Zekk Coron


The Alpha and the Omega
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
Zekk Coron

NAME: Zekk Coron
FACTION: Independent
AGE: 27
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes. No Training but strong connection to the Force; unknown to him.

Zekk is 6'1"(1.854M) and weighs 178lbs (80.74kg). He has a slender frame, but carries strength behind his otherwise average mass. His face is often scruffy as if it had been shaved days prior, but a clean cut is rarely seen; how he manages this 'feat' is unknown to almost everyone save a few close acquaintances and droids. His eyes can change from day to day, but always contain a strong hue of green to them. At his worst they are a deep emerald, but at his best they 'glow' a fluorescent evergreen bordering on the lines of hazel. His face carries with it a strong personality and sometimes overconfident smile. This is all summed up with leather black medium length locks of hair. More times than not poking every which-way that best can be described as a 'hot mess.' His clothes rarely differ as he can be found in a black spacer jacket which is ribbed in a metallic grey accompanied by a comfortable fitting long sleeved undershirt. A pair of loose fitting hearthstone brown cargo pants are tucked into a set of combat boots cast in standard brown. A utility belt, set of thigh holsters, small 'coyote' backpack, and wrist attachment close out his normal appearance.

Strength - 5/10 Average Strength

Perception - 8/10 His ability to perceive and take in his surroundings is hard to beat. His natural abilities and time on his own has made Zekk a perceptive force to be reckoned with.

Endurance - 5/10 He is able to keep pace with most beings in the galaxy. If he is in a foot race with someone far more athletic chances are he will lose, but he can hold his own.

Charisma - 7/10 Zekk is able to talk someone's ear off if they're willing to listen. He's a conartist at times and talking his way into and out of things is a skill he holds near to his heart.

Intelligence - 6/10 His intelligence is above average, but only in certain respects. His schooling wasn't there, but what he learned on his own was an ability to survive on his own. Much of this has translated into a way of keeping himself both alive and ahead of the curve.

Dexterity - 6/10 Zekk is a balance of Strength and Dexterity. He may not hit hard or be super quick, but being able to balance both can pack a punch that most anyone wouldn't want to be on the other side of. He's able to keep both his balance and his feet moving when he needs to.

Wisdom - 3/10 Never a man to learn from a mistake he'll take risks at any cost with the hopes of coming out on top. Some would call him an idiot or a fool, but more times than not he knows what he's doing. Even if it isn't the wisest decision.

+ He can pilot a ship with the best of them. Put him behind the yoke/wheel of a vehicle and he'll get you where you need to go without a problem. Hopefully.

+ He can fix almost anything in the universe given the time and information on it. Scavenging Ord Mantell for almost a half decade allowed him to see things most would only dream of or have never heard of it. Not only did he put his hands on it, but he would get it working and food in his pocket thanks to it.

+ He can make friends and allies with some amount of ease, even if he doesn't keep them. Talking and gathering information from complete strangers has never come hard to the urchin. There was one way to survive growing up and traveling through space, talking. He could bury himself and dig himself out just as quick and is a talent he basks in.

- Credits can make or break him. If 'luck' or appeal seems to be pulling him that way. He'll go that way. Stubborn as they come, even if it means taking a beating. If he holds a grudge he won't let go until he's gotten revenge or a severance package out of the deal.

- Self-reliant. Zekk thinks he can do it all even though he can't. More times than he can count he's tried to beat the odds alone and plastered face first due to it. He'd sooner work with someone he can trust (no one/himself) than get in bed with another than can take his earnings or 'get them killed.'

- He's a sucker for anything bad for him. Alcohol, spice, cigarras, and the like. A good time to him can be the worst time for someone else. If there's some form of excitement to be had, you can guarantee he'll be fishing for it.

