*Your Profile*


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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As we have moved to the new forum i think i will create the profile thread which Adena craated back on the old site
so basically post your own profile - i shall start

Name: Paul Anthony John Manuel
Age: 17
Height: 6ft
Weight: 80kg??
Skin Colour: Tanned
Hair Colour: Black - Short at the moment
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Place of Birth: London, England
Currently: London, England
Occupation: Student......and.....GOD OF SEX
RP Years: The big fat 0
Hobbies: Golf, Football, Basketball, Rugby, Swimming, Cycling and Walking (long distances over mountains), Tennis and the gym
Interests: Music, Guitar, Drums, Games, Reading (sometimes), Good Films, Photography, Art
Pets: None, my mother does not want them to destroy the house
Dislikes: People that piss me off and people who think they are above you.
Food: Sandwiches, Pizza, Fajitas, and last but deffinetly not least CURRY . I like most food, and try almost anything as long as its not McDonalds or fast food.
Personality: A guy - the normal things you expect.....but more

This be me^^ .:.::MEGA::.:. AKA, Paul :4:


SWRP Writer
Nov 13, 2005
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Name: Hassan Abbas.
Previous Aliases: Aowc02, lucifer, luciender, defiant, def,
Age: 18
Height: 6ft + somthing :P
Weight: 85kg
Skin Colour: a point between brown and white? i have middle eastern origins for christ sake :P
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Place of Birth: London, England
Currently: London, England
Occupation: Student - nearly at uni.
RP Years: The big fat 0 thankfully :P
Hobbies: Football, F1, Cars, Gaming errr building stuff, drinking competition and telling people who need pc help to fuck off.
Interests: Games, Socialising, Reading occasionally, and errr more gaming :P
Pets: wish i had a dog :(
Dislikes: People who say im wrong, when im right.
Food: Stuffed Crust Pizza? :). Fish and chips? errr Mega Mac? :D :D errr and stuff. Steaks etc
Personality: errr......... meh.


The Divinity Within
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Name: Steve Young
Age: 14
Height: 5'11
Weight: 140 lbs
Skin Colour: White
Hair Colour: brown
Eye Colour: yellow, blue and green!
Place of Birth: Ontario, Canada, and that is all I will say
Currently: See above
Occupation: Student
RP Years: 1!
Hobbies: Swimming, Basketball... yep
Interests: Swimming, Basketball, computer
Pets: 2 cats
Dislikes: watches
Food: french toast, banana muffins, cheeseburgers
Personality: Nice/Mean, depends on the day.


SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2005
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Name: Madison
Age: 18
Height: No idea
Weight: again no idea
Skin Colour: check my profile for what I look like.
Hair Colour: blond with brown/ black tips.
Eye Colour: Don't really remember, i'll check sometime next year :9:.
Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia
Currently: :25: look above.
Occupation: Student...only until I finish uni
RP Years: 1 month :33:.
Hobbies: Music :33:.
Interests: Again music :33:.
Pets: Personal or family owned?
Dislikes: Poeple who treat me like shit.
Food: Almost anything really :4:.
Personality: I haven't much to say really, uh...playful?


Star Wars RP Founder
SWRP Writer
Nov 13, 2005
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Name: Steven George Alldis
Aliases: Jetzt, Darth Jetzt, Supreme Chancellor, etc etc.
Age: 17
Height: 6ft
Weight: Too much for my liking.
Skin Colour: White
Hair Colour: Was once very blonde, but now am a blondish, browny colour.
Eye Colour: Was once very blue... but has now turned gray, blue and green.
Beliefs: Raised in a Church of England family, went to a Catholic high school and have hints of spiritualism beliefs.
Place of Birth: Queen Charlottes Hospital, Hammersmith, London, England, Europe, The World, The Milky Way, The Universe.
Currently: London, England.
Occupation: De-brief clerk at Parceline/Interlink West London, based in Alperton. Yes, I get to shout at drivers.
RP Years: Yes, just over a year now... how time has flown.
Hobbies: Hobbies: Golf, Football, photo's, driving fast cars, shagging... ummm... running this site.
Interests: Star Wars, Arsenal, Music, Guitar, Games, Hanging with my crew, talking like a chav aaaaaand Shagging.
Pets: Dog, Cockatoo and many a fish. (I would name you every pet I have ever had, but it would take up the whole page.)
Fav Place: London, Portugal and Ramsgate.
Dislikes: People who are plonka's.
Food: Cheeseburgers, Domino's Double Decadance Steak Melt Pizza's with BBQ sauce (instead of tomato), Lindt Lindor chocolates (even though they are bare expensive)
Personality: I am a wonderful person.
Fav saying's: Dave & Rupert, How is it hanging?, How did you get on... last night?, Indeed, Beef, Yes, Hmmmmmm, I see, Riiiiiiiiight and shut it.


