Workers Riot


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Feb 13, 2012
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The boss had made his instructions clear, rally up the crowd, start a riot - he would take care of the rest. On Nar Shaddaa, it wasn't exactly difficult to find large groups of people, and here was no different. Outside one of the vehicle workshops that dotted the city scape, a crowd of annoyed workers was already growing, billboards and signs raised demanding fairer wages.

The words of the Hutt echo through your head, the instructions clear...

...start a riot.

OOC - A simple post @EmilyHuene to set the scene. I'll drop in once you've pisted, with Jedan :)


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Rika sauntered towards the already angry crowd of workers, a sly grin on her lips. She had been hired by her favorite Hutt to do a very simple, not to mention fun, job; cause a riot. She had plenty of experience with riots, whether it was stopping them or causing them, and she always had a plan. She was aware of at least one other person who had been hired to assist her, but she didn't know their name. And frankly, she didn't care. She was focused on her mission because she had been offered a fair pay, and credits were credits.

She was dressed in her Merc armor and wore a dusty brown cloak over it. Her long, white hair flowed behind her as her red eyes sat behind a pair of sunglasses. She smiled a little and her fangs became visible to anyone who was looking at her. But she quickly ducked into the crowd and merged with the group. She began to weave through the crowd, letting the Force follow her. She used what little she knew about Mental Manipulation and tried to push the crowd even further towards the edge. Right now they were chanting with signs, but in a minute or two of Rika's influence, they'd be close to the point of real violence. She smiled as she continued to walk around. Every now and then she'd focus on a specific person and whisper, "It's not fair. Someone has to pay." And then move on to the next person and repeat the process. She could feel the tension in the air as the crowd began to get rowdy. At this point, all they needed was someone to pull the trigger.


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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Who was her comrade? None other than young Bellatrix Ra'Kul. The black haired female was nineteen years of age and had only recently joined the group known as The Black Sun. She was brought in as an overseer to a slave house...building.....facility? She didn't know what to call it. But it didn't matter. She was in charge of buying, housing, and selling slaves on the planet Zygerria. Her friends in her new family had asked her to bring down some of the local mob problems on Nar Shadda. Bellatrix was happy to help.

As a slaver, she needed to look the part. Bellatrix spared no penny to give her the most sexually appealing, dominatrix look she could possibly come up with. She was wearing a black leather top with long sleeves that had a poofy collar that lined her neckline. Over the shirt was a matching corset with red trimmings that laced in the front, as well as the back. Blossoming out from the corset much like rose pedals was a frilly skirt that couldn't help but bounce with every step the teen took. Her legs were then covered by incredibly form fitting tights that looked like she'd painted them straight over her skin. All this was finished with powerful looking leather boots that laced up on the sides.

Though she looked straight out of an adult film, she was equipped with enough weapons for a man to know not to mess with her. Bellatrix's first treasure was a Zygerrian Shock Whip that she'd stolen from another slaver who had caused some problems for her boss. Next to the coiled up whip were a series of grenades, both supernova and concussion. On the other side of the belt, beyond the grenades, was her Sith Lightsaber. It wasn't her first choice in weapons, but she liked to have in case of emergencies. Bellatrix's favorite sword, which she'd named Saika, was a longsword made out of sturdy metals that could withstand blaster fire as well as lightsaber contact; though it could not withhold continuous strain.

The young woman had arrived the morning prior to the riot and enjoyed a little quiet time to herself before making an appearance. Having been in no rush to come, her partner had gotten here first and already began to weave her nasty little mind control through the crowd. Bellatrix was proud of this girl already. She had no idea what the girl looked like, but she could sense the Dark side filling everyone's head. Whomever that aura belonged to must be her partner. So she would stand by and not try to confront her just yet. Time would come.

Bellatrix watched from a short distance as the crowd seemed to get louder and more disturbed as their cries were turning into hatred. A cruel, wicked smile crept over the girl's face as she imagined what would come next. They just needed a little more of a push....


The teen snapped her whip against the ground ahead of her which would cause several of them to jump from being startled. "Hey!" she would scream loud enough for them to hear. "Are you just going to stand there and complain all day. Or, are you going to do something about it!"



