Ask You the Jedi?

The Storyteller

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Dec 24, 2017
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Ord Mantell was a commercial hub for people who, by and large, didn't know how to spell the word "commercial".

A deepdock planet that had been used by the Old Republic and the Empire alike as a place to make, sell and test weapons to the extent that the areas outside the cities were almost incapable of sustaining life beyond the most basic of lifeforms. The cities were hubs, though, that could not be doubted. Because without the oversight of a Republic and without the authoritarian nature of an Empire actively watching over them, the deepdocks and the arms factories of Ord Mantell decided that they needed to go where the credits were.

These days, scum and villainy were known by an altogether different name on Ord Mantell; Customer.

It is into this nest of vipers that the Jedi Order is forced to send some of it's next generation, Padawans grouped together for safety and a hoped for level of competency as well. Still, the Jedi Order had learned some of their old lessons and as the pilot droid brought their nondescript light freighter in to land at one of the many available landing pads in the capital city, their Nanny-Bot spoke up.

"Come along, Padawans! That's enough dawdling - we need to rendezvous with Knight Malox and relieve him of the information he has managed to obtain."
came the dulcet tones of T-137, the T-series miniature protocol droid currently strapped to Leon's utility belt, "He said to meet him at the Lusty Lekku bar, which is just a short walk from here. Honestly, to think a Jedi Knight would use such a place for a meeting point..."

As T-137 continued to mutter a small rant to itself about irresponsible Jedi Knights, the Padawans would find their freighter opening up. They would be free to step into the hustle and bustle of the wretched hive of commercial scum that was Ord Mantell City, neon signs for various bars and "bars" proudly declaring their names everywhere they looked.

@LadyRen @Zay @LouJoVi @Logan

Leon Baudelaire


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Dec 23, 2021
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Leon grimaced. Why in the hell had he been stuck with the nanny droid? Everyone had belts. He sulked a bit exiting the ship, but he perked up as Ord Mantell city laid out before him. The mischievous smirk he was becoming known for settled on his lips as the thrill of the mission started to really set in.

Per usual, Leon was geared out. He wore a blue blastvest with the ‘Scrub Squad’ insignia emblazoned on it. He carried both of his sabers and the heavy blaster he took from Vizim. As well as his utility belt which basically had a talking house arrest anklet attached to it.

Leon glanced at his NalPhone’s nav then looked down the street. He could see the flickering neon sign of the Lusty Lekku bar in the distance. Nice. He wondered how hard it would be to sneak a drink once they got inside. After all, they were just picking something up right, where was the harm?

Welp, might as well get this over with, huh?” he said starting off toward the bar.

@LadyRen @Nefieslab @LouJoVi @Logan

Liana Mason

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Dec 27, 2022
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Liana had not been on Ord Mantell before, but she was quite excited for their mission as she liked the idea of being on the move with Leon, who she knew rather well by now and usually found very funny and who had become a good friend of her, and additionally two padawan with whom she hadn't worked that often though. Of course she was also reminded of her last expedition on Jakku and how this had...well, escalated, but then again she was not going to dwell on it. This was different. And something like that would never happen again. She was optimistic about Ord Mantell and nothing woukd dim that optimism!

She didn't mind their droid companion and the name of the bar even drew a little chuckle from her, especially the way the droid pronounced it. Why was a knight thinking that was the perfect place to meet? Yeah, the droid had a point, but maybe there were not too many gokd meeting places nearby. She didn't question it for too long though and only nodded understandingly, giving the droid a thumbs up as she said, "Okie dokie. Bar it is. We are ready".

She was dressed in her Jedi robes and was equipped with her lightsaber and her regular utility belt as she started walking down the ramp next Leon who simply looked comically large next to her, waiting for the others to follow. She couldn't help but to smirk as her gaze briefly went over the droid that was clipped to his belt as she had seen his face earier. 'I'm not sure whether our chaperone friend likes this optimism' , she sarcastically quipped through telepathy, glancing up and down again before letting out a little chuckle. She found the droid funny, but it seemed to view them as younger as they were.

