Xano Mettengar(Revamped for timeline)


SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2009
Reaction score
Xano Mettengar
RANK: Elite Hunter
SPECIES: Arkanian
AGE: 37
HEIGHT: 6’1”
WEIGHT: 155lbs
EYES: Lime Green
HAIR: White
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Lime Green Eyes due to genetic alterations
DOMINATE HAND: right hand
FORCE SENSITIVE: slightly force sensitive

STRENGTH: Adequate, swimmer’s body 6/10

DEXTERITY: quite agile: 9/10
CONSTITUTION: Immune to most toxins and disease due to cybernetic enhancers 8/10
INTELLIGENCE: Genius: 10/10
WISDOM: Sometimes acts before thinking but otherwise quite wise: 4/10
CHARISMA: Medium-high, easily makes friends but just as easily makes enemies : 7/10


Genius when it comes to technology can interface with most technology, also the years have provided him with a new found expertise in medical and AI knowledge.
Long-Range expert Adequate at close range combat
Heals quickly due to nanobots in blood stream
Highly capable pilot (fighter pilot)
Super-fast reflexes due to increased vision
Slightly increased senses


-STRENGTHS: Technological Genius, Professional Sniper, Genetically altered slightly to change vision
-WEAKNESSES: Arrogance, at medium range can be weaker, takes a long time to interface sometimes.

Personal Shield integrated into armor units
Deployable Cortosis weave blocking blade gauntlets
Comp. Slicer
Interface pack
Powerpack Charger
Flash grenades
Smoke grenades
Sticky grenades
Vibro blade: portable comp interface within the hilt
Custom Automatic Blaster Rifle
Slug-Thrower Custom Sniper Rifle with enhanced scope
Duel Custom Repeater blaster pistols w/ quick-draw grips and holsters.
Duel Custom Repeater Slug thrower pistols...
Enhanced Med-kit designed for battle field situations
New enhanced battle armor for all situations: Made of duranium alloy with cortosis weave plates integrated into removable panels, allowing customizable armor for all situations, armor also increases strength and slightly increases reflexes.


Blades deployed​

Name: Archblade
Type: Personal Transport/ Fighter
Equipment: 2 Auto- turrets and a front mounted twin pulse cannon, can reach sub light speeds, active camo.
Has optional hyperdrive attachment and a deployable speeder bike.


PERSONALITY: Arrogant, cruel and cunning. Yet, loyal ,dependable, and highly religious. May occasionally have berserk moments. Focuses mostly on self-preservation or protection of friends. Wants redemption for his sins and wishes to cleanse the universe of scum. The years have aged him and made him more skilled and wise.



Born to the lower echelons of the Arkanian world as a slightly mutated human-like Arkanian, Xano had always led a deprived life. His family abandoned by his father, had always been on lower standards due to their place in society. Xano’s father, Golgi had left his family on pursuit of higher fundings for his research. He was developing a new cybernetic tool for his race to use, Nanobots. Nanobots were microscopic robots that worked in similar ways that the Force worked in Jedi Knights, could heal a body almost instantaneously.

Therefore, young Xano had no father, a poor lifestyle, and was looked down upon by most of his society; however, Xano had one extreme gift, he was a genius, even by his prodigious race’s standards. Through school he progressed and performed at an exponential level. He grew up bitter and angry at his father, often using his anger to fuel his determination to be the best.

Yet, young Xano soon grew tired of his life on the planet Arkania and went in search of his father at the age of 16. He built his own ship using money he had gained from several academic contests and went to the nearby asteroid belt where his father was rumored to be studying his new technology.
Xano, shortly found his father on a space station and confronted him… brutally.

After murdering his father he saw what he had done in his rage and was devastated by what he had done. In his righteous anger he had killed his deserter of a father and had halted his research… permanently. Xano, seeing that the Nanobots his father had been working on had not been field tested made the choice to let his God decide whether he lived or died and injected himself with the cybernetic mutagen.

He passed out for a few hours and awoke to find himself still perfectly alive and healthy. In fact, he felt better than he had in his entire life, his eyesight had improved so that he could even see the individual articles of dust floating in the air, evidently an unknown side-effect. Unable to return home he ventured into the universe with one wish. He wanted to use his new gifts to rid the universe of scum and somehow redeem himself in his own eyes and his God’s.


