Vacsafe VS-7 Standard EVA Suit


SWRP Writer
Sep 28, 2023
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Vacsafe VS-7 Standard EVA Suit

EVA Suit for environmental protection in extreme environments.

• Head: High quality impact resistant plasteel and transparisteel helmet.
• Torso: Semi-rigid plasteel harness over a plastweave underlayer.
• Back: Semi-rigid plasteel harness with life-support mechanisms.
• Upper Arms: Plastweave with plasteel impact joints.
• Lower Arms: Plastweave with plasteel bracers housing control buttons.
• Upper Legs: Plastweave with plasteel impact joints
• Lower Legs: Plastweave with plasteel shin guards and mag-boots.

Function 1: Helmet with lights and situational HUD
  • This helmet provides head protection and is equipped with lights that can be activated as desired. An internal HUD display shows suit functionality.
Function 2: Pressure Protection
  • The entire suit provides appropriate pressure in vacuum or underwater environments.
Function 3: Atmospheric Replacement
  • The backpack of the suit provides CO2 scrubbing and oxygen replenishment for 12 hours.
Function 4: Mag Boots
  • Magnetic boots allow the suit to adhere to hull surfaces, decks, bulkheads, and ceilings. The boots can be turned on and off.
Function 5: Compressed Gas Thrusters
  • The belt has embedded cold gas thrusters that can vent gas in multiple directions to achieve flight in zero-g.

EVA suits
, also known as spacesuits, environment suits, atmospheric suits, vac suits, g-suits, or enviro-suits, are pressure suits that enabled wearers to survive and operate in zero gravity space and other dangerous conditions such as poisonous gas or deep ocean water. They provided breathing substance—such as oxygen—and maintained necessary pressure inside the suit for survival and comfort. (from wookiepedia.)

The Vacsafe corporation mass-produces the safe and effective VS-7 which is often included for free as part of the standard equipment on new space ships. It can also be purchased on virtually any world or market, used or new. It is manufactured in a variety of styles to accommodate individual species' needs, and the aesthetic whims of a multitude of consumers. When a vac suit is described, without any other descriptor, chances are it's a VS-7 from Vacsafe, or a competitor's clone.

EVA suits are perfectly legal and required equipment throughout the galaxy.

To provide a stock-standard eva suit.

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