Armor Xan Solus's Mandalorian Armor

Fine Dining Set

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Jun 27, 2021
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Xan Solus's Mandalorian Armor


Beskar'gam for a Mandalorian foundling


Mostly legal. Mandalorian armor, though rare, is not illegal in most places. That said, wearing a full face helmet in public spaces is frowned upon, and often illegal in many core worlds, especially in or near government facilities- not to mention that many identification cards in various systems require a full face photo. This drives many strict adherents of "the way" to operate exclusively on the fringes of the galaxy. Aside from the helmet though, most often these are simple regulation flightsuits.


A common Mandalorian flight suit to be used by Rancor Squadron pilots and others going forward. It can serve as a beginner or stand in suit for members. Pilots fill a different roll than traditional boots-on-the-ground Mandalorians and also Rancor Squadron in particular has limited supplies meaning less armor coverage for many mandos. Plus I made a personal mando flightsuit awhile back and wanted to make it available for other people to use.

Type and Coverage

Type: Heavy Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)

  • Head: Front and back of the head and neck.
  • Torso: Chest and abdomen.
  • Upper Arms: Shoulders and biceps
  • Lower legs: Armor plating on thighs and quads
  • Upper legs: Armor plating on shins and feet
  • Lower Arms: Hands, wrists and forearms. (beskar)


Function 1: Wrist Rocket
  • Wrist rockets have a flight range of 100 meters and have a blast radius of 3 meters. They are single-shot devices and require manual reloading after use. They are effective against lightly armored vehicles, moving parts such as gears or hydraulics, and infantry, and do equivalent damage to a frag grenade.
  • Force User Compatible?: No
Function 2: Bola Launcher
  • The gauntlet bola Launcher is a useful addition to a bounty hunters arsenal. Single shot, takes several seconds to reload, and has a max range of 25 meters. A successful hit tangles a foe in a strong durasteel wire to slow down or even capture the target.
  • Force User Compatible?: No

Function 3:Jetpack
  • Jet packs are back mounted units used by elite troops increase their mobility on the battlefield. The jet pack's maximum speed is 50 kph and it carries fuel for up to five minutes of continuous flight (flight mode), but can also be fired in short bursts triggered by jumping (combat mode). The wearer can control the system to switch between modes and/or disengage it from their armor via wrist controls. These packs are cumbersome, adding an additional 8kg for the average human (larger individuals will have heavier jet packs to support their weight). While the fuel is stable enough not to explode, direct hits from weapons can trigger the system inadvertently, after which it is rendered useless.
  • Force User Compatible?: No
Function 4: Whistling Birds
  • Whistling birds are an extremely rare and powerful device for dealing with multiple assailants. Requires an enclosed helmet or visor for use. Can target up to four visible enemies within a 15 meter radius of the wielder and fires miniature seeking rockets at each. Each rocket deals light explosive damage and additionally causes a light concussion grenade effect (half effectiveness) within half a meter of detonation point. A whistling bird magazine typically carries 12 rounds before having to be replaced.
  • Restricted: Yes. Can only effectively target NPCs.
  • Force User Compatible?: No.

Function 5: Jump Boots
  • This rare and expensive technology is able to propel a person up to 10 meters beyond what a normal person would normally be able to jump, especially when armored. It is not capable of sustained flight, and requires a brief engine cool-down before it can be used again (1 post cool-down). These do NOT function mid air.
  • Force User Compatible?: No
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