Ask What a desolate place this is

Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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“You’ll never reach the outskirts in time. Sandstorms are very, very dangerous.”
― Anakin Skywalker to Qui-Gon Jinn and Padmé Amidala

The Si’Klaata Cluster was an area near the Tion Hegemony and the Sisar Run. It contained the Kintan system, as well as the worlds of Klatooine, Tas-La, Vodran, and Vontor. Klatooine, a desert planet was much like others of its type – arid, relatively low population and the occasional space wreck.

Unlike Jakku, the rationale for finding abandoned and even crashed ships was not because of some major space battle in the past but because of its location. For the Si’Klaata Cluster was the ‘finish line’ for the Kessel Run, which ran from the planet Kessel to the Si’Klaata Cluster. And not every ship ended the 18-parsec route used by smugglers to move glitterstim spice from Kessel to an area south of the Si’Klaata Cluster without getting caught by the Imperial ships that were guarding the movement of spice from Kessel’s mines. And those that did, weren’t always in good enough shape to avoid Klatooine’s gravity.

The main reason they remained unmolested was that, to find them was a challenge and the age of the ships meant they offered limited benefit for the outlay. At least for conventional scavengers. But if you’re life depended on fixing things, any spare parts were useful. So, every now and then, Fiach would head out to find a wreck and see what she could bring back.


The locals called the storm by many names. It had a name because many Klatoonians believed there was only the one, the same one that returned again and again. It was linked to their culture and its focus on time.

The storm was blamed for a great many things. It was the source of the famine that had plagued the planet. It was the reason the water had gone away. It was responsible for the interlopers who plagued their lands and often defiled the Fountain of Ancients by bringing technology too close. It was also (quite unfairly) blamed for the ships crashing to the sands so many years before. The ship graveyards were a monument to the storm’s anger.

Fiach didn’t believe a word of it, but she didn’t flaunt the fact.

She’d spied the structure of what must have been a medium freighter, half-buried in the sands, the last time she was out here and she was returning to see if she could salvage something. The forecast was fair so she’d struck out for her quarry.

They say someone poor has no luck, yet those without would argue they have luck…and it’s all bad. Just over half-way between the safety of the town and the wreckage, she looked out and saw the storm forming on the horizon. She knew immediately that it would be a big one. It was time to make a decision.

She decided to go on and from that moment, it was a race to the freighter. Fiach and her speeder shooting as fast as she could push it across the desert, the rising wind heading in the opposite direction. With one hand she tugged the end of her long, looped scarf from beneath her belt and wrapped it around her nose and mouth. Not for the first time, she wished she owned a pair of goggles.

Mila Tesara

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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Mila hadn't expected to become trapped in the sand dunes, but such was the way of things. She had planned to try and dig herself out once the sand storm died down, but it seemed whenever she started making progress the storms would kick back up. It was sad to see that the rumors about last jedi artifacts on this world had proven fruitless, but that was okay, she always had more worlds to visit. She sat now in the cockpit, watching the storm outside reign havoc on the world outside. It was nice to be safe and protected within the ship, though she had to call upon the force to shift the build up of the sand against the cockpit glass. It was small things like this that made the force rather helpful. Ever since she found her connection to the force, Mila found a new beauty in the world around her.

One thing caught her eye though as she looked out at the world beyond her vision, something was moving towards her ship and fast. Was it a speeder? Was someone heading towards her? Who in their right mind was driving around in this storm? Mila stood up, feeling like she knew what was unfolding, and pressed the ramp release on the ship, hoping the stranger would reach the safety of the ship unharmed.


Brahe Sienar

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 9, 2020
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(One of my IRL mentors gave me the somewhat questionable advice that it is better to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission, so I figured I'd post here now since you're both seemingly asleep and/or away OOCly. x) Feel free to let me know if I need to delete this, if I am not indeed welcome to the thread. Blame my character's love of master Mila. He's around her like glue!)

Just a moment later, Brahe came into view as he entered the cockpit, tapping Mila on the shoulder and expressing concern.

"Uhhhh, master? Who is that you're letting on to the ship?" He stated a matter of factly as he pointed at Fiach's approaching silhouette, narrowing his eyes as he tried to identify the incoming speeder's occupant. "Are we just letting anyone onto the Jabberwocky? Surely that's at least a bit dangerous..." he surmised, but only sarcastically. In truth he trusted his master fully; she was his mentor, his teacher, and friend, and hadn't done anything to betray that trust in the years that he had known her.

