I don't know what else I can do, but maybe these simple things will save you. Good luck down there."

Kas Anace


Character Profile
Blue Oakwood
Feb 8, 2024
Reaction score
An audio message was sent back from an older man with a croaky voice. “Thank you, you’ve saved lives down here, we were almost out of food. Force be with you whoever you are. We can see the package dropping now, the younglings wanted to say that you’re a hero, and their right. Be safe, I hope you find peace in this life. Coruscant Survivors out.” A small group holophoto was uploaded showing the inside a freighter, with a large group, at least two families, and a few others waving at the camera. One held a sign upward scrawled on a piece of metal. Thank you, with a few smiley faces from the younger ones, and some names signed to it.

The fact someone reached out to strangers had a profound impact on the morale of the group, there was a light in the dark, and many of them would remember for however long they had left, that someone else cared enough to send aid to the most dangerous of places.


Essla Ta'dek


Character Profile
Feb 8, 2024
Reaction score
An audio message was sent back from an older man with a croaky voice. “Thank you, you’ve saved lives down here, we were almost out of food. Force be with you whoever you are. We can see the package dropping now, the younglings wanted to say that you’re a hero, and their right. Be safe, I hope you find peace in this life. Coruscant Survivors out.” A small group holophoto was uploaded showing the inside a freighter, with a large group, at least two families, and a few others waving at the camera. One held a sign upward scrawled on a piece of metal. Thank you, with a few smiley faces from the younger ones, and some names signed to it.

The fact someone reached out to strangers had a profound impact on the morale of the group, there was a light in the dark, and many of them would remember for however long they had left, that someone else cared enough to send aid to the most dangerous of places.

Essla watched in silence as Cee-Too played back the audio clip on her ship's central computer. Her ARC-170 was drifting through space, engines on minimum power. When the photo came up, she couldn't help herself. Essla let out a quiet sob, her green face in her gloved hands. They were partially tears of sadness, that these people were probably going to die. However, they were also tears of joy. Dropping those supplies had felt…good. Fulfilling. A feeling she wanted to be able to replicate. With a shaky sigh, she switched her central computer to the navigation screen. Her fingers flitted over the controls, preparing the heavy fighter for a hyperspace jump. As she reached to push forward the throttle and launch the Wespre into lightspeed, she stopped. Maybe she could replicate that feeling, the rush of good. There had to be humanitarian groups, peacekeepers…her eyes widened. "The Jedi," she whispered. She could be a Jedi. Maybe there were other options, but the Jedi were the most famous. Maybe…she shook her head. "Cee-Too, do a search of all major humanitarian and peacekeeping groups." She ignored the droid's questioning beep and shoved the throttle forwards. And just like that, the Wespre was gone.