What the Flock? (Invite Only)


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Corellia. In the Heart of the Republic. Conall found it... smelly. That's not necessarily a bad thing mind you. His home world seemed to lack odor, extremes of both Cold and Hot weather tended to burn out pollen quickly thus most of the plants found other means of propogation which meant little odor. Corellia smelled... many different things and Conall liked that. So it smelled good. Yeah his thoughts lingered far to long on the simple things.

"Yo! Meatbag! Get your flabby ass in gear! We don't get paid until all this cargo is out of this heap!"

This colorful comment came from Lucky, Offically (in all legal definitions) Conall's droid engineer neither Conall nor Lucky saw things that way. Conall liked the droid and the droid found Conall a useful dupe in keeping his metal ass out of the recycling bin. Conall smiled at the much modified protocol Droid

"Sure thing Lucky, then we can use the cash to get that shield generator overhauled." Conall grinned at his own comment and pushed the repulsor-lift full of cargo out the ramp.

"What? Are you nuts? These swindlers will charge you three times what it'll cost! I can get the parts wholesale and have it up and running in no time." The droid stopped realizing what he just said and put both hands on his hips "Damnit I'm gonna yank that engineer module out by the wires! I can't stand being that Honest!" Conall chuckled and walked down the ramp with the last of the cargo.

Lillianne Crasse

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SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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With the attacks upon the Jedi and the declarations of war, Khaluq had known that time was of the essence to build up their ranks once again. The Jedi were desperate for not only new recruits, which would require many hours of training, but also those who might be brought back into the fold. As a result, Khaluq had begun to search the archives for persons who were once Jedi but left their vows behind to pursue a different path. One profile that popped up had caught her eye in particular.

Conall's personnel file was exemplary in all his training and performances files. However, he was far from perfect. Numerous entries were posted detailing differing of opinions between master and student and the frustration resulting. It wasn't long afterwards that she contacted the Jedi enclaves and operatives throughout the Republic to keep a lookout for him. Yet, Conall was not the only one. Oh no, there were others as well. However, Conall's whereabouts were the first to be reported back to Khaluq.

Corellia....Wasting no time, she immediately set about to have her ship prepared for departure. The operative that had reported his whereabouts was told to keep close to him but not enough to scare him away. She was on her way. The future of the Jedi depended on every able bodied Jedi out there and their number was about to be increased by one.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Conall stood there with the pay in his hands for a full five seconds before he handed the bulk of it to Lucky.
"First get the shield generator back in operation then put the rest of it to getting the power core recharged."

"Yes sir!" Lucky said snapping to attention. That lasted a full second "Damnit! This is your fault meatbag! If you hadn't made me put that module in I'd never be in this fix!"

"You lost the bet Lucky, you know darn well I'm not a betting man so why did you think the one time I would bet something with you that I'd ever bet on anything but a sure thing?" To that all Lucky did was grumble in Huttese which made Conall chuckle "I'm going to get something to eat at the Cantina, if you need me give me a jingle on the commlink."

Conall walked from the docks heading for the first Cantina off the hangars. He knew at least that much of every port he'd ever been in. From docks to Cantina. In some ports he'd never been further then that... He had a grumbling stomach and finally had the cash to fill it with warm prepared food instead of nutrient bars for a change. He was looking forward to it...

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Khaluq had made good time, yet she wasn't sure if he'd still be around Corellia. However, it seemed that Force was on her side. His ship had been docked for some time and there were reports of repairs being done. Unfortunately, he had not hired anyone out to make these repairs so the chance to have them delay was not an option. She'd have to get to him before he left the planet.

As soon as her ship had landed, she settled with the docking officer and contacted the Jedi with an eye on their man. Relief filled her at finding him waiting repairs out at the cantina. Smiling at how much shippers were creatures of habit, she headed toward the cantina as quickly as possible. The Jedi could not afford to let him slip away from them.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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In all honesty few people actually ATE at Cantinas, drink, fight, deal yes but few really tried to get food there. Conall found that a shame. They actually had pretty decent (And cheap) food which Conall was only too happy to try. Currently he sat at a back booth eating some kind of soup (He didn't catch what the bartender called it) after finishing two wonderful sandwiches. True three barfights and one duel had taken place in the mean time but that wasn't any of Conall's business. No one actually got killed in the Duel (Drink often ruined ones aim) so he didn't have a need to interfere. Lucky would have been proud of him.

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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As Khaluq entered the cantina, she scanned the persons inside and saw several turn to stare at her as she stepped inside. Whatever illegal affairs had been going on were quickly silenced as persons tried to appear innocent. It was commonplace in any cantina within these times. Yet, there was only one person she was looking for.

Reaching out with her thoughts toward Conall, she decided to test the waters. It was better not to approach him completely unaware.

Conall...the Jedi need you... she said to him through the Force. The question was if his mind was open enough to receive it.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Conall's spoon faltered and did not reach his lips. The words rippled across his mind, he was a Shepherd afterall, to not be 'open' to the force would mean to not be aware of his surroundings.

The Jedi need a great many things, the last thing -or so my master told me- was someone like myself. This has changed?

His own speech within the force was strong yet 'textured' with his people's odd tradition, as much a whisper on the wind as a mind-to-mind communication.