"Whoever that is, they're gonna track sand near the engine's maintenance bay as soon as they walk in here. I hope they're careful, whoever they are, cause if I have to clean it again, that's going to put me in a rather annoyed mood..." He said, crossing his arms.

Of course, the moment that Brahe saw Fiach's face would probably change things. Being the hopeless lover boy romantic, he'd be at a loss for words, and remembering to be annoyed would likely escape him completely.

Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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The storm had almost beaten her to the ship by the time she was close enough to make it out clearly. The wind came in surges, strong enough to buffet her speeder and it required all her skills to keep it upright. She fought to keep the vehicle steady on its repulsors as the sand was now swirling. As she slowed and her engine noise diminished, she heard the sound of the storm growing deafening, the wind a near-constant shriek, mixed with the rasping, cruel noise of sand scraping the hull of the ship ahead.

Thunder exploded above Fiach, making her flinch, and she squinted skyward in time to see the last of the sunlight being eaten away by the swirling dust clouds. Dry lightning arced and lit the sky momentarily as if daylight had returned, albeit for a fraction of a second.

Her exposed skin stung with biting sand, the wind trying to take her off her speeder as she approached what appeared to be an open cargo door. She had no time to consider if this was a trap and simply guided her vehicle up the ramp and into the ship’s interior with an audible and heart-felt sigh of relief as she killed the engine.

Mila Tesara

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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Mila reached out with the force, trying to better identify who was heading towards them. Her senses sliced right through the sandstorm, unraveling the natural storm and revealing a young petite woman, trying in vain to outrace the storm; though she was currently being assailed by the sandstorm. Brahe came in forth, asking who she was letting onboard. She turned to her apprentice, a rather stern look on her face as she was a tad concerned for the young woman out there. "I think it's a scavenger, but they are in need of help. I'll help you clean up the mess Brahe, but go greet her and see if she needs help." Mila kept her hand close by the door release, sensing the woman getting closer as once she made it into the hold, the knight would shut the door to block out the horrid sands outside. She sighed in relef, sensing the woman was a tad battered by the storm, but was still healthy and alive. She sensed no ill will as well, which was good. The stern features faded, replaced by a relieved smile that stretched across her face.

"I sense no hostility from this one, go and check on her Brahe, I will make arrangements for their stay."
Mila turned to face her padawan, raising an eyebrow as she wanted to get one last comment in before he walked away. "And be on good behavior Brahe, she will be our guest." This was a woman, so Mila knew she was asking alot of her padawan in such a request, but this would be another test for the young man. Once this was straightened out, Mila would move to the kitchen, gathering up some water from the purifier, as well as a wet cloth so the new arrival could wash her face and feel a tad cleaner after having to brave that storm. She kept her senses focused on her padawan and the exchange that would follow. She was bracing for the worst, hoping for the best.

@Corbeau @Noctyr

Brahe Sienar

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 9, 2020
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Brahe cringed as he heard Fiach’s speeder move up the ramp, kicking a considerable amount of sand and dust into the once clear entrance to the ship. Much of the dust and debris ended up working it’s way under the floor panels, coating the once pristine maintenance bays with a fresh coat of dirt and grime. He looked at Mila, rather frustrated as she spoke to him. He responded in kind while making his way to the entrance where Fiach had just entered, and that’s when his voice trailed off entirely.

“….Her? Master, just because it’s a girl, don’t expect me to be lenient on the fact that she just tracked in so much…..”

The boy dropped his data pad as he looked at her, clearly shocked by the fact that it was indeed a girl that had shown up on the ship. The violet of her eyes mesmerized Brahe’s soul like a siren’s call, and the cheesy young teen couldn’t help but be awestruck at her beauty. She was clearly super cute, to the point that Brahe just outright went speechless for a couple moments.

“H-hi! Uhm….I’m Brahe! Are you okay? That sandstorm looked pretty rough!”

He blushed a bit as he walked forward to reach out and shake her hand. Master Mila did say that he needed to behave himself around their guest. In Brahe’s mind that was an obvious given, but beautiful women had a tendency to cause Brahe to temporarily forget anything other than their radiant beauty, and this case was no exception.