Tech Admin/Tech Archiver
Jul 4, 2012
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X3R watched the commotion outside, his heavy fingers drumming on his trimantium breastplate, which sat on the workbench next to the support scaffold he occupied.
"It has been getting worse." He rumbled. "The crowd has been becoming more and more agitated all day."
An elderly Rodian withdrew his head from the enormous droid's exposed servos and circuitry, looking over his shoulder and shaking his head. He wiped his hands on a grease cloth, reaching for a steaming cup of caf set atop an open toolbox.
"My money's on someone riling them up." The old man replied, looking sadly at the growing mob that milled around in the street. "This wouldn't be the first time. Every so often the Hutts do it; agitate the crowds, draw out all the young people and idealists who might give them real trouble one day... and then send in the goons to nip them in the bud."
X3R did not reply, his cranial servos whirring slightly as he scanned the crowd.
The ancient droid knew the cycles, knew how the Hutts played their game; he remembered a time, in fact, long, long before, when that game had been even more ruthless than it was now. The time when, in days before even the Republic, the beings who had since become the Galaxy's criminal masterminds had commanded armies, had laid waste entire worlds, entire regions of space.
X3R knew the terrible secret of the Ash Worlds, that so few in the modern day suspected. He had been there, seen them sterilized beneath marching feet and radioactive fire...
"I reckon you're old enough to know that already, though."
Woken from his remembrance, the old droid swiveled his gaze back toward the Rodian machinist.
The old man smiled, knocking on the thick armor plating of X3R's arm.
"You're a war droid, right? An old one, I'll wager; I've not seen joint systems like these since I was a pup in my grandfather's shop! And I'd bet his grandfather before him was the last to see power conduits like these..."
X3R swiveled his head back to the crowd.
"That would not surprise me."
He watched the growing mob for several moments. He could almost pick out the agitators; long experience had shown him the type. Hired beings, not quite fitting in, darting between clusters of people and spreading their poison...
X3R was a droid, but he had learned to read people of many species.
"It will begin soon."
The Rodian looked again at the crowd, and shook his head.
"I know..."


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Rika had done a good job setting the tone. Now she saw that someone had snapped. Figuratively and literally. A whip crack broke the tension in the air and attracted the attention of the crowd. She called out for them to take action. Rika decided that this was the teammate she had been waiting for. She cracked a smile and decided to assist the young lady in pushing the crowd. Rika called out from the middle of the crowd, her voice seemed to have no origin. "We should revolt!" The crowd heard the bait and someone quickly took it. "That's right!" "We need to act now!" "We need to riot!" The words kept flowing and people were getting into it. The entire crowd slowly shifted into a furious frenzy. Now they needed one final push before the crowd would actually act.

Rika decided to be that push. She moved back to the entrance of the factory and stood in front of the large gate. She looked around to see if anyone was watching before taking her bare hands and pretending to force the gate open. She wasn't using her full strength yet until a few people looked her way. "Let's show them we're serious!" She called out and several people ran over to help her force open the gate. Now that there were more people to mask her strength, she increased her own output. The large metal door creaked under the strain as more and more people joined the effort. When most of the crowd had joined in, the gate buckled under the force and fell down in a cloud of dust, causing the ground around it to shake and shudder. The workers rushed in to cause whatever damage they wanted, while Rika stayed back to watch her work.

She sauntered over to her accomplice and cracked a fanged smile. "So, the Hutt sent you eh?" She looked the leather clad girl up and down. "You sure you're supposed to be here? I think the strip club is a block or two away." She was poking a little fun at the girl's outfit but she was half serious. She wasn't dressed for the job.


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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Bellatrix watched with a crooked smile as her partner rallied the workers into one determined act of aggression and then storming the facility. She would cheer loudly with the crowd, though she was more excited about them causing mayhem than actually getting their fair wages and whatnot. She'd then sense her accomplice coming to join her and she would whistle with an impressed tone.

"So, the Hutt sent you eh? You sure you're supposed to be here? I think the strip club is a block or two away."

"Well aren't you adorable!" the girl would say back, not at all offended by the snarky comment. "I'll be heading there right after this. You wanna come with? I'd love to see what's under your outfit." She was only half-teasing.


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Rika's fanged smile became all too prominent. Not a lot of people were bold enough to talk to her that way, especially if they knew what she was. But this girl had no fear whatsoever of the Energy Vampire in front of her. "Ooh, a clever one! I like you!" She was tempted to push things a little further but she was on a job and had to remain professional. She gave a mock bow and waved her hand in the direction of the under-siege factory. "After you, m'lady." She was having far too much fun with this entire ordeal.

