White Wolf

Brynjolf Baan


Character Profile
Nov 1, 2022
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Stronger than passion- stronger than love. Love can rot into disgust. Passion can become diseased with lethargy. But loyalty was steel compared to flesh. Nothing could deteriorate it except the rust of age and death itself. Gorr didn't plan on dying anytime soon. He had a King to follow. He had a King to trust in. Many believed that Gorr's 'loyalty' was blind and fanatic- but they were wrong. Oh so very wrong... Altair Din, the Demon Prince of Korriban, crowned King of Eiattu, was someone worth putting one's faith in.

Gorr sought to be trusted by his Lord all the same. But trust had to be earned, and usually it was done through respect. So, the White Wolf tainted his pure coat, soaking it in the blood of the reviled. Enemies to the Throne- to Altair Din! And where, one might ask, did this fanaticism come from?


The Lieutenant saw, first hand, the power of the Demon Prince himself. Never had the wolf seen such a leader of quality. It was beyond inspiring! Many hated the Empire, but the Empire was the key to order. Peace is a lie that cowards place false hope in. It is false. It is stupid. Gorr only felt peace while he slept, and even then, the nightmares of wars past still haunted him. Not even in rest could he find this fable named, 'Peace'. The Sith understand this, and though Gorr was no Sith, he couldn't help but agree with their ancient code.

Maybe in death there could be peace. If that were indeed the case, then Gorr had been giving numerous beings what they sought after for so long. Maybe death was key to bringing peace. Maybe death was the destiny of all. The fate of every being that lived in the galaxy. No one could escape death- merely prolonging it's grasp from throttling you.

The Fatal Fate of All...

Destined Death.

The dead were never meant to be pitied, for they have found what the living could not. What is a fable for those with a pulse, is written in stone for those who have grown cold beneath our feet. Now, the White Wolf had a purpose beyond serving Altair Din. He was to be the Great Reaper of War. The White Wolf soaked Red. Even if, one day, Gorr lost faith in the Demon Prince, he would always remain loyal to his cause. To bring about death to those who want peace, for peace isn't a lie. Simply a half truth.

The Jedi had it all wrong. It was why they tasted defeat so bitterly in the mouth. Their hope would never become greater than loyalty. And whether that obedience was through fear or respect, it would always be stronger than fickle hope. Faith was blind. Not loyalty.

Altair Din was the Lord of Death- Bringer of Peace. He laid the foolish Jedi Councilor and his pet to rest so he could achieve what his Order longed for. Gorr wanted to be just like his commander.

And if genocide brings those foolish Force wielders the very thing they fight for, then so be it.

Brynjolf Baan


Character Profile
Nov 1, 2022
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Philosophy was not something Gorr ever dwelled on for too long. Morals meant nothing if you didn't act on them. Actions made you who you were, and that was final. So... Who was Gorr? That wasn't his name back home. He changed it after the death of his brother to hide his shame- hoping that a simple petty change would help him forget the pain he put his family through. Was it his fault? He wasn't sure anymore, but his mother refused to see him and his father wished it Gorr had died instead.

The White Wolf's mind drifted to that day... The day after the invasion on Korriban. The day Gorr received his promotion from Corporal strait to Lieutenant...


"How is father?" Gorr asked his brother after they embraced. "Training is taking longer than expected, but he is still the same man we grew up with." Malakos grinned. "Congratulations on your promotion, little brother! Mother and father will be proud." The two made their way down an empty street towards a bar where everyone was supposedly waiting to celebrate with Gorr. "Thank you, Mal. I was lucky enough to survive the invasion, though. I wasn't the only soldier deserving of such a reward." Gorr said, hoping to grin at his brother only to find that he had stopped walking and stood silently with his head down.

"Malakos? What's wrong?" Gorr felt uneasy- he could hear his brother's pulse quicken. "No... No you are not the only Imperial to deserve your rank. How many men did you hide behind, hm? How could you have possibly survived that invasion? Do you know how many wars and battles I've had to claw my way out of only for my actions to be shadowed by those of higher status??" Malakos spoke with a venom so pungent, Gorr could almost smell it. "Mal, what are you talking about? You're not an Acolyte still, are you?"