Ember Blaze

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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'I have been on this planet for three days, and I haven't seen a soul. I can't even search in the Force, this sand is everywhere, in everything.' Ember thought. Three days ago, Ember was on board a slaver ship in nearby space, fighting to take control of the ship and save the slaves. Through a series of events that were only partially Ember's fault, the ship blew up.

Her own ship, a BD-510, should be in orbit, searching for her. She hoped. 'Maybe it wasn't the best idea to entrust my ship to recently freed slaves.' Ember thought, knowing that such questions were futile now. Her ship would be in orbit for her, or it would not. Either way, she needed to find help, or she would never be leaving this desolate place.

Getting off this planet just became a lesser priority for Ember, seeing the wall of sand from the latest storm heading her way. To her surprise, she could hear the sounds of a speeder in the nearby distance. 'Where there is a speeder, then surely there are people!' Ember was filled with excitement and determination. She knew that she wouldn't make it to where the speeder was before the storm hit, but she had no other choice. Drawing her cloak around herself, Ember walked as fast as the sand would allow, steadily making her way towards the speeder. Just as suddenly as the sounds started, Ember could no longer hear them.

Ember knew that either the speeder was far out of distance now, or that its owner had shut it off. She had hoped for the latter and pressed forward. The storm was just about on top of her when she saw a literal ray of hope, artificial light only a few meters away! Whoever was at the source of the light had to be better than spending more time out in this storm. 'Worst case, my lightsaber works better on people than sand.' Ember thought, hoping that the people she found would be friendly.

As Ember made her approach, she saw the YT-1300 just as affected by the storm as she was. She reached up and started to knock on the hull, hoping whoever was inside would open up and allow her entry. If they didn't, those landing sturts looked like the best of the meager cover around.

(OOC: Sorry for the late entry, life has been hectic.)

Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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Fiach should have felt threatened by the fact the cargo bay door closed behind her...but she didn't. She wasn't even aware she should have felt worried, nor was she cognisant of the fact she was entirely at ease against conventional wisdom. It was often like this for the Klatoonian (for she considered herself a native of the planet even if she clearly wasn't indigenous) as she would feel ill at ease for no logical reason or completely calm despite the circumstances. The truth is, her gut instinct was invariably correct - not that she analysed the fact and simply saw it as 'one of those things.'

As her eyes adjusted to the light in the cargo bay - the storm outside had effectively been like night - she was aware of someone approaching her. And the someone spoke.

Fiach dismounted from the speeder slowly, it rarely paid to act quickly when in unfamiliar territory, and she took in her benefactor. "I thought the ship was derelict, that's why I was heading for it. Had I known..." her voice trailed away. "But where are my manners..." She took Brahe's hand and said, "I'm Fiach. I work in a repair shop in the capital and come out here looking for spare parts. So, sorry for my intrusion, but I didn't expect to make it back to home ahead of the storm."

She smiled and looked around. "Far from derelict, but it's an odd place to park your ship, I must say." Outside you could hear the storm doing its worst to the hull. "It sounds worse than it is, for a ship at any rate. If it needed cleaning, the sand will do the job. But it will probably take any paint-job off with it too I'm afraid."

@Algarus @ActualRaptors @Noctyr
Last edited:

Mila Tesara

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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So far so good, least that was what Mila could sense as she had her attention directed to the two young people talking among themselves. Brahe was actually being polite, stumbling over himself of course, but polite all the same. Did wonders to her old Twi'lek heart. Grabbing what she had come in her here for, the water and wet cloth, she made her way back to the young woman, smiling as she rounded the corner. "Well hello there, Fiach was it? Welcome aboard The Jabberwocky." She offered the woman a glass of water, and the wet rag in quick succession. It was then that Mila felt something stir within the woman, the same 'something' that had stired within Brahe nearly six years ago. Was this woman force sensitive? Mila seemed to have almost paused, her eyes staring at the woman with a rather plain expression, before she snapped out of it; to the young Fiach, it looked as if the Twi'lek had spaced out. "I see you've met my protege, Brahe, so please, make yourself at home. Once the storm settles down, we can drop you off at home." She said with an almost emotionless tone, though something seemed to catch her attention, as Mila turned her head towards the ramp and tilted her head. There was someone knocking against the hull, and Mila even sensed a trained force presence within them. She actually focused on the presence and found them with robe and saber equipped, almost certain they were a fellow jedi. This was quite a busy wasteland now wasn't it?