Meanwhile, in the factory, the workers were going berserk. They were destroying machines, sabotaging finished works, stealing materials and supplies, and simply going out of their way to break stuff. It was a mad house in there. Rika was half convinced that her job was finished already and that neither her nor Bellatrix needed to do anything further. As the two made their way to the factory, Rika stretched her arm out. "By the way, my name's Rika."


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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"Ooh, a clever one! I like you! After you, m'lady."

Bellatrix would return the smirk and think to herself that she too was beginning to like this girl. She had spunk, she had fire. It reminded her so much of herself. She would then give Bellatrix a bow and she thanked her with a nod of her head and a little curtsy. "Why thank you, m'lady." It sounded weird when she said it. But she couldn't take it back now. She'd fine a better nickname for this girl in time.

"By the way, my name's Rika."

"Bellatrix Ra'Kul," she would respond. "Sal-U-Tations!" she would say with a grand gesture and her own bow. Her usual greeting didn't come with the bow but she was feeling extra flashy today. But her name would already be known to Rika. There was a certain rumor in the Sith of a woman named Ra'Kul who went by another name: The Vampiric Princess. She was powerful, and deadly. A true monster in the Sith. An energy vampire such as Rika would be foolish not to inspect rumors like those and be aware of them. However, this nickname was not actually given to her, but Bellatrix's older sister Clara. It wasn't often that her first name was ever dropped in conversation, so it was only natural someone to mistake Bellatrix for that title. She was the demon Ra'Kul, and with how Bellatrix was dressed it kind sort of live up to that reputation. She was far more vampiric than her older sister anyways.


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Rika heard the name and stopped in her tracks. It struck her like a run away speeder; the name was familiar but she couldn't quite place it. She searched her mind for a glimpse of a hint as to why she knew the name Ra'Kul. Something that would catch her attention and make her remember it... Bingo. She suddenly put the pieces together. "Ra'Kul? As in, the Vampiric Princess?" She could hardly believe it. This, this was it? The stories she had heard, the carnage she had seen, it was as impressive as what Rika could do when she's having a bad day. But all that, from this girl?

As they neared the gate, Rika suddenly grabbed the girl by the collar and swung her around into the wall. Not enough to hurt her, but enough to firmly plant her into place. She waved her hand over the girl, trying to get a feeling off of her. She didn't smell like anything special, just another human. She was beginning to get irritated. "How are you called the Vampiric Princess? You're just a human." Rika showed her fangs in a non-threatening manner. "I, on the other hand, am known as the Vampire Queen. And I can back it up. So, how'd you get such a prestigious title with no fangs?"


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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"Ra'Kul? As in, the Vampiric Princess?"

"That's right," Bellatrix would say proudly, though she was referring to the fact that she was related to her not that she was trying to claim ownership of the title.

Rika would then grab at Bellatrix and swing her around into the wall. Bellatrix giggled and put her hands up, showing she wasn't going to try and fight, "Whoa! You're frisky. Maybe we should just skip the club and go straight back to my place?"

"How are you called the Vampiric Princess? You're just a human. I, on the other hand, am known as the Vampire Queen. And I can back it up. So, how'd you get such a prestigious title with no fangs?"

"Oh wow!" Bellatrix would exclaim upon seeing the fangs. "Those are wicked! Where did you get those! That is so cool. I would kill to have fangs like that." Bellatrix knew full well she hadn't actually answered the question.


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Rika seemed to growl at the childish nature of the girl. She had purposely avoided the question and that meant she was toying with Rika. The vampire didn't like to be toyed with. Her fangs seemed to glow in the light. "I was born with these. Which is why I question your title. Is it even your title? I know your name." Rika then released her grip on the girl. An idea came into her mind. She smiled, letting the hostility drift away. It was just a title, not an actual definition of a person. "But that's not important. You like my fangs? Check this out." She held up her hands and extended her clawed fingernails to show almost 4 inches of durasteel strength claws that could rival a lightsaber in sharpness. "They're retractable, and very sharp. No touching now. And by the way, I have killed for these fangs."


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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"I was born with these. Which is why I question your title. Is it even your title? I know your name. But that's not important. You like my fangs? Check this out."

Rika would release Bellatrix and back up some allowing her to extend her freakishly sharp nails. The black haired girl's eye lit up. She clapped her hands and squealed with excitement. She was still foolishly naive to the danger Rika could pose, or so overconfident that she didn't even see her a threat. Who could tell what went on in that crazy brain of hers.

