Zek Locke


SWRP Writer
Jun 13, 2009
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Zek Locke


Zek is of average height and weight for a fourteen year old. His medium length brown hair, which he wore in a gelled fashion, complimented his green eyes which give him an astonishingly attractive appearance. His trendy clothing and muscular physique also compliment his good looks.


Zek acts unlike most teenagers, first of all his manners and ability to carry on a conversation with adults many years older than he, rivals most politicians. He is also quite mature for his age, his father’s career as village leader plays a major role in his personality. He has been forced to grow up much more quickly than most. Although he is only fourteen, he acts more like an eighteen year old. Zek’s parents taught him early on that, in life, it is not what you know, it is who you know. For this reason he rates everyone he comes into contact with, and if he decides they are important enough, he sets his mind to making the best first impression possible. The ability to charm those around him, especially adults, will take him far in life. Another trait that he learned from his father, was to not be walked on by anyone. His father frequently told him “If you think you’re better than someone, you are. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different.”


Zek likes to argue and challenge authority. He not like being told what to do, or authority figures that treat him like a kid.


Zek is a strong speaker, and strong young man. His weakness it his lack of respect for authority, as it sometimes gets him in trouble.

BIOGRAPHY: Pre-Parental Death

Zek’s parents have lived in the small village of Rockfet on Ando Prime since they were born. His father Dorn is the current village leader, Zek is next in line to take over. The leadership role has been in the Locke family as far back as the villages written histories go. Along with being leader came a ring, which was imbued with the force, whoever wore the ring was seemingly stronger and faster, only slightly however. His mother Jayda is a stay at home mother, who was a writer before Zek was born.

Approximately fourteen standard years ago Zek was born. His childhood was very average, other than the fact that he had odd dreams the seemed to come true a few days after he had them. This didn’t bother Zek much, as he assumed it was a normal occurrence. Zek’s only difference from a normal galactic teenager was his schooling. Instead of attending a regular school like most kids, he instead went to work with his father, learning all there was to know about being village leader.

Biogrpahy: Post Parental Death





This has only been posted so that the initial RP to develop Zek can be started. It will change a ton by tomorrow night and in the near future. I am aware that it is not well developed or anywhere near complete. It does meet minimum requirements.
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SWRP Writer
Jun 13, 2009
Reaction score
<Place Holder> Many pictures are coming tomorrow so this and the next post will be needed.


SWRP Writer
Jun 13, 2009
Reaction score
NPC Profile: Father



Name: Dorn Locke
Location: Rockfet, Ando Prime
Age: 54sy
Species: Human
Community Role: Rockfet Village Leader, Father
Height/Weight: 5’ 11’’ 180
Family Members: Zek Locke (Son), Jayda Locke (Wife)


Dorn Lock, above all else, was an astounding father and a husband. He was more interested in his wife and son than his constant flow of work, which was rare for a politician. Just like his father taught him he was patient, and a great listener. His son, Zek, loved that he could go to his father with his problems, regardless of how big or small, and he would listen and analyze in order to help him. He was also his son’s role model, Zek was next in line to lead Rockfet, the small village his family live in, and he wanted nothing more than to fulfill the role that the men in his family had for nine generations. As a husband Dorn could have made even the best holo-stars look like a joke. He was caring and compassionate, and gave his wife everything she could want. He knew that if his wife was happy, he would be happy. He provided a lavish house for his family that had been handed down to him from his father. Most onlookers would assume Dorn lead a perfect life. They would be correct, at least by his standards.

As a politician Dorn was just average, but did a great job putting the villages needs above his own. He grew up watching his grandfather and his father lead Rockfet. He watched excitedly as his father made decisions that impacted the life of the village’s two hundred residents. He knew that it would one day be his job to make the same types of decisions. When Dorn was forty-five standard years of age, his father died, which meant Dorn would take his seat as village leader. Dorn was overwhelmed at first, the village was in a downfall when he took over, but after a few years he became familiar with his new position and powers. He was confident, and enthusiastic in his decision making, and if he found himself in a tight spot, he could simply consult the many books his family had collected and diaries previous leaders had kept. Dorn usually came up with a fairly logical rulings, even if they weren’t one hundred percent his own. Overall, the village was happy to have a level headed leader that would listen to what they had to say.

Dorn’s family passed down various items along with the title of leader. The most important of which was a ring. This ring possessed a power, a power that could be of use to various galactic citizens. Whoever wore the ring was made a bit stronger and a bit faster via the force.


NPC Profile: Mother



Name: Jayda Locke
Location: Rockfet, Ando Prime
Age: 49sy
Species: Human
Community Role: House Wife, Mother
Height/Weight: 5’ 6’’ 120
Family Members: Zek Locke (Son), Dorn Locke (Husband)


Jayda Locke met he husband, Dorn, when she was twenty standard years of age, and married him when she was twenty-one. Her parents did not approve mainly because Dorn was six years older than she was, but eventually they gave up on attempting to convince Jayda that she could find someone younger, or better than Dorn. This was most likely because they knew that he would one day be the Leader of Rockfet. The married, and eventually had a force sensitive son who they named Zek. The village that they lived in had strict rules about killing force sensitives, so they could avoid being detected. Since her husband was the Rockfet village leader, they simply made sure that nobody found out what their son was.

Jayda frequently aided her husband in his decision making and various work for the village. She also wrote most of his speeches, because Dorn could never seem to come up with the right words. Other than helping her husband and being a mother, Jayda took care of cooking and cleaning, like many wives in Rockfet. She was average in the eyes of many, but cherished by her family. She always felt that she shared a special bond with her son, as if she could feel his presence, thus making her love from him much stronger than normal. Zek felt the bond as well.


Welcome To Rockfet, Ando Prime

Coming soon..

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