@Zay @Nefieslab @Logan @LouJoVi


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Jan 30, 2023
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If he didn’t know that they were at Ord Mantell, Aranmir could swear that they had landed in one of the seedy suburbs of G’weneen. To any direction that the Tiefling looked, he could see a shady individual. The neon signs advertising bars were also exactly like those of his homeworld, the only exception was that those were written in Galactic Basic. The Padawan already expected a group of street urchins to appear running down the street. The nostalgia hit him hard, as if he had returned to his home.

Aranmir hated this feeling, as much as he hated his time on his homeworld.

To ignore it, he focused on the mission. Aranmir still thought that it was excessive to have so many Padawans to pick a simple message. It could be easily solved by only one, preferably without a nanny droid. He wasn’t sure how something so small could talk so much. He wondered if the Order had replaced its vocal system with that of a 3PO-series.

I hope that stealth isn’t necessary for this mission. We are going to attract sooo much attention with these clothes.” he said, while gesturing to his Jedi robes. The only one that could escape was Leon, who seemed to be dressed as a smuggler. Although the 'S' on it makes him look as if he was wearing a uniform.

He walked toward the other two Padawan, stopping next to Lia. “I think that our nanny dislikes many things beyond optimism.” he said telepathically, while looking at their surroundings. “I don’t like this place. Tá cheio de má vibrações.” nothing that looked so much like G'wenee could be good.

@Nefieslab @Zay @LadyRen @Logan

Zeri Adasca

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Feb 8, 2023
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Unsurprisingly, Zeri's mind was in the clouds and anywhere but thinking about the mission her and several others were about to head on. She stared out the window of their ship as it dropped out of hyperspace and passed through the atmosphere of Ord Mantell, wondering if there was going to be anywhere to charge her headphones while they were out.

The only thing that finally pulled Zeri back into the present was the voice of T-137. Following the others as they made their way off the ship, Zeri couldn't help but let out a bit of a giggle at the name of the bar they were heading to.

Speak for yourself, Zeri said, arching an eyebrow at Aranmir. She never quite understood other Jedi's penchant for wearing weird robes all the time. Zeri, as usual, had opted for more contemporary clothing similar to Leon. And I think this place seems hella cool. I wonder if we have time to duck into one of these places and have a little fun before we head to the Lusty Lekku.

It would probably be quite evident to her compatriots that Zeri wasn't exactly the most serious Jedi out there, and their overall mission could definitely take the backburner to something more fun as far as she was concerned.

If not, at the very least we should at least snag a drink once we get there. I've heard Mandalorian Car Bombs are pretty good.

Zeri had never had one, but this guy that was flirting with her at a bar had once told her they were pretty good. And who was she to assume a random dude in a seedy bar on Corellia would just lie to a teenager?

Following Leon, Zeri would shrug if no one else seemed enthused about her ideas.

At least one person in the group was cute. Could be worse.

@LadyRen @Zay @LouJoVi @Nefieslab
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The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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T-137 made a whirling sound at Leon's complaints but ultimately said nothing - it had maturity circuits that made it far less likely to actually speak out of turn like those cursed CP0 lines. The T-Series was far superior in a lack of unintentional sass - they were, however, fair superior in that they were very good at intentional sass.

"Padawan Aranmir has the right notion - this place is not to be trusted! By any of you!"
came the helpful comments of T-137 from where it was bouncing against Leon's hip as he walked, "I'm sure this will be a very easy mission for all of you but please do ensure that I am not stolen by any of these pickpockets along the way."

There were pickpockets along the way to the Lusty Lekku but despite several of them making a beeline towards the group due to their age, all of them apparently thought better of it. This had something to do with the fact that two of them were dressed in robes and had their lightsabers rather prominently displayed - young or not, no pickpocket wanted to try stealing from either a Sith or a Jedi.

Along the way to the Lusty Lekku, several of the bars and stalls would seek to grab their attention. Everything was on offer down this street from "Force Massages with Light Side Endings" to a stall that was claiming to be selling a delicacy; Anselmi meat straight off the bone. At the Lusty Lekku, however, the group would be barred entry as the bouncer, a huge mass of muscle attached to the frame of a Devaronian, stepped in front of the door and looked down at them.

"Any of you squirts got ID?"
he asked in a deep, rumbling, voice, "I'm not getting the peacekeepers round here again because some fifteen year old puked themselves to death after one too many Car Bombs."

