Violators will be persecuted


Sleepy Jawa
SWRP Writer
May 26, 2018
Reaction score
Character Name and Level: Cuyan Ordo - Level 1
Character Rank: Mandalorian Marauder
Name of Plot: Violators will be persecuted
Participants in the plot (Character accounts): @Cuyan Ordo @Wyatt Solus @Leandros Solus
Intended Outcome of Plot: Get violator pistols, one for each participant
Actual Outcome of Plot: Cuyan and Leandros all got their pistols. Wyatt died before able to get one so we needed less supplies and credits overall.
Any PVP or Staff DMing involved? Nope
Link to Dice Roll Thread if used: Dice Thread for all threads
Relevant Threads and a description per thread in chronological order:
Small Mark, Big Hit - Mandalorian Trio hit up a factory on Taris to steal expensive parts. Killed a bunch of guards.
Bad Intel for a Bad Heist - Mandalorian Trio walked into a horrible trap trying to steal security payroll from the same factory, almost died.
Violation of Trust - Mandalorian trio took out the competition for their black market dealer and fought off some police to make it back and buy their weapons.
Disruptions of the Peace - Leandros and Cuyan besieged a workshop while a scientist was forced to finish making the pistols for the pair. Open/Pvp

2nd time submitting. Was told to resubmit with additional thread done.


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
Reaction score
Thank you for the changes, @Cazar.

Approved, rewarded, whatever you call it.