"I've been an Acolyte longer than you've served in you precious military." Malakos ignited a red blade, sending shivers of fear and further confusion down Gorr's spine. "Malakos Baan! What kind of madness is this? We're brothers! Let me help you- I'm sure I can send word for you to receive your-"

"No! I will not be overshadowed by little brother! You are the lesser being here, NOT ME. You have no Force. You have nothing!" Malakos lunged for Gorr, slashing his saber across Gorr's chest before preparing to stab him. However, Gorr's training kicked in and he side stepped away from the jab and grabbed his brother's arm using his free hand to elbow the mad wolf in the nose. "Knock it off! Now!" Gorr was able to disarm his brother, but the Black Wolf seemed to be under some crazed fury, lashing out with tooth and claw.

"I'll die before taking orders from the likes of you!" Malakos was easy to predict under this rage, but...this was Gorr's own blood. Nothing about this was right and Gorr couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his face. With Malakos' lightsaber in his hands, Gorr held defensively to ward Malakos off, but the Black Wolf was persistent. Malakos lunged again and Gorr panicked, jabing the crimson blade through his brothers chest as Malakos' claws were mere inches from Gorr's throat.

"No...NO! Mal, stay with me- SOMEONE HELP ME..." Gorr wailed as he held his dying brother in his arms. The crazed and feral look faded from Malakos as he, too, began to shed his own tears.

"Forgive me, little brother... Please... Please forgive me, Bryn..." Gorr sobbed, letting out a solemn howl as the last breath escaped from Malakos.


That was the last day Gorr heard his name, Brynjolf Baan, or Bryn, as Malakos liked to call him. Bryn wasn't allowed to attend the funeral, but he showed up anyway, in secret. His brother found peace in his eternal slumber- found love from the living. But there was no such feeling left for Gorr. They blamed him for his death. They hated him for the fall of Malakos.

And I will never forget, my dearest family. Nor...

Will I forgive.

Brynjolf Baan


Character Profile
Nov 1, 2022
Reaction score

Someone destroyed the Demon King. Gorr wasn't sure how or why, but after the terrorist attack on the Vanhoop home, Altair Din was never the same. The White Wolf didn't know the family, but he did recall seeing one of them during Altair's coronation. She left quickly, however. Maybe she wouldn't be dead if she had stayed within the Empire? The media seemed to think she was an Imperial anyway- but that wasn't what was important. Someone ended her life and in doing so, ripped Gorr's Commander and King away from his normal self.

Whoever did it would pay and Gorr wouldn't stop hunting until his pelt was matted red with the enemy's blood. The leads all pointed to the Resistance who served the damned Jedi. But... The Lieutenant just didn't see the Jedi Order to be so blood thirsty. Well, the did openly attack Mustafar, which ended in Imperial Victory, and the tried attacking Dantooine, which also ended in the Order's defeat. Maybe... Maybe they could go as far as to destroy a medical organization built to help those in need. Maybe they were bitter with the fact that this Clove Vanhoop was doing a better job than the Jedi.

But then... Why did Clove resign? She said it herself, that she wasn't fit to run such an organization... Whoever bombed that household wasn't just your average rioter. They knew what they were doing. Somehow, the left little trace of anything besides the shrapnel from explosives that could be utilized by anyone. At least, Gorr thought, the Vanhoop family found the peace they fought for. Death came to all who desired such ludicrous ideals, it seemed. The Jedi were proof of that- loss after loss, the White Wolf was surprised there was and Order to remain.

"Mister Lieutenant, Sir...um," A little Bothan snapped Gorr out of his studies. "I've told you already, Harva'a, that you may call me by my name." This was one of the younglings Gorr picked up from Yavin. He had no family to be returned to, so Gorr decided to watch him until a proper family could be found. "Sorry, Gorr, sir- erm, Gorr. I can't sleep..." The little pup sheepishly stood in the doorway. "Oh, um... You can take my bed tonight, then." And I shall take the floor. All of this was new for the Shistavanen, but Gorr could relate to Harva'a in more ways that one. Though he would never admit it, he had grown fond of the youngling.

"Are you going to fight again?" Harva'a wondered as Gorr tucked him in. "Yes." Gorr's blatant answer probably wasn't enough to sate the pup's curiosity. "Who are you going to fight?" Harva'a then yawned, settling in the pillow that was much too large for him and almost swallowed his little head. "Any who oppose the Empire."

