Why the Force Must Die by Slars Nnthryk


Least Best GALAF AFL
SWRP Writer
Mar 4, 2014
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Comments are allowed, this will just be one big post by the time its finished

OOC: I am currently writing a book of my own in real life. A fantasy, with world-building and all that fun bullcrap that takes hours to do and many pages to sacrifice to the almighty delete button. I get bored of this sometimes, and so I'm going to work on this as a side project to add a little something to this universe. I don't have to cooperate with anyone, meaning there's no one to let down if I don't add another chapter for a month, and it helps me make sense of a few things that will help make my own fantasy world far more richer and realistic. It's practice, in a way, to understand how different political tendencies are conceived, what the logic is behind them, as that will be a major factor in my thinly-veiled endorsement of Marxism examination of a few different political philosophies that have popped up in real life. This particular "book" is a way for me to begin to understand the rationale of certain extreme-conservative mindsets, and that of regimes (Nazis, to name the main example) that demonize groups of people for their own gain, by seeing how they can grow in an organic setting, and making them realistic. Give them a cause people can be sympathetic for, actually understanding them, instead of merely dismissing them as stupid. Obviously this isn't a simulation of real life and I don't endorse angry politics, but it is set in a fantasy world and RPing as Space Alex Jones is pretty fun. So. Let's see how it happens, shall we? Maybe I'll even get this monster put in site lore.

Sexier formatting will come later when I have more time to screw around with.

Why the Force Must Die: An Appeal to Self-Liberation
By Slars Nnthryk


This might come as a shock to many, but the world has been at war for years. And I personally believe that there comes a time in every sentient’s life when they look at what is happening and spend time questioning it. Sometimes they halt themselves, not wanting to dig themselves too deep into the mire that is galactic politics, or perhaps because they have better things to worry about, such as simple survival in these difficult times. Others draw incorrect conclusions and spend their lives fighting for causes that will only drive them further into the earth beneath their feet. Still others, the more unsavory among us, consider it a chance to profit and advance their agenda.

These others are whom I must discuss in this treatise. Not the cartels scattered across the galaxy; I believe we are all aware of their failings. I speak of a threat far more ancient than petty drug criminality, mob hits, and money laundering.

I speak of the Force.

Alarm klaxons are sounding off in the minds of many who read these words, I imagine. “The Force is an extraordinary tool for peace when used properly, not many people can use it, and half the Force users in the universe have been fighting to protect us. What malignant effect could it possibly have on us ordinary folk?”

I am writing this book to battle these grievous misconceptions about the nature of the Force. I am aware that I will likely fail with most who come upon this manuscript, but I can only pray that logic and common sense will reach the rest.

Most of you are halfway to where I stand already; condemnation of the ways of the Sith, of the so-called “Dark Side” of the Force is nearly universal, especially among the people slaving away for their insatiable pursuit of power, losing their own freedom to empower that of the tiny upper caste that rules their Empire. It is an ancient system of statist autocracy, with the underpriveleged proletariat kept in line with theological dominion and brute force seen in many proto-histories of sentient species throughout the galaxy. Almost all were eventually overthrown in favor of more modern, democratic, capitalist systems in one way or another, yet this regime imbued with godlike strength still remains.

On the other side, the “Light Side” of the Force, exists much of the same kind of story. The Jedi theocracy, whilst allowing their people far more freedoms, still holds a rigid hand over individual morality. Their motto of inaction and “inner peace” has allowed threats like the Sith to rise, criminal organizations to plague the world unchecked, and the unjust bureaucracy of the defunct Old Republic to reign supreme. Except, of course, when their authority is challenged so much that they had to destroy their conceptions of dogma and mobilize into an “Army of Light,” directly defying their supposed motives as a religious organization and guardians of peace. Even now, it has not disbanded. And Jedi Generals still exert major influence over the Council that governs them. Theirs is a religion of contradictions and control not unlike others that exist in the galaxy. But as other religious influences as a whole have slowly waned over time, superceded by societal norms and expectations, the Jedi’s religion has only grown, almost as fast as the Sith’s.

How is this possible? How can two religions defy the common bell curve track of religious growth and decline? What empowers them to destroy all conceptions of history, and maintain entire systems of government across numerous star systems thousands of centuries deep into the Post-Galactic Exploration Age?

The common thread that allows these systems to exist in unquestioned power is quite clear: the Force. This almighty thing that gives the lucky (or unlucky, perhaps) few godlike strength. This mysterious concept that has single handedly ignited wars and ruled societies since Galactic history began.

The obviousness of the situation has been lost on an extraordinary amount of people. I mean to rectify this. Not with more idleness, but with a call to action. And examples to follow in tandem with words alone. This book shall not be a mere piece of casual speculation.