@Logan @LadyRen @Zay @LouJoVi

Leon Baudelaire


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Dec 23, 2021
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Leon was a city boy at heart, as they walked down the street he was acutely aware of the prying eyes. Casually, Leon rested his hand on his blaster, tapping out a crescendo nonchalantly across the weapon’s side. His expression was impassive, but his eyes continuously scanned their surroundings.

Baudelaire chuckled at Liana and Aranmir’s back and forth about the droid.

Leon glanced back to Zeri tossing her a conspiratorial smirk as he chimed in, “I mean you coulda just dressed down, Aranmir.

T-137 spoke up, and Leon patted the little droid affectionately, “Don’t worry, we’d sell you before we let someone steal you," To the group, Leon would echo the droid's warning, “Keep your guards up guys, this isn’t Ithor.

Out of the group he was pretty confident in saying he was near the top when it came to experience. He knew Liana had survived a lot, but the other two were unknowns. Well, he’d met Zeri before, but that was different. He had no idea how she’d react if blasters got pulled.

They made it to the Lusty Lekku with a surprising level of ease. Like it was so easy, Leon was starting to wonder if the Scrub Squad was actually cursed. The bouncer did his job and asked for I.D.’s.

Leon stepped forward and said, “Sorry to bother you, my man, we were asked to come here by Jedi Malox. If we can’t get in, can you check for him for us?

This guy was just doing his job, no reason to bring the force into it yet, but Leon did begin to draw the force into him. It was strange that a Jedi would ask a group of padawan’s to come to a bar that checked I.D.’s. The idea of a trap seemed like a greater possibility than he’d like, so he began to prepare for the worst.

@LouJoVi @LadyRen @Logan @Nefieslab


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 30, 2023
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Aranmir felt a bit concerned with the fact that their droid babysitter was agreeing with him. Usually, figures of authority didn’t approve of his ways of thinking and acting. He always thought that it was because they were old and couldn’t follow the unorthodox ideas of someone young like him.

However, with the droid agreeing with him, the Tiefling contemplated if it was a signal that he was becoming a boring person. He used to like going to a nightclub to dance and have fun, but Aranmir had no desire to do it. Perhaps it was from the fact that Ord Mantell gave him that G’weneen feeling that you would be robbed at any moment and your body would be found in a dark alley with five blaster shots in the back.

This is why he only rolled his eyes with Zari’s comment. “These aren’t places to duck and have fun, unless you think that ending drugged and robbed can be considered fun.” he saw a group leaving a nearby bar, while carrying an obviously intoxicated Pantoran. “If our nanny thinks that we have time, we could stop in Zeltros after finishing things here. There we would have true fun.” and less chances of ending in the hands of a drug cartel.

Perhaps I should do that.” Aranmir said, while his hands moved to the superior part of his robes that covered the shirt that he was wearing under it. In seconds, the Tiefling tied it into his wait and revealed the black crop top that was below it. Sadly, his leather jacket would have matched it better. At least now he had more fresh air against his skin and looked less serious.

When T-I37 mentioned the pickpockets, Aranmir immediately turned to look at them. They were mostly teenagers, probably with the age of the Padawans. He turned away from them, not wanting to see the familiar way that they acted. Looking at them was as if the Tiefling was staring back at a part of his life that he didn’t have any good memory of.

Lucky for them, the pickpockets didn’t approach the Jedi. Without any doubt the lightsabers helped scare them off. When they arrived in front of the ‘Lusty Lekku’, the group was stopped by a muscled Devaronian. He asked for IDs, obviously not believing that they were older enough to be at this place.

A smug smile appeared at Aranmir’s face and he immediately walked to the Devaronian. However, before he could show this fake ID, one that he made during his time on the circus, Leon had already talked with the Devaronian. He raised an eyebrow, unsure if revealing who they were going to meet was a good thing. Now he could only wait and see.

@Nefieslab @Zay @LadyRen @Logan

Liana Mason

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Dec 27, 2022
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Their little, colorful squad made their way towards the bar and it was interesting for Lia to see that all of them were apparently in a totally different mindset. Leon wanted to get it over with while Aranmir seemed both, worried and displeased by this setting.

Lia wasn't unsettled, maybe she woukd have been a few months ago, but her little unwanted detour had made her both, more cautious but also more confident when it came to shadier areas. The ones that lurked in the dark didn't seem to have the courage to actually walk up to them and try their luck and Lia had no issues with glaring at them, her expressions still rather friendly and rather attempting to let them know that they were fairly aware of their presence instead of challenging them, but there was an undeniable boldness in the way she just met their gazes.

