

SWRP Writer
Mar 24, 2017
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NAME: Zelkien
FACTION: Kjlljk Protectorate
RANK: Agent
SPECIES: Togruta
AGE: 17
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, In training

APPEARANCE: Grey(with Orange markings and black stripes)
Height: 6 feet 2in Tall
Weight: 209 pounds
Eye color: Grey
Athletic Build

Strength: 8/10
Dexterity: 8.5/10 Ambidextrous
Constitution: 8/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Wisdom: 5/10
Charisma 9/10

Quite, Doesn't speak unless spoken to, Does his job to the best of his ability afraid of punishment, Recently learned that Failure doesn't always mean punishment. He has trust issue,Yet he works better in a crowd than One on One.

At the age 5 he was sold into slavery And never remembered his parents. Throughout the hot days of a planet that was hostile with cruel Wastelands he spent all his free time watching the same holo cube. One day as he was watching the holo cube again he looked over his shoulder and saw this boy watching a man and women fighting with light sabers and the man was using this lightning and the women throwing things with a flick of her hand. He went over and asked the little boy if they could trade holo cubes. Over the next 7 years that holo cube became his friend and his teacher. As he tried doing what the two people were doing he found out that telekinesis came naturally to him. One day the load lifter's batteries died and he knew he would be beaten again if he failed to get it's cargo to his master. The Closest power source was more than a mile away. Charged by fear and without knowing how he some how manged to lift and Carry it all the way to the charging outlet. Nearly exhausted he managed to get the freight to his master in just enough time that he was not beaten. That was when he first realized what he was capable of doing what the people on the holo cube could do. He than began to experiment with all of the ability's that was shown. One day as it would turn out the last day of being a slave his master had just began beating him for some imagined offense suddenly ropes of black lighting wrapped out from his hands and into his master's chest killing him slowly and painfully. Waking few hours later he realized that he would have to run. Going through his master's pockets he found a Vibro Dagger and a large pouch of credit chips totaling more than three thousand credits worth. He made his way to the space port were he booked passage on the first freighter that he could find, it turns out that it was going to Terminus Station

As a 12 year old boy with 700 credits after he landed in the Terminus Station and walked around noticing the posters for the Kjlljk Protectorate and that they were accepting new recruits for their military. At the first portion of his training he resorted to using his telekinesis to overcome certain Obstacles but his use of the force was noticed. He was immediately sent to Consular Kaern Muto who assigned him for additional training with
Jacien IceRider a female Beasilisk were his first real training of his life began.

He was forced to run in till he collapsed, he was than picked up and shown that he could run even farther. he was forced to meditate hours on end,Then he was required to meditae even longer. He was required to stay awake for days and when he feel asleep he was shown that he could stay awake longer. During these exercises he trained along side jacien's siblings the twins Konlock and Mon who were eleven years old at the time. The odd thing that Zelkien noticed and that made all the difference was that never once was jacien behind them forcing or threatening them but rather she was always one step ahead of them showing them the way. Jacien constantly probed and tested all three of them and then adjusted there individual training. Each was then pushed as fast as they could along their own individual paths. Some would excel in one area and not necessary in all others. As the years past Zelkien realized that they for the most part had learned the exact same thing only at different speeds at different times. Not only was he trained in the ways of the force but he was also taught how to read and write and programed a computer. He was also taught how to fly multiple types of space craft. He found he had an extreme knack for reprograming droids and in truth he exceled at that. Jacien concentrated on teaching them the ways of the force acrobatics and light saber forms. Jacien would bring in other experts who taught them how to use blasters and other archaic weapons. As well as computer experts and linguist to teach additional languages. Then came the day that the three of them were brought in and their practice light sabers were taken from them they were shown a selection of varies colored crystals. After making their selections they were then each handed a deep blue colored crystal and then taught how to imbue the crystal though the force. Once the crystal had been made force sensitive as well as receptive The crystals were taken from them. They were then shown to the machine shop and they were told "Along with the crystals you have previously selected you will find in this building everything else you need to build your own light sabers. "Come find me when you have a light saber of your own," she said as she shut the door behind her leaving them alone with only the tools and equipment to accompany them. After the five days he failed to complete his test and now for what I thought to be punishment actually increased his speed but did little to save him from the electric discharges delivered by the training droid. Afterward he talked about how his crystals shattered and Konlock asked him if he imbue the crystals with the force. Realizing his mistake when he was given the opportunity he walk into the machine shop with a plan and complete confidence in himself. In three hours he cut his way out caring his new duel bladed, duel phase, separating light saber one blade of blue and one of violet.

The next day he was introduced to another Kjlljk Protectorate Consular. A giant Wookie Yong Ki who made him a deal that earned him his ship the Rancorgut. On the same day he found out that he was also getting five years of back pay.

He was released to preform minor and or accompanied missions for the protectorate.