You see, there have been a lot of armchair theorists sitting around contemplating about the nature of the universe, in natural response to the conflicts of principle and practice embodied in the military stalemate that defines our galaxy. This discussion is perfectly fine, it is necessary to come to the revolutionary conclusions that define our social evolution as a collective of living beings. But though I may write like them to better enunciate my ideas with specificity, in truth I am extraordinarily sick of them. These individuals believe that somehow by merely talking about issues within their lives, problems can be solved.

The truth is, a problem as ingrained and devastatingly dangerous as the usage of the Force cannot be combatted by idleness. It must be tackled head on, with the full power of the oppressed. We do not need godlike stewards to monitor and control our every move, whether with extreme measures of autocracy as the Sith are wont to enforce, or with the history of quiet inaction and unnecessary moral limitations imposed by the shadow government of the Jedi to keep the denizens of their little territory in check.

Though there is much to discuss, and, of course, much to explain concerning my view of the Jedi, as so many people incorrectly view them as heroes and saviors, I can begin with the greatest evidence of the fruit of this cynical view of trusting in godly overlords to save my scales for me: myself. Having relieved myself from depending upon these people, who are no better than any autocratic king or unjust dictatorial state, I no longer live in fear and subservience. I have taken command of my own destiny, and live in tempered luxury despite my difficult personal situation. I go on hunting trips with friends in exotic locales when time and funding permits. My flat on Trandosha is stocked with the finest liqeurs and fabrics. The enterprise I have been working to build all my life is finally coming to fruition. To put it carefully, carnal gratification comes to me with ease. And I am still as true to myself as I was the day I was born.

I have been able to accept myself and my desires, primal and cultured, without letting them out of control. My Trandoshan heritage and worship of the Scorekeeper has melded seamlessly with the temptations and amenities of the modern era. And without the curse of the Force, nor the curse of following those who toil under its burden, I have freed myself, and allowed myself to live as each and every one of us truly deserve. As you deserve. All thanks to my renunciation of this ancient religion and its primitive dogma, as some of us have perhaps already done. I merely ask that this personal renunciation be taken to a galactic level. It needs to be, for true peace, inward and outward, to reign once more. No government sponsored by super-sentients will ever create it; we must take our destiny into our own hands.

Some may call my challenge to all Force-wielders to willingly abdicate their power insane and unfounded in reality, due to the ever-present threat of the Sith. I call it simply being principled, and providing a solution for the vast majority of the galaxy subdued by its unyielding yoke. This weapon of mass destruction and subjugation must be destroyed, entirely. Annihilated off the face of a world that belongs to us.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are allowing a microorganism with a sophisticated self-defense mechanism to control us, us sentients who have mastered the galaxy itself. Please. I beg of you. Allow me to show you all a way out of this utterly ridiculous state of affairs.

Hear me out. You won't be sorry.

(Chapters to follow)


Least Best GALAF AFL
SWRP Writer
Mar 4, 2014
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Chapter 1: The Force Laid Bare

Let us begin with the Force itself, before we look at its practical manifestations. As I have already stated, the Force is the result of a microorganism’s self-defense mechanism. These microorganisms, bacteria of a sort that infest cells of living beings and thrive at the potential benefit, but usually detriment, of their hosts, are called Midi-chlorians.

This is no mere conspiracy; to Force-wielders and sentientologists in the know, the existence of the Midi-chlorian is a well-known fact. More peaceful, science-oriented members of the Jedi sect have published numerous articles concerning their research into the Midi-chlorian lifeform. As per Jedi Master Kal Zi’s quintessential account of his scientific examination of the practical nature of the Force, The Midi-chlorian Theory and its Implications, “It cannot be ignored that the Force that we have once surmised to be entirely spiritual likely has a physical component in these Midi-chlorians. They are the only common thread that ties the disparate and diverse species of the galaxy together, and considering all Force-users in the multiple sampling sessions I managed possess relatively high Midi-chlorian counts, it seems to be a direct correlation; the more Midi-chlorians one has, the more in-tune one is with the Force” (Zi, 101).

While the Jedi were content to stop with passive acknowledgement, not willing to endanger the sanctity of ages-old dogma to rationality and scientific discovery, the Sith were far more desperate to exploit this new theory. Thus, the Golden Age of Sith Alchemy, led by such figures as Darth Nazsrena, Darth Argus, and High Inquisitor Dreshir Vlade, was ushered forth. Though the horrid monstrosities and complex arcaneries created by manipulating Midi-chlorians during this period were abominations to sentient life galaxy-wide, they did prove a point. By manipulating the Midi-chlorians within them and others directly, they gained further control over the Force.

It is quite clear, by essentially the two major Force sects’ own admission, that Midi-chlorians create the Force. Secular scientists have also added further evidence to suggest this theory is correct, from nearly every corner of the galaxy. A comprehensive list of these academic studies will be left in an appendix for the reader’s convenience.