SWRP Writer
Dec 8, 2005
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Name: Sabrina N Simions
Age: 23
Height: 5'4
Weight: shouldn't ask a woman that....
Skin Colour: Pale
Hair Colour:black - short
Eye Colour: blue
Place of Birth: Queens, NY
Currently: Bath, UK
Occupation: CPU engineer designer
RP Years: 4-ish
Hobbies: Writting, poetry, some dancing, guitar, snow boarding, fire arms
Interests: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Pets: One dog called Carma (Lab)
Dislikes: mainstream people, and other wise prepy sorts
Food: Italian mostly...


SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2005
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Name: Ed Flynn
Age: 28
height: 6'2"
weight: 180? I don't really know.
skin color: white.
hair: brown
eye color: bluish-gray
place of birth: Sleepy Hollow, NY
Current location: Cambridge, MA
occupation: research associate for a pharmaceutical laboratory
RP years: only 1 online, many pen & paper
hobbies: reading, video games, star wars, watching movies, listening to music, sports
pets: none


SWRP Writer
Dec 8, 2005
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Name: Wyatt Henry Mann
RP Aliases: JediDuncan (Sirius Venn, Deadeye Duncan, Darth Crucius, Darth Nazarius), Lakkerun Joh'had, General Aryas.
Age: 14
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 110 lbs
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Dirty blond (Although I'm becoming more and more blond nowadays...)
Eyes: Brown, blue and green. Brown circles around my pupils, while the outer section is blue and the inner section is green.
Date of Birth: 9-11-1991
Place of Birth: Oakland, CA
Occupation: Student
Rp Years: 1 Year+
Hobbies/Interests: Soccer, tennis, Star Wars, video games, baseball, basketball, drawing, music.

Astra de Aurora

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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Name: Susan
Alias: Darth Fred, Fred, Lord Fred, Darth Vader, Fireheart, Dangerous Kat, Kat/Katroti
Age: 13
Height: 5' 4 1/2" and still growin'
Weight: Dunno
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel most of the time, sometimes turns green
Gender: Female
Birthday: December 6th
Dirthplace: Somewhere in Southern California
Places that I lived in: Santa Maria, CA; Oaklahome, Guam, Michigan ((Summer))
Pets: Two cats
Interests: Star Wars, Battlefront, Videogames, Reading, Aaron, Beating people at videogames, etc.
Rp time: Acctually, about a year now
SWRP time: 6 months


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Name: Adena L. Mc Dargh

Aliases: 'D, Dena,

Age: 25

Height: 5'10 ish

Weight: 148

Skin Colour: White

Hair Colour: blond-gold

Eye Colour: depending on mood goes from an Ice blue to a muddy emerald

Beliefs: Raised in a catholic/Celt mixed, though I favor Celt

Place of Birth: Portree, Isle Skye Scotland

Currently: Portree, Scotland, though in march at some point, moving to Spokane Washington

Occupation: Free Lance company owner * meaning BMH does not do our own work, but do contract bids*

RP Years: 16 years ( started with Table top RP's when I was 9, )

Hobbies: History; Anthropology, and going to digs; Animation, reading, and drawing comics, gaming, playing with the kids..and IF time allows, tuneing up my Cars, ( corolla/supra) reading, playing around with mixing music, etc

Pets: Copper Siberian Husky: Alexandria Netasha Standard Alaskan Husky (black/white) Sabrina Katrina
(fostering a bob cat- named Ani) a rat named Jaina ( who's better trained than the dogs) a peach faced conured named Sprite

Fav Place: anything in the Highlands... Calgary....basically anything mountianous and moist

Dislikes: Ass holes, over horned up males, mormons coming to my door at 5 am, soccer moms, those who believe everything they see on tv, pinguins, clowns, and paris * the city itself, not ALL of frnace, just the city* oh, and stupidity,