Zeri didn't seem to bother the area much either, but it became rather obvious that the young woman expected some fun, which made Lia chuckle softly on the one hand, but on the other hand she knew that they couldn't drink on a mission. She took their task seriously, and while she wouldn't mom them around, she'd still resist the temptation of cool drinks and rather keep an eye out for her fellow padawan to protect them if necessary.

"Mandalorian Car Bombs? Omg they are literally the best...I had some on Zeltros not long ago and we-" that was when the little nanny droid came into her visual periphery and she immediately stopped. Lia wasn't one to turn parties down, but business was business and as much she would have loved to keep babbling, they were already too close to the bar anyway and the bouncer didn't seem too happy to see them.

Also, the nanny droid didn't need any worrisome impressions, so she postponed that conversation onto later, telepathically replying 'I'll add that to the list. The last party was a blast', to Aranmir before he suddenly started stripping down as if he had just waited for someone to ask him to do so. Her mouth opened in shock for a second before she amusedly shook her head. While it came as a complete surprise, she still surpressed a giggle and decided to leave her clothes on as the majority around had already see their robes and they had Jedi business ahead of them anyway. She wondered why he had chosen to reveal his short crop top as the others were at least still wearing something functional, but accepted his stylistic preferences. But well, would the bouncer like his change of clothes?!

Kriff...she didn't even have to ask the others, she actually realized within a moment as the man adressed them. She was already convinced that neither of them was actually and legally 18 and Lia was not the type to carry around a fake ID per se, so they had two options. Using their Jedi perks, which could, however, be a risky move, or concentrate on their natural charms first.

She sweetly batted her eyes as she threw the bouncer a warm smile, stepping a little closer as she glanced up at him. "Do we look like fifteen year olds to you? Perhaps we could even drink you under the table..". She finished the statement with a playful wink that accompanied the slightly challenging smirk. "But he's right. We are not here for drinks today. We have business to attend to and are already expected. I can assure you we won't cause any troubles". Her voice took a more serious tone and she was tempted to emphasize her last words with the Force, but decided against it for now as she was convinced that might be enough information for him.

@Nefieslab @Zay @Logan @LouJoVi

Zeri Adasca

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Feb 8, 2023
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Ah, of course - the one time Zeri didn't think to bring her fake ID was the one time were it would have came in the most handy. Although, that would have meant also admitting to her fellow Jedi and the Knight they were to meet that she regularly got into places she technically wasn't supposed to be in, so maybe it was better overall that it was stashed safely away back in her room.

Before she could say something foolish and get them all in trouble, Leon sprang into action and kind of just.. told the truth of why they were there. Definitely not what Zeri would have done, but she respected the play. In her experience, little white lies often got you further than simply telling the truth, but maybe today she'd end up surprised.

I mean, you kind of do, yeah.. Zeri mumbled under her breath as Liana asked the bouncer if they all looked 15.

Figuring it would only hurt their case if she too started harping on the poor bouncer man, Zeri would remain quiet and just hope that Leon's honesty worked. If not, she was already gazing around the Lusty Lekku, looking for an open window or a side door or something they could sneak into.

Maybe the roof even if they needed to. But she wouldn't get ahead of herself.

@LadyRen @Zay @LouJoVi @Nefieslab

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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Leon didn't need to be looking down to tell that T-137 was rather indignant about being told he could potentially be sold. The little protocol droid flapped itself against his outer thigh, hard, when he was mid-step. The Padawan would be fine but he would have a stinging reminder that their 'nanny' could definitely hear everything they were saying.

"We will most certainly NOT have time to 'stop by' Zeltros on the way back Padawan Aranmir!"
the droid flapped in his general direction, "Aside from returning with very vital information, Zeltros is in the complete wrong direction!"

The bouncer eyed the group, listening first as Leon spoke before his attention was brought to Liana as she made a point about how young they looked to him. As a Devaronian, his view of maturity was very different to what they were likely typically used to as he demonstrated by looking at each member of the group in turn.