That being said, no scientist, Force-user or otherwise, has discovered how this Force is produced. But, we will not concern ourselves with this nebulous realm of inquiry plagued by sub-sub-quantum physics, difficult mathematics, and theoretical singularities. Trust me, I’ve looked into it, the field is a mess.

What is important for our study is why the Force is created by these Midi-chlorian lifeforms. And considering that Midi-chlorians are indeed living beings, isolatable from their host cells (Zi, 56), we can reasonably theorize what purpose the Force serves these things.

Galactic exploration has given groundbreaking revelations to biologists and sentientologists, a nearly infinite sample size to understand evolution, and eventually create a nearly-universal pattern life follows as it develops. A model, if you will, formed of numerous theories and concepts that govern life’s developments and interactions in the galactic environment. There are very few awkward exceptions to these rules, and most of these exceptions are already extinct. For the most part therefore, the Universal Model of Biological Evolution and Behavior, compiled by a team led by decorated Twi-lek scientist Na-hir Zussad, will serve us well in understanding the Midi-chlorian.

According to this model, the Midi-chlorian would base all of its actions on whether or not it would cause it to survive longer. For most independent species, this manifests in an evolutionary arms race with their environment, with some species forming the ultimate advantage, full sentience, after millions of years of it. For others, this may result in parasitism, or the current state of the Midi-chlorian organism. By latching onto a host which provides sustenance and protection, the parasite in question thrives at the host’s expense with minimal effort.

Most would argue that the Midi-chlorian is in fact symbiotic with its host, owing to the powers it provides in exchange for its shelter. Or, perhaps, the laughable notion that the Midi-chlorian IS life itself among spiritual types. At least the former fits into this model, and the Midi-chlorian seems to exhibit signs of symbiosis, indeed, that cannot be argued. I would probably say it’s a benefit to my well-being if I could control people’s minds and choke others at will too. Yes, it is not only a self-defense mechanism against a hostile world to protect their host, but a device used to convince their hosts that they are microscopic servants, there to bring their will into reality, in exchange for nothing more than nutrients.

Why, though? Perhaps, it is because these creatures have far greater intelligence than we may assume, and are able to manipulate their hosts as well as they are able to manipulate their enemies. After all, the prerequisite average period of approximately 3 million years elapsing before sentience is formed (Zussad, 322) has more than elapsed since the galaxy’s discovery of the lifeform. Intelligence was in its grasp multiple times over.

The intelligence of bacteria, however, is understandably contentious. Normally, most individual bacterial specimens are universally dumb. Cellular processes keep it alive and kicking, but that’s about. However, in terms of actual colonies of bacteria, they can exhibit extraordinary feats of intelligence.

How this is achieved with most regular species of bacteria is though a curious chemical language known as “quorum sensing.” By releasing hormones and chemicals that signify a bacterium’s individual status into its environment, the entire collective can effectively learn how one member is doing (Baster, 23). However, the entire colony is doing this all at once, not just one bacterium; therefore, if, say, enough bacteria communicate to their colony that they’re starving for nutrients, bacterial replication will slow or halt. A relatively recent development in some older forms of bacteria is the intensification of the rate of conjugation (bacterial sexual reproduction) in the presence of antibiotics in order to propagate drug-resistant strands of DNA (A’o-ki, 71). Bacteria can even modify the form their macroscopic level of existence, the colony, can take to respond to threats; in the presence of increased levels of radiation, colonies of C. naxium will take it upon themselves to layer themselves into a visible biofilm despite their microscopic status (Vreshnr, 19), protecting some bacteria at the expense of others, instead of all of them perishing as would be expected of totally unintelligent cells.

It is theorized by Zussad that quorum sensing provided the roadmap to sentience as we know it. Many insectoid creatures possess a less developed form (evolutionarily speaking) that hearkens back to their bacterial roots, the so-called “hive mind,” where the collective’s greater good is more important to survival than the development of the individual. And even among more highly advanced sentient creatures, there is an undercurrent of instinctual loyalty to one’s species that an individual member’s ego can only fully sever by experiencing great emotional trauma (Zussad, 200). It can safely be said, therefore, that all sentience derives from quorum sensing.

Which means the potential of bacteria to become a sentient collective is very much present. As long as there is a significant abundance of resources to provide the large amount energy required to power a sophisticated network of sentience, it can be achieved.

Ultimately, we are lead to this conclusion: if the Midi-chlorian lifeform grew in a great place of abundance, sentience was likely within their reach.

The origin of midi-chlorians, however, is a very tricky subject. No one seems to know where they came from in the Jedi Order, the Midi-chlorian DNA structure is positively baffling to evolutionary biologists seeking to categorize their ancestry, and nobody in the Sith likely even cares where these things originated.