"They're retractable, and very sharp. No touching now. And by the way, I have killed for these fangs."

"That is the most bad-ass, spectacular, wonderful-er...est.....most amazing thing ever! I want them! Oh I want them so bad! You have no idea how much I envy you right now." She would then let up the charade and subtly give Rika the answer she'd been craving. "If I had those nails and those fangs, imagine how much scarier I would be. I'd be even more powerful, more ferocious. I'd be a true vampire. Oh! Hehehehehehe. I could actually become the Vampiric Princess. Sister would be so distraught to find I stole her title right out from under it."

Bellatrix would then cross her arms and stomp her right foot much like a child who would demand their favorite toy, "That's it. I've made up my mind. You're going to show me how to be like you. You're going to turn me."


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Rika had to pause for a moment or two before fully registering the demand. "You must be joking." Then she saw the determination in the girl's eyes. "You're not joking." Then she crossed her arms with a small frown. "Listen, the only turning I can do to you is turn you into a zombie. Not to say being a zombie isn't fun." She thought back to her zombified crew of mercenaries back on the ship. "They're loyal, strong, fearless, and do everything I say." Then she moved closer to Bellatrix. "Imagine it," she moved around Bellatrix like a sort of snake, draping herself around the girl's shoulders and leaning close to her ear. "No fear, no restraints, no ties to your past. Just you," She moved a finger under the girl's chin and aimed her face so that they were starring into each other's eyes. "And me."

Rika was getting too into the game. She hadn't had any sentient blood in over 2 weeks and she was feeling thirsty. Being this close to someone, feeling the heat coming off her skin, her breathing, even her energy was slowly making Rika thirstier and thirstier. She began to weigh her options. She didn't know this girl. She had no connections to her. The Hutt wouldn't care if something were to happen on the job, it would be just a casualty of the job. The more she thought about it the better the idea seemed. Her breathing sped up as her adrenaline started pumping. "So," her fangs were dangerously close to the girl's neck "what do you say?"


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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"You must be joking. You're not joking."

"Nope. I wanna have fangs too."

"Listen, the only turning I can do to you is turn you into a zombie. Not to say being a zombie isn't fun. They're loyal, strong, fearless, and do everything I say. Imagine it. No fear, no restraints, no ties to your past. Just you. And me."

Bellatrix did not shrink away as the Vampire Queen snaked her way around her and whispered in her ears. Her mouth was salivating at the thought of more power, and she licked her lips thinking about how fun it would be to rip someone's throat out with her teeth and drink their blood (not realizing an energy vampire fed off energy). She would then turn Bellatrix's head like a doll and stare into her yellow eyes with her own red ones.

"So, what do you say?"

With a scoff she would smirk and then bring her hand up to place a finger over Rika's lips, "Sorry. As tempting as that sounds, I'm not going to be someone's puppet." She thought to her sister who'd been kidnapped and brainwashed by a Sith. "My will is my own. So if you can't do it properly, then I'm not interested." She would then pull herself away from Rika and begin walking again toward the facility. She would also swing her sword off her back and into her hands; her back was totally to Rika so the girl was in her blindspot. "Now come on, we have a mission to accomplish."


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Rika sighed a little as Bell turned her down and walked away, drawing her sword and reminding Rika that they were on a job. Rika nodded, shaking off the feeling for now. "Yeah, you're right. We've got a job to do." She began to follow Bellatrix into the factory when the sound of speeders behind them became audible. Rika turned and saw 3 land speeders coming towards them. They stopped a dozen feet from the duo and a couple of mean looking thugs came out. They were dressed for combat and intimidation. Rika cocked her head to the side in question. "I think we've got company." She said to Bell.

One of the thugs brought out a megaphone. "Rioting workers! Cease your actions and remove yourselves from the area or we will be forced to remove you by force!" The sound of destruction from inside the factory died down a little as some of the workers seemed to hear the command. The sound died down so much that it fell silent as the thug repeated his command. Rika looked between Bellatrix and the thug. "Listen boys," she called out. "I know you must have been hired to stop us from destroying this here factory. But here's the thing. Me and her," she pointed to herself and Bell. "We've been hired to make sure it happens. So I'll give you this opportunity now to just walk away." The thugs looked at each other and burst out into laughter. "You two? You better run home before you get hurt, little lady."

