Venta Warehouse


nEw M3mBer
SWRP Writer
Oct 29, 2016
Reaction score
Category: Personal Lore
Venta Warehouse


The Venta Warehouse is approximately 20,000 sq ft. Dimensions are 200ft x 100ft. It is located in the lower industrial sector of Nar Shaddaa and presumed to be built about 100 years ago. The original owner was a Hutt who was a speeder enthusiast. He would store his custom made prototypes in the rather shabby location for
discrete purposes. The warehouse was forgotten and abandoned by the Hutt after his death. It became a place of shelter to random vagrants as the contents were either stolen or taken apart. About 50 years ago a Toydarian by the name of Venta, picked up the foreclosure and added it to his list of properties. He struggled to resell it after a sewer pipe that ran underneath the warehouse burst, flooding the area within. Presently the bottom floor holds roughly a foot of sewage water. Piles of metal scraps and garbage also litter the interior. Few desperate homeless persons scale the walls and climb into the warehouse via broken windows near the top, even fewer ever come out. If one were to ask a local about the warehouse, they may be able to speak of some sort of creature makes its home in the refuse pool that has settled inside. However, no one has been able to identify the creature.



Planning on using this location in a plot thread. The creature inside will be a Dianoga that thread participants will try to eliminate.