"All of you humans look like you're about that age, yeah, 'cept for you, you look like you're about twelve."
he explained to Liana, bluntly, before nodding toward Aranmir, "He looks like he's about sixteen - not really grown into his horns yet but he thinks he has."

The large Devaronian reached up with one hand and flicked one of his own, girthy, horns. If any of them had any kind of xenobiology about them though, they would know that horn growth was a big thing when it came to signs of physical maturity for his species. In the end, however, he turned back to Leon and frowned a little bit.

"The Jedi... Malox... he rents the room upstairs from Zeffy, the owner. Not much of a talker but pays rent on time."
he told them before grunting and stepping aside, "You touch a drink and I'll taze you until you go blind."

With entry now granted to the Lusty Lekku, the group would be admitted into the main room of the bar itself. Like many cantinas and bars across the galaxy, there were booths set into the walls - unlike some of bars, however, each of them had an extra large table with a literal stripper pole built atop of it. Some of them were "occupied" by men, women and, in one both, what appeared to be an old B1 battle droid.

At the bar itself, a Twi'lek woman with a yellow complexion finished serving someone before her gaze zeroed in on the group. Waving them over upon seeing them, she grinned even as she placed both hands palms down on the bartop.

"Brossik give you the tazer talk, right? Sweet. I'm Zeffy Hallis and this is my bar - you all get to buy one drink."
she declared graciously, "I like to reminder Brossik that it's actually my karking bar from time to time, you know? But that's enough about tall, red and handle-bars for riding."

She set her glass down on the bar.

"What's a girl like me do to earn a visit from four Jedi?"


@Logan @LadyRen @Zay @LouJoVi
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Leon Baudelaire


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Dec 23, 2021
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Wah!” said Leon as T-137 tried to trip him. He chuckled, “I’m kidding!

He was surprised at the little droid’s umph for what it was worth; the little thing had earned a little respect from the mischievous Padawan. By no means was he going to take anything it said any more seriously than he already did, but he’d be a smidge nicer. That was worth something, right?

There ya go dude, now you’re really blending in,” he chuckled as Aranmir shed his top tunic. To be honest, Leon wasn’t convinced the wardrobe change had helped the guy blend in better, but in the grand scheme of things it probably didn’t matter.

To Leon’s surprise the bouncer was receptive to his, huh, he’d have to put ‘honesty’ a little higher on his order of operations. The Bouncer seemed to mull over his decision a bit as he tried to figure out just how young they were, but decided as long as they didn’t drink they could enter. There was a threat about tazeing people for buying drinks and Leon couldn’t help but think that was a terrible business model. Ultimately they were granted entry and told who to look for, so it had been a success.

"Thanks for the help," said Leon, as he strolled inside.

The lascivious nature of the club lived up to its name. Leon had been in a place similar to this on Berchest. Which now that he thought about it was kind of concerning considering he’d been sent to two strip clubs on two different planets for official business. Not to mention he’d made more money in a single dance on the stage at Berchest than he had on a mission in a while. Maybe he was in the wrong business…

Before he could fully spiral out on his depressing tangent the crew was greeted by Zeffy. Her offer made Leon’s mouth water. He spotted a piece of paper and jotted down, “Nanny droid can’t know, House Whisky please?”

Thanks for the offer, I’ll just have a water,” he said with a wink.

Then to her second question he said, “We’re here to see Malox, he around?

Leon wouldn’t elaborate more than that. No reason to explain that the Jedi in question had vital information they needed. He liked Zeffy, she seemed cool, kinda like that aunt that lets you throw parties at her house but hangs around in revealing clothing way too much, but that didn’t mean he trusted her. As far as he was concerned until they had the info in hand and were back on the transport, anyone not a Jedi wasn’t to be trusted.

@LadyRen @Logan @LouJoVi @Nefieslab


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 30, 2023
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Aranmir snorted when the Bouncer said that Liana looked like a twelve years old. When he saw the girl for the first time, the Padawan had thought that she was a Youngling. If it wasn’t for T-I37 presenting the members of the mission, he was even prepared to argue that he was going to be the babysitter for a child

However, the Tiefling’s snorting died out when he heard the Devaronian say that his horns made him look like a sixteen year old. He immediately moved his hands up his head, touching them. “But I’m seventeen.” Aranmir murmured, feeling bad for being considered younger than what he really was.

