WIP Character


Grand Poobah De Doink of All This and That
SWRP Writer
Dec 10, 2017
Reaction score

Rylan Morscül


► 22
► Human
► 5'8"
► 126 pounds
► Grey
► Dark brown
► Tython
► Female
► Jedi
► Jedi Knight
► Sensitive
Raised on Tython under the care of a Jedi Master called Hex, Ry led a particularly normal life under Jedi standards. The threat of the Exiles seemed far-off and incredible to young Rylan. Hex taught Rylan as best he could, but she often found herself wrapped in some misadventure thanks to her curious and naïve outlook, sometimes being dragged along by friends or doing the dragging herself. A rambunctious child with a large heart, Ry's mind wandered sometimes to the true adventure beyond Tython, even if Hex sometimes managed to get that mind to focus on her training as a Jedi.

Aging into a young woman didn't deter her questions. Under Hex's tutelage, by day Rylan practiced with the Jedi in honing her powers and combat style. Her nights were wrapped in study of history and language, culture and warfare. Her burgeoning mind craved knowledge in all things, how they worked, how they didn't. Hex's guidance was tough but fair, and he allowed her some freedoms that were usually frowned upon within the Jedi, even if it landed him in trouble with the other Masters, acting more as a grandfather sometimes than a true mentor.

During a routine mission to an off-world supply drop, the two were ambushed by an Exile called Katama and her apprentice. A difficult battle took place wherein Hex revealed Katama as a former student of his that fell to the Dark Side. The battle was intense and short, and left Rylan badly wounded. In retribution for her apprentice's death by Hex's hand, Katama mortally wounded him and made for Ry. Blind fury overtook her, and Rylan lashed out with a dervish of swings, eventually slicing both Katama's arms off. She felt the Dark Side linger around her like a putrid smell, but despite that Rylan managed to overcome the intense want she felt to execute the Exile, instead returning to her Master's side to try to help him.

His passing was treated respectfully by the Jedi. Rylan was given the necessary space to process her Master's death, and she used it to train, to hone her mind and body until she could hold her own against the Exiles, and wipe them from the face of the galaxy.

Ry inherited much of her personality quirks from Hex. They shared sarcasm and wit, a particular love for breaking the rules ("bending", as Hex called it), and a great love for life. Rylan's adventurous spirit spawned of this, and every discovery she made was treated as important by Hex thanks to it. Her hunger for knowledge and ambitious desire to better herself was nurtured into something the Jedi could deem acceptable without being dangerous, although she sometimes leapt ahead before taking precautions. She would often find herself immersed in the inner workings of a droid or a shuttle just as much as the holocrons in the archives.

Armed always with a laugh, Ry uses her impracticality and good humour as a coping mechanism against a perilous situation, although she knows when it is necessary to become dour and austere, treating a conflict as it deserves. Despite her great trust in the Jedi, Ry questions everything she learns and takes it with a grain of salt, preferring to discover truth with her own eyes instead of accept someone else's. But she is a loyal friend and ally to her Order.

Hex's death, however, opened up a darker path to Ry, one she acknowledges is powerful and sometimes finds difficulty in ignoring. Her grieving for his demise warped into anger and fury towards the Exiles, as well as fear that she will lose others to them. Her path to power is wrought with temptation, enough so that she has considered using the Exiles' own powers against them.

Lightsabers - Dual blue blades that join at the base via a locking mechanism to form a single, double-bladed weapon. This has made her practiced in Form VI, as well as focusing on Forms III and V. Form V tends to suit her reactionary abilities, though she will also defer to the base Form I like many other students.

Clothing - Rylan wears the customary robes of the Jedi. During missions, she will don vambraces, shin guards, and a breastplate made of beskar. Quite fond of disguising herself for intrigue missions.
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