Vianna Rhojjn


Sometimes a philosopher, sometimes not.
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score



► 25


► Zeltron-Sith Hybrid


► 6'0"


► 115 lbs


► White


► Blonde (Originally)/Black (Dark Side influence)


► Dromund Kaas (birth), Coruscant (home)


► Female


► Imperial Republica


► Sith Acolyte


► Yes

Vianna is a slender, attractive, and terrifying Sith. With both looks and abilities that can kill, she is not an average Sith goon. Rather, she is quite unique in her depravity, the depths she will go for the sake of her own entertainment. Conquest and power may be long-term goals, but she has more important things on her mind: collecting the faces of her revered enemies and building her own trophy room, starting a coven of witches, and finding "true" love. Vianna may not be a politically savvy woman, but, the journey toward "Darth" has many paths.
Youth on Dromund Kaas
Vianna was born in Kaas City on Dromund Kaas to Lord and Lady Rhojjn, mildly powerful aristocrats of the Sith Empire. Her parents were known for their interest in dark side esotericism - looking for secrets of the force rather than desiring domination and power (well, at least not prominently). Vianna herself was a precocious child, always wanting to learn what her parents were up to, checking the archives often, among other unchildlike activities. Her life on Dromund Kaas was one without need or want, for she received everything she could get. Perhaps her parents pampered her too much at this point; at the age of 10 she was sent away for proper Sith training and education. While there, she learned more about herself than she could have living with her dull parents. She found herself with a lot of interest in combat - tactics, the ways one can kill a living thing, methods of commanding armies. That was where she felt most comfortable, most talented. She also discovered a almost fetish-like obsession with a person's face. It started out with attraction-esque fixation and ended with full blown obsession. In particular, Vianna was focused on the faces of her most respected enemies and opponents. There was simply something about those people that made her "want" their face. By the time she left the academy on Dromund Kaas, she had collected five faces, albeit nobody knows how many she actually killed, many of them were slaves forced into training with the Sith.
Moving to Coruscant
After her initial education had completed, Vianna traveled to Coruscant to network with other Sith in the hopes of gaining some favor with her betters. She made herself known around the capital as voracious, ideological, and dangerous. Vianna was quick, however, to remember her "current" place in the Sith world. There would be no destructive and foolish actions while on Coruscant; she had much to do and could not spare to die before she had achieved glory. Unlike her parents, she cared little for conventional research and mysticism. Vianna was much more interested in the darkness of the occult magics that were hidden in the far reaches of space. Her interest in these dark side magics was spurred by an encounter with a woman from Dathomir, Rakshana Morvad, who told Vianna of secrets and knowledge no one could comprehend. Vianna was intrigued, and at age 19, left for Dathomir.

Dathomir and The Present
Dathomir proved somewhat elusive to Vianna. It was unlike Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, although the thick forests and jungles were akin to life surrounding Kaas City. Having followed Morvad's advice in seeking out her family there, Vianna found herself enthralled with their way of life. It was unorthodox, strange, and could easily fit her own needs. She could sense the dark energies that flooded the planet and the rituals the people partook in. Vianna wanted that kind of communal bent. Odd for a Sith, but she understood the power of community and having followers of her own. If she could only bring such mysticism with her into Sith life, she could have her own cult, her own coven, her own faction. But, the best laid plans are kept hush hush. For now, she merely bides her time; five years later and the Empire is showing signs of cracking. Having returned to Coruscant, she has decided to play along, watching as the embers of war crackle across the galaxy.


Like her Sith and Zeltron forebears, Vianna has deep reddish-pink skin. Her long black hair, once blonde, having changed as the dark side grew within her. Her eyes are void of normal irises, merely pure white orbs of bleakness and hate. She is quite attractive, even with the dark side energies corrupting her features. Her slender, well-toned figure is as equally stunning as it is dangerous.

In terms of equipment, Vianna carries a single lightsaber with a deep-red crystal. The hilt is black with a silver line through its center. She wears the standard Sith light armor and robes, although she does seek something heavier and more fighting. She carries no other equipment although she wears a choker around her neck and war paint on her face.