Rika's smile disappeared and it was quickly replaced with a tight frown. She swallowed back a curse and straightened her back, preparing herself for the brief skirmish ahead of her. Given the number of thugs (12) and how armed they all appeared to be, the fight wouldn't last very long.


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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Bellatrix would stop walking and turn back around as the sound of the speeders got closer. She hadn't really noticed them until Rika mentioned it; she figured some punks were just driving by. Well Bellatrix would take care of them the same way. Plus, she wanted to see what her partner could do and if it was really worth becoming one of her kind.

"Rioting workers! Cease your actions and remove yourselves from the area or we will be forced to remove you by force!"

"Listen boys, I know you must have been hired to stop us from destroying this here factory. But here's the thing. Me and her...We've been hired to make sure it happens. So I'll give you this opportunity now to just walk away."

"You two? You better run home before you get hurt, little lady."

Bellatrix would coil her whip around her frame so she could focus solely on her sword. She would come back to join Rika to stand by her side. While she did, she would begin spinning her sword around her wrist by the circular handle. Faster and faster it swung like a windmill.

"I want the first shot," she would say to her partner. Then, not waiting for a response she ran at the group and jumped into the air while they tried to fire at her. Mid air, she turned with a spin and launched the sword as she came around. The red blade flew like a disk and headed straight for the closest speeder. There really wasn't anywhere he could go without jumping down from the vehicle so he tried to block it with one of his armored gauntlets. Figuring his own force could withstand the shock of the metal sword he shoved his weight against the disk as it came at him.

He was sorely mistaken. The red sword Bellatrix carried was forged by some of the galaxies strongest metals and folded over by an expert blacksmith who could create the sharpest of blades. The spinning windmill, aided by Bellatrix's own Force power and speed, sliced clean through the man's arm and torso before arcing down through the door on the other side and finally sticking into the ground.

The other men who were trained to not be distracted by their friends dying in battle, continued to fire at the now weaponless teen. They figured she was a sitting duck while she fell toward them from her jump and that her whip would not be able to stop their blasters. But what they didn't comprehend was that Bellatrix was a Sith. And Sith always had a backup plan. After throwing her sword her free hand reached around to her waist and included her lightsaber. She then ignited the red beam and effectively blocked the other bolts as they came at her; some of which she was even able to repel right back at them.

Upon landing, she would switch her sword hands and block the remaining bolts coming her way as she waited for Rika to make her move.


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Rika was impressed by the girl's initiative as Bellatrix ran forward and made her move. All the guns became trained onto her, leaving Rika time to make a quick plan. She made a mental note of where each of the thugs were, what kind of armor they each had, and how armed each of them appeared to be. She did all this in roughly 2-3 seconds. Then she made her move.

Getting down in a sprinter's stance, she braced her back foot against the ground before rocketing forward at a blinding speed. Using her own natural abilities enhanced by her strong connection to the Force, she was almost too quick to see. First she did an open palm strike into the back of the closest thug, causing a loud SNAP sound to be heard by those nearby. She quickly changed directions and sent a hard right hook into the jaw of the thug directly behind her, knocking him out and guaranteeing he'd be drinking every meal through a straw for the rest of his life. Next she extended her razor-like claws and began to move through the crowd. Most people wouldn't be able to follow her movements, but Bellatrix's Force ability and training as an assassin would give her a better advantage over others. She would just be able to make out an almost ghostly form of Rika moving through the ranks of the thugs, throwing her claws around like an elegant dancer. Her claws cleaved through weapons, armor, flesh, and bone with ease, leaving gashes and shrapnel in her wake. She managed to get through the line, taking down 8 of the remaining 11 thugs. The last three would be amazed, dumbfounded, and utterly terrified. But they were good soldiers and didn't stop their assault. The continued to open fire, one gun at Bellatrix and two at Rika.

Because she had nothing to block a blaster bolt, Rika got the next best thing. Using the Force, she quickly dragged a speeder in front of her and flipped it on it's side, creating a barrier between herself and the incoming blaster fire. She would easily hold it in place as she looked around her feet at the dead or dying soldiers. All the blood that pooled around them was making her very thirsty. While she stood there, she began to absorb the energy from the soldiers, replenishing her lost energy and fueling her current use. While the naked eye saw nothing, anyone with connections to the Force could feel all that energy flowing through the air and into Rika. She smiled to herself. It was moments like these that made her think, "It's good to be Queen."