He was traveling to Anoth to pick up the first delivery Yong Ki ask for. He then received a delayed message on the protectorate network advising of a lost Gree ship near Anoth. He then went to the coordinates that the ship was last seen were he learned Yong Ki was leading the mission. He then contacted Yong Ki who gave him a new set of coordinates to jump to with instructions to scan the area for Tibanna Gas a hyper drive coolant and to report back.

Light saber form V 7/10
Reprograming droids 8/10
Blaster pistol 7/10.
computer programmer 6/10
Computer slicer 5/10
Star fighter 5/10
Pilot light freighter 5/10
Energy manipulation 3/10
Force sence 6/10
Telekinesis 7/10
Force push 5/10
Acrobatics 6/10
Languages- Galactic ,Wookie,Beasalisk

RXA-310 Thunderbuster Pistol modified to fire sonic
RXA-310 Thunderbuster Pistol
Type-15 Silenced Carbine
X3 EMP Grenades
Echani Armour


Force training under Jacien IveRider

G5 Riger Modified ; 1 double barrel ion cannon
Military targeting system
Heavy Military Shields
Back up Heavy Generator
Bacta Tank
KPDY WASP Modified ; 1 chin mounted ion cannon

GE3 Protocol Droid



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Mad Dog

Former Awesome Person
SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2017
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@Brian it still needs a little bit of grammar work, the story is a bit better now though.

Just so you're aware, force users aren't allowed to gain benefits from armor and your Echani Armour will only exist as an aesthetic, and will not be a defense in the threads.

Otherwise.. you're probably good.


Narcissistic Cannibal
SWRP Writer
Jun 12, 2016
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Hey @Brian
Okay, something I see that needs to be edited, is the amount of overpowered skill/ability that your character has.
It's unlikely a child would be able to use force lightning.
Also, your stat bars are all 6/10 or above except for force lightning. Maybe reduce some of that.
Something I saw in your bio, was your character charging batteries with the force? That's not within the realm of force abilities.
Please add some flaws.
And lengthening the personality would be nice. You can technically get away with the bare minimum, but a bit more information is nice.
You can't use a jetpack of you are force sensitive.
@Malon @Vinny @Intratec for Sith background/tendencies

Mad Dog

Former Awesome Person
SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2017
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@Wayrider was his trainer. So Sith approval probably won't be needed. Also force users aren't allowed to use tools either? Even when separate from armor? Such as the jet pack? I knew they weren't allowed to utilize armor or armor functions, but the jet pack is separate and not a function. Please clarify that.


Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
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@Wayrider was his trainer. So Sith approval probably won't be needed. Also force users aren't allowed to use tools either? Even when separate from armor? Such as the jet pack? I knew they weren't allowed to utilize armor or armor functions, but the jet pack is separate and not a function. Please clarify that.

A jetpack is a function of armor. It adds functionality to armor that it doesn't possess innately. It would qualify as "layering" regardless, so no, force users (trained ones) cannot have them.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2013
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A jetpack is a function of armor. It adds functionality to armor that it doesn't possess innately. It would qualify as "layering" regardless, so no, force users (trained ones) cannot have them.

Relent is correct.

It is stated under the Timeline Technology and Rules Link Here that Force-users can only use functionless armor. Besides, a Force-user doesn't need a Jetpack if he can Force Jump, within reason of course. The tendencies toward Force Lightning is something that has to be taught (Atypically by Sith.) and is usually indeed a trademark of the Sith. Even so, at his age it is a stretch, and he has had no teacher to learn this powerful skill. That's my two cents. Malon and Vinny may have others however.

I also have to agree with @Zenya he has a number of other abilities that simply could not or rather should not be readily available to him at such a young age as well. So perhaps tone a few down to more comfortable levels for someone at the tender age of seventeen. He's still got a lot of years to become so proficient in Djem Sho, Blasters and Languages just to name a few.

Glad to see another fan of Togruta on here.
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Loyalty above all else except Honor
SWRP Writer
Feb 16, 2017
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so do I understand this right a force user does not need atmosphere encapsulated devices or any type of propulsion systems when in space? So they don't need ships either??/


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2013
Reaction score
Space Suits are something everyone needs in space mang. We're just referring to Armor for example, Mandalorian Armor in terms of actual armor when it comes to combat. But, this armor says it can function as a limited space-suit with ten minutes of air. So this is somewhat confusing.


Loyalty above all else except Honor
SWRP Writer
Feb 16, 2017
Reaction score
wouldn't it just be easier to say you know you cannot use the armor or jet pack in any type of PvP


Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
Or you could just list "generic space suit" on your profile. Wouldn't qualify as armor because thats not what it is for.

Honestly though the odds of you pvping in the vacuum of space is incredibly remote.

Mad Dog

Former Awesome Person
SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2017
Reaction score
Or you could just list "generic space suit" on your profile. Wouldn't qualify as armor because thats not what it is for.

Honestly though the odds of you pvping in the vacuum of space is incredibly remote.

For now.... Haha