The ship he had built with his own money would suffice for now since he only had to travel to the nearby asteroid belt. Xano was overcome with grief after the death of his mother to the hands of one of those upper class bastards. The man thinking he could simply get away with whatever he wanted to do to her now lay dead in the slums of Arkania’s dirtiest streets. Xano thought it suited him since anyone that trashy and hateful belonged there.

The asteroid belt drew closer in the cockpit’s frontal monitors. Xano had as a last resort come to find his father who had abandoned his entire family for research. While analyzing the fields Xano noticed as one of the larger asteroids turned a station appeared on its surface. Xano prepared to land and mentally noted the location. No outer defenses??? Hmmm… Xano easily entered his father’s lair.

Endless corridors awaited him but somehow Xano where his father waited. As he walked the corridors he began to wonder why his father needed this much research space all to himself, it seemed such a waste.

Then it had happened, the confrontation. Xano entered the room and saw his father, Golgi, bent over a holo-screen. “Father?” Xano asked as he entered the room. Golgi turned and lifted his eyes momentarily to gaze into his son’s face for a second then turned back to the screen saying, “I don’t have time for you right now I am in the final stage of my research.” Xano, keeping his cool said, “Father, you are all I have left… Mother is dead, murdered,” a bite of contempt at the end of the statement. Silence filled the room as Xano waited for a response.

Finally, Golgi uttered a “Hmpf…” of apathy and continued to stare into the holo-screen. By now rage had surfaced and Xano’s body began to shake. “My Mother, the only person to actually take care of me was raped and murdered and all you have to say is ‘HMPF’?” Xano began to stalk closer to his father’s unprotected backside. “You abandoned our entire family for your stupid research and you don’t even care enough that I came all the way out here to find you and ask for your help!”

Golgi once again muttered, “Please leave I need to concentrate right now.” Little did he know those would be his last words, a second later a metal bar collided into the back of his skull, crushing deep with the force behind the blow. His body twitched as he urinated on himself and the gray matter from his head splashed across the room. His body fell to the floor and revealed the computer screen he had been looking at…


Tears rolled down the young boy’s face as he crouched above a mutilated body. That body was the corpse of Xano’s mother, the only person he had ever been able to rely on, she must have been on here way home. Xano would never have found her had he not looked down that lone ally near his house.

Xano lived in the lowest part of the city and the surrounding area was mostly filled with scum, drug lords and the likes. His family had constantly been scrutinized and targeted since there was no one to protect them. The police didn’t care, they were a lower class family and not as important as others in their society.

As Xano wept, another feeling crept into his body, like a snake it crept then coiled as his wrath began to take shape. He looked up, tears still streaming against his face. He saw what the filth had used to murder his mother. A wooden board with nails embedded in one end of it, still covered in his mother’s blood, laid in one of the corners of a trash bin. They had been very careless, they didn’t know who was soon to be pursuing them, they didn’t know the last thing they would see would be that very board.

Earlier that day, Pakut and Ervinge had been in their usual spot, waiting for some innocent pedestrian to cross their paths, someone who no one would miss, and by no one they meant the police. Just then their wishes were granted as they watched an older woman pass by their ally. They took notice because of her blue eyes, she was obviously a mutie, definitely someone who wouldn’t be missed. They didn’t realize this was the mother of the boy they had constantly beat and stolen from on his way to school. That was a few years ago before he had started using a different route.

They followed her until they got to a good ally way, one that no one could see into unless they looked directly into it. They ambushed her and raped her, then beat her to death with a thuggish board…

Approximately one year later…

It had taken Xano nearly an entire year of his life to find out what had happened to his mother, he was about to teach a lesson and get revenge. Xano had used his intellectual skill to study the environment around the crime scene and had questioned several of the neighboring people to uncover the truth.

He smiled at the fact today he would have a double vengeance. In the past year he had not only been discovering what had happened to his mother, he had been working on his ship, and more importantly he had been working on his body. He now felt powerful enough that he could personally take down his enemies. Oh he knew where to find these thugs; they would regret even being born.

The snake had plotted for almost a year now, and was finally able to strike. Xano had planned it perfectly, he knew that these thugs couldn’t resist a tempting treat, especially one they have had already. He had decided to take his old path to school that morning although he never intended on going back to school, not after today.

He had altered the nail board slightly, it was now able to retract a little so it could be hidden in his holo-pad bag. He walked past the two thugs, looked at them with false fear and turned around back toward the ally where he had found his mother’s body. Like dogs, they couldn’t resist the smell of fear, even if it was manufactured and artificial.