Food: BEEF!, nice rare and bloody * drools* oh, and fruites and such

Kit Rendar

SWRP Writer
Nov 26, 2005
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Name: Ian J. Dixon
Alias: Kit Rendar, Darth Ravinos, Kael Caivera
Age: 18
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 215ish
Skin Color: white
Hair color: brown
Eye color: hazel to green to a bluish color
Gender: Male
Birthday: April 25th
Place of birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Time RPing: about a year and a half
Hobbies/Interests: Star Wars, The Amazing Race, computers, computer games, Ice hockey, TV, movies
Food: Pizza


The Matriarch's Plaything
SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2005
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Name: Lara Sophia Bennett Hardwick Sharpe Croft ~ or just Sophia Bennett
Alias: Sophia Muad'Dib, Soph, The Bitch, Darth Tempest and a few more that I care not to say.
Age: 22
Height: 5'11"
Weight: *shrugs*
Skin Color: Pale
Hair color: In constant state of flux (natural blonde though)
Eye color: Blue
Gender: Female
Birthday: 30 11 83
Marital Status: Single
Orientation: Lesbian
Place of birth: Somewhere in the North East of England
Current Location: Ditto
Time RPing: oh about 7 or 8 years
Pets: Hamster of ever changing name
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Writing, Games, Music, Films, Anime, Manga, Japan, blah blah blah....
Food: Itallion, meat stews, chinese, good ol' fish'n'chips and every now and then a bacon sandwitch
Drink: Tea (PGTips ftw), Malibu&Pepsi, Dr.Pepper, Pepsi, CherryCoke, Milk (full fat)

Green Ranger

SWRP Supporter
Dec 6, 2005
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Name: Rowan Wayne Grimes
Alias(s): Boli Delish, Grimace, Luverly Gandhi, Devlen Del-Arshu, Cyril Soulcatcher, That guy with the Thing, Dark Corner Boy.
Age: 16
Height: will update as soon as i find a measuring tape.
Weight: 160-170...not sure.
Skin Color: Pale
Hair color: Blackish brown with dashes of vibrant red.
Eye color: Gold ring around pupil, followed by grey with blue/green flecks
Gender: Male
Birthday: 25 08 1989
Place of birth: Suburbs of Melbourne, Australia
Current Location: As above
Time RPing: about a year and a half now.
Pets: Sally (Dog), Max (Cat), Zoe (Cat), The Unnamed Critter we Feed (cat), Unnamed Future Pet (Dog)
Hobbies/Interests: Wirting, Roleplaying, Reading, Star Wars, D&D, Gaming, Lightsabers (just two days!), Art, Acting, Music, Emo-bagging...
Food: Pizza, Pasta, Roast Chicken...mmm...roast chicken...


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Devlen Del-Arshu @ Dec 23 2005, 11:59 AM) [snapback]9087[/snapback]</div>
Hair color: Blackish brown with dashes of vibrant red.

my hair used to be like that - black with random streaks or red, but not red as in ginger - just a really shiny darkish red and it would appear and dissapear in the light - and it wasnt highlights, was naturally like that, but has now just gone all balck


SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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Name: Big Will
AKA: Anton, Sitar, that bastard.....
Height: 6'6?
Weight: 11 stone
Skin color: white
Hair: Dirty Blonde/brown
Eyes: blue/gray
Occupation: out of work qualified stone mason.
Place of Birth: Northern Ireland
Currently living in: Scotland
Time RPing: 2-3 years (used to play Inquisitor before i joined here)
Pet/s: Cat named Taz, Alsation Named Tsar (recently deceased)
Hobbies: bedroom sports, playing Xbox, socialising, various others...
Favourite Food: Haggis roll, chinese takeaway, any red meat.
hated foods: anything with sugar in it.


London Calling.
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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I have never tasted haggis...Is it actually nice?


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mandalore @ Dec 23 2005, 07:54 PM) [snapback]9157[/snapback]</div>
I have never tasted haggis...Is it actually nice?

yes - trust me its well nice


SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mandalore @ Dec 23 2005, 07:54 PM) [snapback]9157[/snapback]</div>
I have never tasted haggis...Is it actually nice?

Yeah its good, i admit when i was younger i hated it but then again i was a fussy eater. but while i was at college i used to get a haggis roll every morning from the canteen.