After that, he wasn’t going to laugh about Liana looking like a child anymore.

In the end the Devaronian was more helpful than Aranmir had expected. Not only had he allowed them to enter, but also informed the Knight Malox had rented a room in the club. The warning about drinks was a bit scary, though. But the Tiefling was already used to ignoring this type of thing. “Thanks, sir!” he said, before following the others inside the building.

The Lusty Lekku was exactly what the Tiefling would have expected from a place like this one. People were getting drunk and falling in the corners, while others were using drugs and also falling in the corners. There was also some dancing, which was what interested him. If it wasn’t for the dangers regarding their mission, the place would be nice for a party.

Once they reach the bar, the Padawans meet with Zeffy. The Twi'lek seemed to be nice, to the point of allowing them to buy one drink. “Do you have any drink made of fruits?” Aranmir asked immediately. “Even better if it’s alcoholic. My species is tolerant of it.” he would ignore the complaints of T-I37. The good thing of it being this model was that the droid can't do anything to stop him. “Yeah, we heard that Marlox had a room there. Can we go talk with him?

@Nefieslab @Zay @LadyRen @Logan

Zeri Adasca

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Feb 8, 2023
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Zeri tried to be subtle when the Devaronian bouncer made his gibes and japes at Liana and Aranmir but the swift hand to her mouth to cover up her laugh was anything but. Of course, her smile faded a little when the guy said they better not touch a single drink once they got inside or he'd taze them blind.

A lot of people would have taken the threat at face value and listened to the advice, but Zeri wasn't a lot of people. She took it as a little bit of a challenge - how many drinks she could sneak before she got caught and untold volts of electricity were shot straight into her ass.

She was betting at least five.

Once they got inside, her attention was drawn immediately to the various beings dancing on the table poles. She'd never been to a bar like this before and she had to say, it seemed like a really fun place to be. Zeri also considered - if being a Jedi didn't work out, of course - that she would probably make a good pole dancer.

Well, at least until the first time she face planted straight into a table.

Zeri's smile returned when they met Zeffy and her offer of a single drink was given. At least someone in this place actually seemed like they were fun. Rolling her eyes at Leon's request for water and sliding some side eye at Aranmir for the odd way in which he asked for his own drink, Zeri simply flashed a smile at Zeffy before saying plainly:

A Mandalorian Car Bomb, if you would be so kind.

While the others got down to business with their pointed questions, Zeri instead kept her eyes peeled on their surroundings. Everything just seemed so strange, so different from the typical things she'd done before in the name of the Jedi. There had to be something going on here, something to pick up on.

Where in the hell was Marlox? Why didn't he just meet them outside?

Hmm. It just all seemed so strange.

Keeping her reservations to herself for now, Zeri eyed Zeffy as she waited to hear what the Twi'lek had to say, doing her best to ignore the thoughts of what she would look like dancing on one of those poles.

Now was not the time for idle fantasies.

That time was after the Car Bomb.

@LadyRen @Zay @LouJoVi @Nefieslab

Liana Mason

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Dec 27, 2022
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Liana wasn't quite sure what to make out of the fiery Devaronian...she assumed that he was quite a nice guy on the inside, but bitey on the outside and as he was working, she feared this wouldn't change...but like twelve?! Her mouth moved to open again, but then she remembered what her mom always told her.

It was firstly good if people thought you looked younger because this also meant that you'd receive many compliments later on as aging would take more time appearance wise, and secondly (also most importantly), people often underestimated your wits if they took you for a child, so she simply took it with a soft smile, adding, "Oh why thank you". Perhaps there was the slightest hint of provocation in it as her teen ego might have been slightly grazed, but she was never one to make a fuss out of anything.

The bounced finally decided to let them in and Lia threw him a short, thankful smile before she slipped right in. Oh boy...this was no place for a group of padawan to be and also not the kind of a place she'd expect Jedi to rent a room from...this was all very strange and she didn't have the best feeling about it, yet she carried on while keeping it together perfectly, sticking to her duties and thus keeping her eyes in the target only: Zeffy for now.