"There's someone else out there. One moment, and please, step back." With that, Mila extended her hands, creating a barrier with the force, as with a small exertion she would push on the release for the ramp. Dropped the docking ramp once more, Mila could only hope that whoever was down there would be quick about getting up the ramp. Her force usage kept the sand at bay, though the wind howled through the ship with an almost deafening bellow, but would allow this new jedi on board. Once this new comer was aboard, Mila would quickly pull back on the lever, sealing the ship up, and stepping away to the side as the ship was quickly becoming full with people. The effort had taken a small bit out of her, as she looked to the new comer, confirming that they were indeed a jedi. "Welcome aboard the Jabberwocky, I don't believe we've met. I'm Mila, and this is my apprentice, Brahe. And who might you be?" So much for keeping the whole 'jedi' thing under wraps. "Give me just a moment to get my bearings, and I'll fetch you some refreshments." She was a tad embarrassed that such a display had left her so drained, but then again she was trying to stop an active force of nature from breaching the ship. Her gaze went back and forth between Fiach, and this new comer, wondering if perhaps this was a sign of things to come. Was she watching the force at work? Or was this just the strangest coincidence of all time? It was probably the first one, because the force was always at work.

@ActualRaptors @Noctyr @Corbeau

Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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Time was an odd concept – and not only on Klatooine. The latter was relevant as only a race that thought so much of time would revere the Hutts as near-gods, just because their natural lifespan spanned several centuries. But right here, right now, time appeared to be playing with Fiach’s consciousness.

She knew, instinctively, that what elapsed after she entered the ship lasted only a few moments. So why did it play out in slow-motion in her mind? It was if her brain was given the benefit of decelerating time in order to analyse every moment. Of course, this wasn’t the first instance. Sometimes, when something important was unfolding, she experienced a similar feeling – as if her mind was able to take significantly longer than usual to come to a decision. But this time was different. It felt different for sure.

And what she saw…well that just served as proof of what her gut instinct was telling her. It may not amount to proof in a court of justice but it was sufficient for her to be able to swear witness to what she had observed.

One moment she was in conversation with the young man that appeared friendly yet awkward, the next she met someone she presumed was the captain of the ship. And something inside her told her they were to be trusted. Yes…told her. Not in words per se, but what she now believed was as valid as if on the receiving end of a lengthy diatribe.

Maybe her face registered her stunned reaction to the unfolding scenario as she nodded her recognition to her Twi’lek host for the warm introduction and took the water and rag. “Thanks,” she managed before smiling at the unfolding reception speech and Fiach’s face returned to normal. “I don’t want to be any trouble,” she offered as she wiped her face. On this planet, this much water would be reserved for a special guest and here was a complete stranger wasting it on a cloth to clean the sand off herself.

She’d barely passed the cloth over her face for the first time before her attention was directed to the ramp as her host indicated they were about to be joined by another. How did she know? And how did she open the ramp and hold back the rage of the storm? The moments elapsed as seconds, if not minutes. And she felt something. What the something was, she had no idea. But it was palpable if not tangible.

Thoughts swirled around Fiach’s head like grains of sand in the storm outside. And these coalesced into questions. How did you do that? And what did you actually do? And what is an apprentice precisely? But she held her tongue. Patience was one of her virtues and she knew intrinsically that she had, somewhat ironically, time on her side.

@Algarus @ActualRaptors @Noctyr

Brahe Sienar

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 9, 2020
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Perhaps it was simply raging hormones, perhaps it was true love meant to be, an attraction sanctioned by the force itself, perhaps it was Brahe just being a complete imbecile in his mind, but at the end of the day, it was clear that the poor, emotionally charged padawan was absolutely enamored with the new girl that he was paying little heed to the ramp coming down yet again to accept another newcomer. Sand blew right into the ship interior as the ramp once again exposed them to the elements, covering the floor with yet another scattering of fine particles, working their way into every nook and cranny possible.

But that didn’t matter to Brahe. What mattered was that Fiach worked at a repair shop, and that in and of itself was a +10000 for potential super hot girlfriend material. He was your typical teenage boy- more concerned about girls than following the Jedi path, and his maturity had one hell of a journey ahead before it could be considered well seasoned. But the fact she worked at a repair shop meant that she probably had the same passion for working on starships that he did. Perhaps she even liked TIE models? Brahe had a rather healthy obsession with the intricacies of the twin ion engine and it’s rather iconic and blazingly fast sound as the engines flared to life on a TIE.