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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There are many hands dealt against the Jedi and our numbers are rapidly declining. We face exile or extinction if the tide does not turn. We should speak in private...

Khaluq did not want to approach him directly though she walked through the cantina and saw him. Passing to where he could see her walking, she hoped he would be willing to follow. There were many ears in a cantina and you never knew when spies were about.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Conall sighed. He and Jedi just didn't see eye-to-eye on certain key matters like them being far to fond of using deadly weapons and, at least in his ethical view, mind-altering skills of the Force. The fact that they are talking to him at all meant the situation had to be truly dire. He got up to follow the woman.

"Lucky is gonna shit nuts and bolts over this." He muttered to himself.

You are sure you're talking to the right man? I mean you did read my file?

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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She didn't acknowledge the comment with an answer though it brought a smile to her face. Walking through the cantina and stepping out through the back entrance into an alley, she paused briefly to get a sense of direction and reach through the Force to see if anyone were around the area before continuing. Khaluq trusted that he would act inconspicious through the passage of streets filled with children, homeless and others. The walk was meant to show him the people's lives at stake before she finally entered an abandoned building and waited for him to enter likewise. It was then and only then that she lowered the hood from her face and revealed her features.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Conall followed her to the Alley, he didn't bother to use the force, he'd long ago developed a good knack for telling when he's being watched. Long hours out guarding the flock could do that to a person. He kept his hands at his sides as he let the door swing shut behind him.

"This good enough or are we going elsewhere?"

Lillianne Crasse

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SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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She smiled and motioned to a box in the center of the room where light was streaming in from outside casting it's warm sunlight upon them.

"There is much to talk about, Conall, and not much time. You once were a member of the Jedi Order and so this affects you still. The vows you took upon joining were meant for life though you chose to turn away from them. Now your brethern need you more than ever. I have read your profile and know of past disagreements, yet you still are a Jedi. I sensed it in you when I found you here."

She waited to see how he might react to her words before even considering continuing. No doubt he would resist somewhat or argue. It was expected afterall from one who believed the Jedi to be wrong in certain aspects of their beliefs.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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He frowned at her choice of words and crossed his arms. "Oaths work both ways. When I took the Oath there was mention of saving life yet you turn around and hand me a weapon that serves only war and death telling me I must use this. There in lies the flaw in the Skein of Jedi teaching. To hold a weapon such as that sabre I know you carry means to accept a slice of darkness into your hand." He pulled his collapsed stave from it's holster "This is the weapon of a guardian, of a Shepherd. That is what you felt, the dedication I have to the ways of the Shepherds."

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Since he decided to play a philosophy card, she launched back with her own.

"The lightsaber is a sign and comfort to those we protect. They are not drawn except when it is necessary to take a life for the welfare of the Republic and the lives of innocents. Yet, anything you hold in your hand can be a weapon. It doesn't have to have that label to be so, does it? Even the Force can be used as a weapon and it has been against our kind. The darkness that is coiling up around the Jedi and threatening to supress the light is only the beginning. Their target is the very Order now, but it will expand if we fall."

She wanted him to see the bigger picture. The people they passed in the streets who depended on the Republic and Jedi to protect them...these lives were the ones at stake as well besides just the Jedi. It was a noose carefully laid by their enemies that was tightening and the rope needed to be cut before all was lost.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Shaking his head Conall put up his hand "I'll not banter words with you Jedi. You will never see beyond what you have been taught and what Jedi have been taught for generations. You are in need, that alone is enough for me. Of what help can I be?" He holsters his stave, crossing his arms once more.

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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"Several of our numbers have been slaughtered at the hands of a religious group known as the Bendu and their allies the Shadourians. They have attacked numerous Jedi enclaves and killed hundreds. A war has been declared against the Jedi and they threaten us constantly to go into exile and hand over the Republic to them. However, they stood by killing Jedi while the Sith took over Dantooine as well. Because of these attacks, the Republic has lost faith in our order and are on the verge of turning on us as well. We must stop the Bendu and Shadourians before the Sith launch a full fledged attack against the Republic. Already they have taken our highest ranking members of the Order and turned them or done unspeakable acts...."

Her words seemed pained and mixed with an anger as she trailed off and broke eye contact with him. He did not need to know all that had happened in full detail.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Conall shook his head, the thought of such conflict filling him with heartache. That is not the Way he thought. Looking back at her his words filled with both compassion and conviction.

"You must not abandon hope, there is no depth of darkness that one can sink that light cannot pierce, like a beacon hope can reach all if they are willing to accept it."

He bowed his head in thought, running what he knew of the orders she mentioned through his mind which was precious little.

"Religion, like the Force can serve both good and ill, what can open a man spiritually can also be twisted to wall him off from the Collective Soul. Hubris and Pride, Ego and Haughtiness, these are the steps of the wayward. One must peer through the retoric and dogma to see the heart of the path otherwise one can stray from the Path without realising it. If these Bendu and the Shadourian have strayed or have been lead away from the Ethic they once proponed then a stand must be made..." He looked at her realising he'd been spouting far too much. "What would you have of me? I will not raise a sabre in battle or even in defense of the innocent. A Shepherd's stave has served me thus far, I will not leave it now."