Location Zaa Fenn Penthouse


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Apr 18, 2015
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Zaa Fenn Crime Family's Eriadu Headquarters

Affiliation:Zaa Fenn Crime Family

Decades ago the impoverished Zaa Fenn Crime Family was barely able to keep their position as the chief gang in the criminal underworld of Eriadu. It was able to maintain its position thanks to this very penthouse.

In underworld-terms it is a fortress. It benefits from traditional security measures of any high-end skyscraper that features penthouses to the rich and important. A single elevator leads up to the three-story penthouse from the ground and a single hangar that can hold just a single medium freighter. Blast doors protect the hangar, armed goons protect the elevator. Simple, yet efficient.

Only those with the Zaa Fenn last name know the code to open the hangar blast doors. Only associates know the code that allows the elevator access to the top three floors.


Compared to the penthouse as it was a few decades ago, things have changed. After a long Imperial occupation of the planet and multiple conflicts fought in its streets, Eriadu had undergone a cultural change that is reflected in the interior of the penthouse. The upper two floors are more austere than they used to be.

The lower floor, which features the 'common' areas used for entertainment and downtime leisurely activities by members of the crymorah family and their associates scoundrels and enforcers, has a wide variety of drinks, spices and organic pleasures. It is perhaps the most exclusive 'club' on Eriadu and if you have a meeting with the Zaa Fenn, this is as all you'll see of the penthouse.

The theme changes when you pass through passcode-protected doors on the second level. This is where members of the Zaa Fenn sleep. Private rooms for those that are either born or adopted formally into the family, while the rest shares bunkbeds. The interior here has notably more plants and hosts a sauna and heated pool that can fit a maximum of ten medium-sized people.

The top floor is most exclusive and enjoys the most security measures. This is where the boss has her own small appartment. Most notably however are two other things: First, this is where the access door to the hangar is. Second, this is where the real magic happens. A room larger than the boss' appartment is decked out in isolated server booths and several slicing computers. From this room the family's slicers keep track of their criminal connections across the galaxy and monitor activity on the local Eriadu net.​

This location is meant to be one of the social gathering locales for criminal characters and is supposed to be the last headquarters of the Zaa Fenn Crime Family (in its epilogue).​