“Ah- uhm….do you happen to like TIE fighters? I’ve got a lot of them back on my home planet to work on. They’re really fast!”

A light blush appeared on his face as he smiled. Whether Fiach picked up on that was to be seen, but it was probably obvious to Mila what was happening. Unlike Mi’la or Fiach, Brahe was being a terrible Jedi, and ignoring his force senses entirely. It was a rather terrible habit of his- he often lacked focus unless he was working on a starship, and sometimes he paid the price. Master Mi’la could handle the new person- he was focused on the pretty girl with the mesmerizingly violet eyes!

Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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Whatever Brahe was thinking, Fiach was oblivious to it – and she certainly didn’t notice his cheeks reddening. For the young woman that had only known a somewhat insular lifestyle on a backwater planet, she was in danger of being overwhelmed with stimuli right now. In fact, it was a surprise that the average person could cope with it. The odd truth was, Fiash was not an average person – although she did not realise it.

So, she was coping admirably with the fact that the derelict ship she thought she was approaching was fully functional. She was managing fine with the proximity of three complete strangers in the cargo hold of a ship, stranded in the middle of a storm with no means of escape. It was even being taken in her stride that the three knew each other and happened – by complete coincidence – to meet at this very spot on her planet. And, most remarkably of all, she was able to not freak out at the display she’d just witnessed.

So maybe, just maybe, the oddity of Brahe’s comment seemed normal by comparison and so she looked at him and cocked her head to one side slightly before responding in a very matter-of-fact way. “TIE fighters? I can’t say I’ve ever seen one working. There are one or two scattered in the desert I bet – but they won’t be recognisable as such. They would have been stripped many years ago."

"I have flown one though – or rather, I’ve piloted one in a simulator before. Well, more than one actually.” She counted them off on her fingers. “A TIE bomber, a space superiority fighter – actually both the SO and SF models, you know the one with two seats, and my favourite, the DG starfighter – the dagger. The ultimate for dog-fighting I suspect.”

“You say they’re fast, have you flown one…in real life I mean?”

@Algarus @ActualRaptors @Noctyr

Ember Blaze

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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'Impressive.' Ember thought as this Jedi was able to prevent the sand from entering the ship. "Hello there Mila, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ember." She said, bowing. "Refreshments would be appreciated, thank you." Ember watched as the apprentice was busy talking to the other female on the ship. Ember followed Mila to get the refreshments. The ship was well kept, a fairly standard Yt-1300, as far as she could tell.

"Those two seem to be really getting along, huh?" Ember said, hooking a thumb at the pair behind her. "Is that what I have to look forward to when I get my own apprentice?" she said. Ember had been wanting an apprentice for some time now, though she often felt that she would be a poor teacher. 'How could someone with my past ever really teach someone how to be a proper Jedi?' she thought, the hint of despair on her face. Ember glanced back at the pair, wondering what her own life would be like once she found an apprentice of her own.

Mila Tesara

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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Mila eyed the two young people as they spoke upon ties and various other topics, feeling uncomfortable about leaving Brahe alone with the girl, but she had to let him grow up one of these days; and he seemed to be behaving. Taking 'Ember' with her, Mila moved into the kitchen air, grabbing another glass and filling it with water. "They do, and hopefully it can stay in pleasant territory." Mila offered her fellow jedi a glass, smiling as she caught the woman's gaze looking upon the two younger occupants of the vessel. "It's not as glamorous as it appears, and sometimes you wonder where you went wrong, but yes. Though I view Brahe more like family now than anything, but then again I've known the boy since he was thirteen years old."

Mila crossed her arms, reaching out with the force so she could hear what Brahe was saying now that Mila was out of sight, though she sensed a brief bit of sadness from Ember, which drew Mila's attention. "Ember, if you doubt your own skills if you were to take on a padawan, don't. When I took on Brahe, I barely could afford to feed the boy half the time we traveled. Being a multimillionaire won't make you more viable of a master than who you are now." Mila attempted to be comforting, as she knew all to well about the insecurities of taking a padawan on. Brahe had to fight with his mother to be taken on years ago, and Mila just didn't have the heart to tell the young man no; now here they were five years later, it was quite remarkable.