Xano walked to the exact spot where his mother’s tortured body had lain and turned to face the oncoming buffoons. Chuckling, they both approached Xano, “Wow kid you sure picked a great spot to get the shit beat out of ya’” said Pakut, the more intelligent of the two. Xano tilted his head, a disturbingly savage smile had replaced the mock fear. A glint of light caught the eye of Ervinge as the kid in front of them stepped on an implanted switch. A dumpster suddenly came to a crash behind the thugs and blocked any exit.

Finally Xano looked each of them in the eye and spoke, his voice had already hardened into manhood and the gelidness of it sent chills down Pakut’s back. “I have indeed waited for this moment and my patience has paid off.” Pakut was getting a bad feeling, as if the kid had something wrong with him, something about the look in his eyes had startled him and he had never been afraid of this kid before. He said, “Look kid, you gotta beef about all da times we took yo money?”

Laughing harshly Xano turned his gaze to Pakut’s face and placed his bag at his own feet. “Around one year ago, you raped and murdered a woman, you beat her mercilessly with a board with nails placed in it. She had been on her way home from work to cook the only meal her children would be receiving that day, she had been returning from her third job in fact because she was the sole provider for her family,” while saying this Xano had been undoing the clasp on his bag. Ervinge had been edging closer to Xano, he was busy thinking, “If I can get my hands on dis dumb kid we can do him good!”

Xano continued speaking, “Since her death, her family has died out to one sole survivor, unable to care for his brothers and sisters they died from starvation. He survived merely off of his own ingenuity.” Xano had his hand in the bag when he said this. Pakut , though startled by the knowledge the kid had, moved closer to Xano catching on to what his partner was doing thinking, “Dis kid is toast!” Just then Xano cried out, “Both of you murdered my mother and along with her my entire family!”

Simultaneously several things occurred, Ervinge lunged for Xano, Pakut raised his arm for the first blow on their new victim, and Xano jumped on top of the dumpster behind him holding an interesting hybrid weapon. The wooden board now had a metal hand piece that was retractable, but both of the thugs recognized the weapon.

Realizing their mistake of following this boy too late, Ervinge looked up at the looming figure. The board came down, the snake struck. Ervinge wailed as his face was pierced by several nails, the remains of his eyes poured down his mottled face. Another blow to the side of his head spattered the wall and painted over the graffiti. Still screaming, Ervinge fell to the ground, a thud beside his head pronounced the arrival of death as Xano took the board in his hands and swung the board over his head like a golf club and drove the life from Ervinge, this had only taken a few seconds of time.

The whole time Pakut had been analyzing this scene of horror, Pakut had been trying to think of a way out. The kid had tricked them and blocked the only other way out besides the one leading toward the maniac. He decided to make a run for it and dashed across the small space. He only got a few feet past Xano when the board thudded into his side, spilling half of his entrails as he ran and Xano tore the board askew.

He fell on the ground moaning, looking to the skyline of the buildings for any help. All he saw was that same maniacal grin emerge over him, a demonic voice called, “Do you regret your sins?” Pakut thinking it might save his life replied in a shaken voice “Yes Goddamit, I regret my sins!” The chuckling began once more, an aloft voice replied, “Then Death take you, and I will let him decide your fate!” Pakut screamed one last time as the approaching board buried itself in his face, mouth still agape.

The scream died on the wind, and with it some innocence was lost in Xano’s life and he became a colder person. He decided to go to his ship and look for his father in the asteroid belt maybe he would find some answers there.


Since being integrated into the ranks of the BHG, Xano has excelled as the guild’s scientific specialist and has assisted Shawn, his former trainer, in building on to the Jericho’s many defense systems as well as maintaining the fleet and the droids. Having built several by himself, Xano has spent his time working on the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) programs and has also developed several medical breakthroughs.

Having removed one of the nanobots from a blood sample Xano has used it to perfect his father’s design and has also mass produced them so that others on the Jericho could have access to them if they wished.

Following the stereotype of his people he has also searched for ways to alter himself even more, resulting in his own customized cybernetic enhancements. After modifying his body even further he has increased his own abilities by forging a connection between the medical and cybernetic fields.Equipped with new technology he has enhanced it to meet his own needs and has since improved the entire BHG armory.

To be continued as more information is gained…



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