Worror Raabat

Lazy Swordsman

Sub-par Swordsman
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score

Worror Raabat
► 103 standard years
[color= Mediumseagreen]► Ithorian​
[color= Mediumseagreen]► 6’ 6”[/color]​
[color= Mediumseagreen]► 186 lbs[/color]​
[color= Mediumseagreen]► Black[/color]​
► White
► Ithor
► Male
► Independent
► Worror Raabat's Herd
► Nature Priest
► Herd Leader
► Yes

Born over a century ago Worror Raabat is one of the oldest living Nature Priests of Ithor. A venerated individual respected for his leadership he has led his Herd for over sixty years and in that time he has trained only a few Priests most of who would go on to lead Herds of their own. Although he is outranked by the High Priest of Ithor many individuals of the species would rather turn to Worror’s guidance. Deeply traditional his Herd is known to be a little more fanatical when it comes to their devotion to the Holy Mother, the personification of the Mother Jungle on Ithor’s surface. His Herdship rarely leaves the orbit of Ithor as he believes it is his responsibility to not just watch over his Herd but also the planet itself.

Worror is widely considered one of the most knowledgeable Force Adepts from amongst the Nature Priest ranks in terms of not just religious lore but also knowledge of the Living Force itself. He is known to be deeply attuned to the Light Side which explains his longevity. A gentle and compassionate individual he preaches love for all living things and has been known to show great kindness to Ithorian and Alien alike.

Now in his advanced years he has taken a step back from active leadership of his Herd, allowing his juniors to handle more of this role, and he spends much of his time in quiet meditation on the surface of Ithor however he has not abandoned his Herd and will return to his ship frequently.
  • 397 ABC: Born on a Herdship orbiting Ithor.
  • 411 ABC: Begins his training as a Nature Priest.
  • 417 ABC: Finished his apprenticeship in record time.
  • 426 ABC: Leaves to explore the Galaxy.
  • 430 ABC: Returns claiming to have met other Light Side Force Adepts.
  • 434 ABC: Starts his own Herd with his own Herdship.
  • 441 ABC: Rejected an offer to be a candidate for High Priest.
  • 459 ABC: Uses the Force to repair a large part of the Mother Jungle that had grown sick.
  • 466 ABC: Claims to have had a vision of a powerful future Priest having been born in their Herd this year.
  • 478 ABC: Handpicks Chodo Fonwim to be his newest apprentice.
  • 489 ABC: Declares Chodo fully trained and has him help lead the Herd. States he will never train another student.
  • 498 ABC: Grants Chodo permission to explore the Galaxy.
  • 500 ABC: Steps back from directly leading his Herd. Retreats into quiet contemplation on Ithor.
Skills and Abilities
  • Light Side Knowledge [❁❁❁❁❁]
  • Botanical Knowledge [❁❁❁❁❁]
  • Leadership [❁❁❁❁]
  • Languages [❁❁]
  • Technology [❁]
Master - ❁❁❁❁❁
Experienced - ❁❁❁❁
Skilled - ❁❁❁
Adept - ❁❁
Novice - ❁