"Like...Jedi? Didn't you already fight Jedi?" A sigh escaped from Gorr. "If they continue to oppose the Empire, yes." Harva'a thought for a moment and then seemed satisfied with that answer. "Oh, okay." And when Gorr thought he was going to rest, the White Wolf took his seat at his desk and continued his research.

"Gorr, sir? Would you fight me for being Jedi?" Gorr sighed again- maybe Harva'a couldn't sleep because his mind wouldn't sleep. "Um..." Damnit, this was a hard one. "No?- No. I would not fight you. You are too young." Guilt gripped Gorr- he had ordered his men to fire on any Jedi, including the younglings. This child could've easily been one of them, but now...as Gorr listened to the steadying beat of Harva'a's heart... "I will never harm you, Harva'a. You are with the Empire now, and I hope you grow into a momentous warrior one day." Gorr smiled warmly, something he seldom did.

"Can I fight with you?" The Bothan asked, yawning a second time. "I would be honored to have you watch my six, little one."

Then, something clicked.

It was love that had destroyed Altair. His love for Clove was so strong that it nearly broke him. Who else but the Jedi would want to shatter the man's soul after what the Demon King had done to them? Altair Din was loved by all in the Empire- or at least Gorr believed so. There was hardly a chance anyone did this to strike him where it hurt. But, then Gorr remembered his own brother's betrayal. The Dark Side, as Gorr had studied it, had a knack for changing love into mad obsession, disliking into a bitter grudge. Perhaps... Perhaps someone wanted Altair to suffer because they had become obsessed with a love he couldn't give them.

"Gorr, sir?"

"Yes, Harva'a?"

"Good night."

"Good night, little bloodhound."

Brynjolf Baan


Character Profile
Nov 1, 2022
Reaction score

The galaxy was changing so fast. With every new planet Gorr and Maximus seemed to take over for the Empire, the Empire was under fire on the other end of the galaxy. The White Wolf, feral and ruthless on the field of battle, adopted and began personally training a little Bothan-Grimlyn boy named Harva'a. The views of the Sith Code- the morals he bore -began to change the more time he spent with Harv. There was not a cadet in-training that stood before Bryn, but... But perhaps a second chance.

Gorr saw Malakos when he watched Harva'a. Not the bloodthirsty psychotic killer that had tried to take his life in an alleyway. No, Gorr saw the better aspects of his brother. The ones Brynjolf used to love and hold as cherished memories.

But the boy was Force Sensitive.

I am loyal to my Empire... To Altair Din... To Maximus Dram...

But the heretical thoughts of hiding Harv away from the galaxy continued to stress the Shistavanen. Could he bare to watch Harva'a grow into the monster of brother that scarred Gorr's memories? Or was he belittling the child- forgetting that he could one day become a man like Gorr's Commander? Should Gorr let Harv train under a Sith to hone his blessed Force prowess? To put it simply, the White Wolf did not want to feel the pain he felt when Malakos snapped. He didn't want Harva'a to snap.

"They did it again," That youthful voice snapped Gorr out of his deepening thoughts. "Hm? What happened?" Gorr found Harv sitting on the couch with Gorr's Nalphone as well as one of the Cadet's own, less expensive and more practical, dataphone. "How come your feed is up to date and mine isn't?" Harv raised an eyebrow and his tone screamed 'Ungrateful Teenager'. "Don't take that tone with me, Cadet. Return my phone to me, Bloodhound." Gorr narrowed his eyes, not to glare but to better see what Harv had been up to.

"Yeah, yeah..." Harv did as he was told but reluctantly sat down on the couch and sighed. Gorr's news and tabloid feeds were opened. "I just don't understand why I can't have a Nalphone like you! How else am I supposed to keep track of where we're fighting..." That was it. Harva'a unknowingly figured out that not everyone with proper clearance were allowed to witness the same intergalactic news the rest of the galaxy had. "Because I can barely trust you with my own things." Gorr replied, gesturing to his own Nalphone.

And because no matter how much of the galaxy has gone to shit, I want you to be safe. I want you to thrive. I want you to be better than me. Because I'm not sure I want you to be a Sith. I'm not sure I want you to end up like Malakos.

I'm... I'm not sure of my own...