@ActualRaptors @Noctyr @Corbeau

Brahe Sienar

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 9, 2020
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Brahe smiled at Fiach, excited that she seemed to, at least initially, have much of the same interest in the TIE series as he did. Brahe was a TIE fanatic. For better or for worse, the padawan had developed an obsession with and exaggerated belief that the twin ion engine was the single greatest locomotion invention short of the hyperspace drive. All other star fighters just couldn't keep up with the speed of a TIE, let alone the absolutely amazing sound they made when in flight.

"My dad works for Sienar-Jaemus fleet systems, so I had the opportunity to get a lot of salvage and excess for TIEs for a couple personal projects." His smiled widened into a grin. "And you're just in luck- I have a TIE/LN and a TIE Ranger that can both fly! If you wanna try flying a real TIE, maybe we can hang out again sometime?" He purposely left out mentioning his last name. If Fiach knew that Brahe's last name just so happened to be so closely tied to the company...well it wasn't hard to put two and two together.

The sad but honest truth that Mi'la either chose not to mention or just didn't know about Brahe's past is that while it was indeed true that she could barely afford to feed the padawan initially, Brahe's concerned father had....quite the influence in the company. It was no surprise that the son of a corporate big wig would mysteriously receive credits deposited directly to his account at the most opportune moments, likely not publicized as it would appear that the company was financially supporting the Jedi Order. An unwise decision at best, given the likelihood that there were still likely Sith loyalists even now amongst the ranks of the company, given the history behind who they supplied in the wars of the past century.

Brahe loved TIE fighters, but he hated what they had been used to protect. For him, joining the Jedi Order was a way of escaping that dark history.

To avoid being rude, Brahe turned to Ember, smiled, and gave a polite bow, expected of a padawan when greeting a knight or master.

@Algarus @Corbeau @ActualRaptors

Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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Fiach was aware of the conversation the two women were having, although she couldn’t hear properly without dividing her concentration and she felt the young man she was talking to deserved her full attention. And then they departed, and any hint of a dilemma to be resolved was taken out of Fiach’s hands.

Fiach nodded as Brahe spoke, her smile never leaving her lips. She’d heard of some of the ship manufacturers, mostly though the computer program she used – but expected the information on it was out of date.

The pleasantry of a conversation soon evaporated when Brahe raised the stakes. In truth, Fiach was not one for chit-chat. It was not that she disliked people, it was more that she was not blessed with social skills. She was the pragmatic sort and dealt with facts. Opinions were not something she dabbled with and emotions even less so. Her parents loved her but even they would admit she was something of a cold-fish.

“FLY A TIE!” she said, a little more loudly than she’d planned. Her brow wrinkled slightly. “Sorry,” she said, “it’s just I wasn’t expecting that. It’s just…” Her voice trailed away and she searched for the right words.

“Unless you live locally, I can’t see it happening. You see, I work in a repair shop in Treema and we don’t have a ship. We…” Her voice faltered again. “I have to be honest, we can’t afford a ship, or me to have a day off. Living can be tight here. But it was really kind of you to invite me, thanks.”

Brahe Sienar

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 9, 2020
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"No worries! I'm sure we'll find time eventually. Something gives me the feeling that this won't be the last time we hang out."

Little did he realize just how true that statement would end up becoming. Fiach's life was about to get a lot different from her upbringing on Klatooine.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I uh....well....I have to make sure no sand got near any of the more exposed power couplings. If you want to help, feel free! There's a couple more hand vacuums in that container over there."

Brahe pointed at a nearby closed crate. If anyone opened it, they'd find the aforementioned hand vacuums.

He got to work by opening up one of the nearby floor panels and hopping into the maintenance crawlspace underneath, before he began working in earnest on the starship components, making sure to remove any sand with a handheld vacuum. It'd take him forever at this rate, but it was better than nothing.

After all, Master Mi'la's Jabberwocky was an ancient piece of tech that was damn near the verge of falling apart mid flight were it not for the constant maintenance that Brahe performed on it. Master Mi'la helped at times too, but it was Brahe that was dodging expensive maintenance fees from planetary repair shops left and right by doing the work for her instead.

/END THREAD (If that's ok? Since we've been sitting on this forever)