The owner looked much friendlier and happier at first glance, so a soft smile was also planted on Lia's lips as she followed the rest to the bar. As the boys immediately did most of the talking, she took a seat on a bar stools and scanned the menu for a second before she replied, "For me a Virgin Yub Nub, please. Thank you kindly". The blonde padawan enjoyed fruity drinks and while she didn't minded cocktails in general, she was still staying true to the promise she made herself. Absolutely no alcohol, especially because she knew her ridiculously low tolerance well. That was why she actually envied Aranmir for example, but she decided not to lecture anyone at all. She also didn't miss the scribbled note Leon was passing and was indeed hoping the droid wouldn't spy it, but wasn't yet sure whether she liked the idea of having all of them drink just yet. The teenage mind was often filled with doubts and while she didn't voice any of them yet, she directed her attention onto the Twi'Lek while she still stayed attentive of their environment. One feeling just kept intensifying: This was no place for either of them as this was no simple fun club on Zeltros...

@Nefieslab @Logan @Zay @LouJoVi

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The bartending Twi'lek, Zeffy, cocked her hip to one side as she grabbed a few glasses up and slid them along the bar to rest in front of her. Throwing a wink at the group, she started busying herself in gathering the ingredients for their drinks of choice, making sure to make something of a show of it as she did so. Twirling a bottle of cheap-looking booze, she poured a measure into the car bomb she was making.

"Oh you're here to see Malox - you the Jedi?"
she asked with a grin, "Just messing with you, of course you're the Jedi. Who else wanders around with a lightsaber strapped to them, right?"

She finished making the car bomb, sliding it across the bar to Zeri with a sly grin even as she passed Leon his ice water with her other hand.

"No grinding on my dance-floor, kid, it's not even dinner time yet."
the bartender 'cautioned' before setting down a pour of a light purple drink for Aranmir, "New Alderaan brandy, made from pears, give it a shot. And a blend of fruit juices for the virgin."

With the drinks order now done, Zeffy leaned forward on the bar counter.

"Listen, I'll let you up to the apartment above the bar with my spare key but you got to make sure you get Malox to pay his rent this week. Just because he occasionally throws a bone in me, doesn't mean he can't throw me one and actually pay."

T-137 was, of course, absolutely outraged but a stray ice cube from the bar slid over, at speed, to slam into the casing of the little droid to distract him from his train of thought. Zeffy smiled and handed the keycard over to the Padawans before gesturing to a door to the rear of the building.

"Up the stairs to the top then it's the door right in front of you - give it a bit of a push, the door sticks."

@Logan @LadyRen @Zay @LouJoVi

Leon Baudelaire


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Dec 23, 2021
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Leon’s heart sank as he was handed water. That’s what he got for trying to be sneaky. He knew he was better off just charging into situations with reckless abandon. He watched the other drinks slide out with an envious glean in his eye, but there was nothing he could do. A piece of ice slid from the bar and bounced off T-137. Leon snickered. It was the little things in life, right?

Baudelaire’s eyebrow shot up at the mention of Malox banging the bartender and he started to wonder if this guy needed an apprentice. To the droid Leon asked, “Is Malox, like, undercover or just unconventional?

To Zeffy he said, “Thanks, I’ll be sure to let him know.” He took the spare key from her then to the rest of the group he said, “Who wants to go find the Jedi degenerate?!

The apartments were just upstairs so he doubted the whole crew needed to come, but he wouldn’t stop anyone from following before he strutted from the bar and toward the stairs. THe climb ups wasn’t crazy. It was definitely awkward. The sounds of copulation through thin walls followed them up like an enthusiastic ghost just trying their best to haunt The Padawans. A they reached the top, Leon spotted the door and scanned the Keycard.

There was a little beep, then he put his shoulder into the door hard, and went flying inward with a really heroic, “WAHHHH!

@LouJoVi @LadyRen @Logan @Nefieslab


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Jan 30, 2023
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Thanks!” Aranmir said to Zeffy, before picking the drink that the Twi’lek had given to him. He immediately tasted it and felt pleased with its sweet taste. The Tiefling would be able to appreciate it without having T-I37 complaining. That ice cube had come at a perfect moment.

The Tiefling felt a bit bad for Leon, who had received a glass of water. The human’s face showed that it wasn’t what he wanted. “If we find a way to distract our nanny, maybe we could buy you a good drink after talking with Marlox. I have some more credits, so I pay.” Aranmir whispered to the other Padawan, hoping that it could cheer him up.