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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With so few of them actually firing down on her, Bellatrix was able to watch as the majority of the men were cut down by the blur that was Rika Youngblood. She was a true monster and it made Bellatrix swoon. She longed to see those who could fight and kill so effortlessly, and it didn't hurt that she was absolutely gorgeous. The girl would then pull a speeder forward from them and use it as a shield to protect herself. This was her opening. She ran at a curve moving toward Rika and behind the line of sight of the speeder. The men would start to fan out, going to flank them on either side of the vehicle. But losing sight of Bellatrix was their first and last mistake.

Much like the sword she threw at the start of the battle, she would toss her lightsaber in the same fashion. The red beam would arc around the speeder in the same spin as a windmill. As it headed towards its mark the thug would dodge backwards, but not fast enough. The spinning windmill of death sliced his leg clean off as lightsabers were known to do. He fell, screaming in pain. At the same time, Bellatrix would have run back the way she came after throwing the sword. She would make the same arc on the other side toward one of the two others on her side. One of the two was distracted by the beam on the other side, expecting Bellatrix to have been holding the saber. He'd look back just a second too late while his partner fired upon the weaponless Bellatrix. But she was faster than his gun and tackled him to the ground after pouncing him like lion. While she rode him down into the ground her teeth bit into the man's neck and tore a large chuck from his flesh.

The man was frozen in fear. His friends and allies were just slaughtered by some creature with claws and this black haired girl just bit the man's neck. His hands shook as he trained his gun on Bellatrix; he had a clear shot. There was no way she could dodge in time. But his finger couldn't pull the trigger. Bellatrix turned her yellow eyes toward him, blood leaking down her lips and chin. She would smile, baring her bloody teeth, when suddenly her saber she'd thrown caught up with her from the other side. She willed the blade to strike the man, ending the spin, and thus piercing him through his gut. He gasped loudly as the blade burned his insides. Bellatrix then stood and called the sword to her, catching the blade upside down before deactivating it. She'd then raise her other hand and pull her actual sword from the wrecked speeder over to her palm.

"I've always wanted to do that," she would say to Rika, referring to the fact she just killed someone by biting them in the neck.


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Rika was impressed. The girl had spirit, drive, and a killer instinct. She especially enjoyed the little trick where she bit the thug's neck. It reminded Rika of herself. It got her mind thinking; maybe Bellatrix would be a good vampire after all. She didn't seem to mind the taste of someone else's blood on her lips and she had the Force connection too. She was already trained in both combat and Force abilities, though Rika wasn't sure how connected Bell was. As an Energy Vampire, Rika's life force was connected to the Force in a unique way. She "fed" off the Force energy of other beings and the planet she was on; could Bellatrix managed to make that connection? The more she thought about it, the more Rika was considering actually trying to turn Bell.

In the aftermath of the fight, Rika looked around at all the corpses around them. She had drained them of energy and was feeling refreshed on that front. However, her taste for blood was still prominent. She knelt down next to one of the less mutilated corpses and took his wrist. She bared her fangs and hovered over his hand before biting down, her jaw locking as she began to suck out as much blood as she could. The warm, sticky liquid tasted like cheap booze and Nerf Meat; it had been the thug's last meal. That was a haunting feature that she had discovered over the years. Everyone's blood tasted a little different based on species, age, gender, and occupation. It was almost like being a connoisseur of blood. It had helped her once before while she was tracking an injured prisoner. Blood was an essential part of life, and Rika knew it.

After Bellatrix's comment, Rika smiled and threw the speeder out of her way, causing it to crash to the ground a few yards away. "How did it feel? The feeling of using your teeth to take life away? How did it taste?" Rika cooed, trying to get the girl to start thinking like a vampire.


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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"How did it feel? The feeling of using your teeth to take life away? How did it taste?"

"It tastes like iron," she would say simply. Not whether or not that was good, or bad. Just a simple response. Maybe her tastes weren't as refined as Rika's. Even still, she had enjoyed herself. "You know my sister told me that's how she got the nickname...from drinking someone's blood. It all started with her slicing off some dude's arm and then cleaning her blade with her tongue. That's where it alllll started." Walking back to her partner Bellatrix would wipe off her chin/mouth with her sleeve and then look up to the factory. "Well...I think we started a riot. Now what?"