Vincent Gaarn

Markus Cale

SWRP Writer
Jun 26, 2011
Reaction score
Vincent is moderately attractive for a 37 year old man. With wrinkles and light blue eyes, he usually wears a gentlemans suit that he loves to sport around. Since his young age, he has always been skinny with a small amount of muscle. Pompous as can be, with a large ego, he has slicked back black hair with a light beard. When not in a social setting or political setting, he wears light robes with a weave of armor underneath it. He always has a menacing air around him, especially as he speaks.

Vincent is pompous and egotistical as all hell. He has always been manipulative of the people around him, even if they are family/friends. Even as a young child, he has been a avid pursuer of knowledge, trying to soak up as much information about the outside world as possible. He can speak incredibly well and his level of patience knows no bounds. He also has a great love for Credits and will do anything for them. Since coming into his own with his Fathers company, he has grown incredibly competant as a business man. He personally believes that he is ultimately invincible as a person.

Vincent loves Credits, women and hard music. Even as a 37 year old. He has never thought of settling down and is afraid of attachment. He dislikes the idea of honesty. He hates risky business adventures and is incredibly hateful of people that love peace. At this notion, he hates the Jedi and there peaceful ways. As a young man, he loved knowledge as stated beforehand, and could not stand ignorant people.

Vincent is great with political and social engagements. He is terrible at fighting in a whole and is only somewhat good at marksman like things. He can't swordplay worth his life though he does own a Lightfoil. Usually surrounded by armed guards, he retreats more then anything and does not usually fight, as he knows he will be beat in seconds. However, due to his young days in flying, he is great at flying a starfighter or something similiar.

Born on Alsakan to a young merchant family, Vincent was a intuitive young child. Growing without much of a father, his mother continued to give him love beyond normal. However, she died when he turned 9, leaving Vincent with a nanny-like figure that constantly put him in his room. When he turned 12, Vincent's father shut him up in a nearby Academy. Vincent then studied for years, reading much and absorbing alot of knowledge. Taking a keen interest in Arms manufacturing, he dreamed big about one day owning his own company much like his father.

Eventually, his fathers small ship building company was put under Vincent's control. At the age of 19, Vincents father died after a mysterious poison found its way into his food supply. Gaining absolute control, Vincent spent the next 10 years growing the company's employee base and credit safe. Kroso-Iden Arms Manufacturing grew into its own, changing from building craft to armanents very quickly. Releasing several different weapons under its name, most of them developed by Vincent himself.

After eight more years of scheming and building, all during several wars, altercations and fights, Vincent grew Kroso-Iden to a massive Arms Manufacturer on Alsakan. Rivaling MerrSonn and Soru-Suub now, Vincent went about creating his own Personal Security Force known as The Wisp. The Wisp, trained on Alsakan, are Vincents arm and personally operate on his orders. They are trained for espionage and covert abilities and are mainly used to assassinate Vincents opponents.

Vincent now has begun his ultimate goal of building an outstanding base on a Planet either in the Outer Rim or Mid Rim. Vincent, power hungry, wants to control his own planet. Soon, he will be moving from Alsakan to another planet and will begin operations to enforce his rule. However, this is unknown if it will fully bear fruit. Vincent of course hopes so.

This is a VERY rough mock-up of Vincent. He will hopefully be the Faction Leader of my Mega-Corp.