After Zeffy gave them the keys, Aranmir followed the other Padawans through the stairs. He remained in silence when Leon asked who wanted to find the degenerated Jedi. The Tiefling preferred to remain in the bar drinking rather than going to deal with the Knight. It seemed excessive to have four of them to pick some simple information.

However, Aranmir didn’t voice his opinion. He arrived with the others in front of the door of Marlox’s room. While he watched Leon open the door, the Tiefling could hear the very recognizable sound that was comming from behind the walls. Doing exactly what Zeffy had said, the other Padawan had pushed it. The result was that the human ended up falling inside with a very silly scream.

Are you fine?” Aranmir asked, while he approached the door. Looking inside, the Tiefling saw that a tornado seemed to have passed through it. “It seems that Marlox did some wild things here.

@Nefieslab @LadyRen @Zay @Logan

Zeri Adasca

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Feb 8, 2023
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So far, Zeri liked Zeffy. She always appreciated someone with a little edge to them, and her sassy comments elicited more than just a couple snickers before Zeri became preoccupied with the drink that was deftly slid toward her.

Thanks, She said, flashing Zeffy a smile before diving headlong into her car bomb. Dropping the shot glass into the the cup, Zeri tapped the bottom of the glass on the counter a couple times as a bottoms up signal before downing the entire thing in just a few short seconds.

Mandalorian Car Bombs were not a sipping cocktail. There was nothing dignified about dropping a shot of liquor into a glass of beer and then seeing how fast you could finish it.

I'll hold down the fort down here, Zeri said to Leon and Aranmir as they headed upstairs in search of their Jedi friend. Someone should probably keep an eye out for any surprise shenanigans.

It seemed unlikely that they needed everyone cramming themselves into a hallway to beat down Malox's door. Plus, Zeri still couldn't quite shake the odd feeling that there was something more going on here. She felt more comfortable being the one to make sure they didn't get ambushed or otherwise bushwhacked somehow.

As Aranmir and Leon headed upstairs, Zeri turned her attention back to Zeffy and flashed her another smile.

So what can I bribe you with to get a second drink? She asked, a bit of playfulness in her voice as she slid her empty glass back toward the bartender.

@LadyRen @Zay @LouJoVi @Nefieslab
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Liana Mason

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Dec 27, 2022
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Lia watched the waitress prepare the drinks with a hint of awe sparkling in her eyes. Her little show was impressive and the smoothness in her gestures a cool sight to behold. One by one she slid the drinks over, however handing Leon nothing but a water as officially ordered, which drew a little chuckle from the padawan.

After she took a little sip of her own, non-alcoholic drink, she shoved her glass over to Leon, asking, "Would you like to try something with a little flavor?". Obviously, she still wouldn't get his booze, but it was better than water. She then directed her attention back to the bartender, pondering on her words in silence for a moment before she had to stifle a snicker after the ice cube accident.

The remark about the boning almost made Lia choke on her juice and she wondered whether she had understood at her right, but the word play that followed clarified that. To say that Malox was a little...unconventional was obviously not farfetched, yet the word Leon then used to describe him was perhaps a little disrespectful for a fellow Jedi. It still left a slightly sour taste in her mouth while she herself believed he was using it as cover, but then again, why did the bartender blurt all of that out like it was nothing? This was definitely not the best place to openly declare that they were all Jedi and Malox didn't seem to make a secret out of it either.

"Thank you, Zeffy. We'll make sure you'll receive your payment", she reassured the Twi'Lek, flashing her a warm smile before she turned towards the boys. She didn't have the best feeling about wondering upstairs in this establishment and woukd have preferred if they all went up, yet she obviously couldn't leave Zeri here alone. "You go ahead, I'll stay with her". She bit her lip for a moment before she added "take care" with a lowered voice, trying to swallow down the weird feeling that was spreading in the pit of her stomach.

Splitting up seemed like a bad idea, but Zeri had a point in keeping an eye out down here, so that they wouldn't get cornered upstairs. However, as soon as the boys left and Zeri immediately asked for a second drink, she couldn't help but to question the other padawan's intentions. This was no party on Zeltros, why couldn't she stay focused on what they actually had to do? A hint of annoyance crossed her face as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, turning her upper body into the room and having her watchful gaze wander across the room.

@Nefieslab @Logan @Zay @LouJoVi