But being the amazing researcher I am, I of course could not let this question remain unanswered. Looking into the deepest archives of lore on the Force I could find on the Holonet, I discovered a universal thread among the multiple creation stories that I uncovered involving Midi-chlorians.

Though these stories differed in the lessons they taught and the deities they involved, there was always a planet. The planet’s name also differed, of course. The Source, J’eedhai, the Light, the Wellspring of Life, and the Origin were among them, all very Jedi-related nomenclature. But what didn’t differ was that it was a land of splendor and plenty the likes of which are apparently impossible to replicate, even to our greatest horticulturalists.

Obviously there is no concrete proof to support this. But if nearly all creation stories of the Force and the Midi-chlorian contain this single element, then perhaps there is an element of truth to this legend. I cannot directly prove its existence, but as any student of galactic mythologies will tell you, most of these stories are based in some warped perception of reality to begin with. Therefore, if this planet actually exists, which it likely does, then it is also likely that it possesses resources in abundance. Perhaps to the great, though improbable extent, that interspecies competition was or is literally unnecessary upon it.

These conditions would thenceforth provide a perfect storm for the evolution of sentience. The proto-Midi-chlorian in its primordial colonies, having no natural enemies and all the resources they needed, could develop true intelligence quickly, with no need to congregate into larger, well-defended bodies (like you and me) to protect their survival on this planet. And after this intelligence, quite possibly, its extraordinary powers came following suit.

This may sound improbable. But keep in mind there are other species of bacteria, as I have mentioned, that have remarkable responses to environmental stimuli through quorum sensing. Perhaps the Midi-chlorian is a natural step in the evolution of quorum sensing, wherein, similarly to a normal brain, neurotransmitters shared among individual cells of the colony can create thoughts, desires, plans, and even an identity. And somehow, perhaps they are in tune with some field of energy that allows them to transmit them over galaxy-sized distances. While of course this is speculation, it does seem to make sense.

In regards to the Midi-chlorian's sentience, Jedi have already accepted it in one form or another. Their public stance is that the Force is some sort of sentient being, even without considering its real world status as a construct of the Midi-chlorian collective. It has feelings and desires, and Jedi Masters in tune with it often receive directives from it. Now, either the Jedi are all delusional and can manifest psychotic hallucinations into reality with their own minds, or there truly is some sort of sentience behind the Force, and the Midi-chlorians that create it.

Let us turn back to Zussad’s model for a final word on this state of affairs. According to it, all life seeks to replicate itself at all costs (Zussad, 48). It is the fundamental “reason” for life’s existence; at its basest level, it seeks to spread, and maintain its future. Sentience is just another tool to achieve this end, which is why it seems a great many of us beings act selfishly, with xenophobic tendencies (Zussad, 59). The survival of the species, as well as the individual’s genetic information, is paramount to his/her existence.

Now as it seems, the Force is a single entity, and every Midi-chlorian is somehow, someway connected to every other Midi-chlorian in the galaxy (once again, not going neck deep in that thornbush), thus allowing for Jedi and Sith to have extraordinary clairvoyance and mind-reading abilities.

So, what would a species that has infested the entire galaxy need to do to ensure its own future?

This is absolutely a difficult question to answer, with many facets. But I believe we can begin with the Rakatan Infinite Empire as an example.

Skipping the many intriguing societal curiosities and the awe caused by their prowess in technology and military might, we can get right down to the nitty gritty of what these people wanted before their eradication. The ultimate goal of this empire and the Rakatan species (incidentally, guided by Force and the technology they created to access it) was complete domination. Utter control. All of this is evidenced by personal accounts of the domineering nature of individual Rakatans, and the atrocities they committed in the name of procuring submission from all they conquered.

Perhaps it is the desire of every species to achieve this control. For in a controlled environment, the controllers thrive. If no culture remains but yours, if no genes remain but yours, if no anything remains but yours, you have effectively succeeded in the ultimate goal of life. You have become life itself, with no challengers to your throne.

Thus, we come full circle, back to why the Force is a necessary element to the Midi-chlorian collective's existence. While the Force would likely be of no use to the Midi-chlorians while still on their homeworld, it could be developed by their extraordinarily-advanced level of sentience later on as they spread out into the galaxy and entered the bodies of early galactic travelers for protection against less-savory climes. Coming to the conclusion that some sort of weapon is necessary as a way to interact with the macroscopic world would not be out of character for any species seeking to carve their existence into the fabric of history. I don't doubt any other species would do the same, given the situation. The Force is truly an invaluable asset to exert influence, dominate the willing, and destroy the unaccepting. No Star Destroyer can match the sheer amount of subversive destruction the Midi-chlorian collective can cause, if provoked.

Maybe the Jedi are right in saying the Midi-chlorians are life. That is what they will become, if they are not halted in their progress.