Zekk is a bit of a carefree spirit. He looks out for himself above all else, but on the off hand one gets on his good side he'll do everything in his blood to make sure he keeps them safe. He is stubborn when it comes to his own opinion or what he believes to be correct/right. If they're on the other side of the fence he'll do any swindling, sweet talking, or convincing to get their opinion to change or his opinion about them will shift putting them on his 'shit-list.' He hates the Hutt's but is willing to work with them if the price is right and he's able to work under his own terms. Since his brothers death he is off put by Twi'leks, Trandoshans, and Wookiees specifically. Zekk can be bitter and vengeance driven if the wrong hand is dealt to him, going after some sort of retribution or vengeance with everything he can muster, almost to the point of suicidal tendencies.

Zekk was the elder brother of Dav Coron, a lesser known soul in the galaxy whos life was taken by a Jedi Knight on Ord Mantell. The two had been left there by no choice of their own to take care of one another, fend for their lives, and live out what little hope they had left in the junkyard wastes the planet held. Both of their parents were taken from them by thugs, and just the same would have happened to Zekk if the Jedi Knight hadn't stepped in. Although, in his stepping into the scuffle he killed Zekk's younger brother, an action the elder sibling could never forgive. It was well on Ord Mantell he discovered his ability to repair technology and mechanical items with an almost next level aptitude. He was able to repair a speeder and sell it to get enough credits off world on a large freighter. Upon leaving Ord Mantell he traveled directly to Coruscant where his luck only got worse for a time.

There he found himself scavenging for scraps to survive. Thinking the heart of the Galaxy could aid him in finding a place in the world he found himself indebted to a shopkeeper. He worked for almost nothing and it was only under the good fortune of the Zabrak passing that Zekk was able to take the man's rather beat up Starship and repair it and head to an even crummier planet; Nar Shaddaa. Here he stayed for almost 5 years gathering some amount of wealth. It was here he met one of his few and only acquaintances; Diva Tumi. The two would go on a rampage in a single night before fleeing to Corellia. Spending another several years on the much more luxurious planet Zekk came into possession of both his Freighter and Droid here. It wasn't until whispers of the Sith began to grow that he found a need to leave Corellia and finally search for his true destiny in the galaxy.

Zekk is highly skilled in piloting various forms of spacecraft. At a young age (17) he came in possession of a speeder and fixed it to a functioning capability. His skill at scavenging and repair of mechanics is also a talent he has a strong hand in. He can handle a blaster pistol with some amount of prowess, but it is not his go-to. He'd sooner attempt to talk his way out of something than put up a fight, but is more than willing should the situation call for it. He is well versed in Hutt Space languages this ranges from Huttese, Rodian, Twi'leki, Shyriiwook, and Dosh. He is highly technical with electronics and splicing in particular. Able to hotwire, hack, and fix a wide range of consoles, speeders, data input devices, and the like.

He is Force Sensitive and often finds 'luck' on his side. When others will go right he will go left if his gut tells him to. Sometimes it is far from correct, but that 'feeling' has saved his hide more times than it hasn't. Beyond these inklings he has no Force training.

Spacer Jacket (6 Pockets)
Cigarra's (Rankweed)
Coyote Pack
Heavy Blaster Pistol (2x)
Wrist Attachment - Acts as a mobile comlink, multi-tool, splicing tool, lighter, and health diagnostics
A Jedi Holocron (Unknown to him) - Pyramid shaped; it called to him on Ord Mantell and he didn't understand why. Has held onto it ever since.

One Man's Junk (Prequel)
Fortune Hunter's Delight (Prequel)
The Quick and the Dead (Prequel)

Diva Tumi





21 meters


26.7 meters
Maximum acceleration
2,860 G

Maximum speed (atmosphere)
980 km/h

Engine unit(s)
Ion Engines (3)

Hyperdrive rating
  • Class 0.75
  • Backup Class 8
Hyperdrive system


Power-boosted shield generators
Reinforced titanium armor

Navigation system



  • Enhanced sensor countermeasure package
  • Republic sensor stealth coating
  • Heavy dual laser turrets (2)
  • Concussion Missile tubes (2)
    • Standard load: 2 missiles each
  • Pilot (1)
  • Co-pilot (1)
  • Gunners (2)
Minimum crew
Cargo capacity
150 metric tons


T4-M1 Astromech Droid