Zhin Vakia

Zhin Vakia

SWRP Writer
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
((UNDER CONSTRUCTION & will add specifics when I know more about DotR))​

FULL NAME: Zhin Vakia
AGE: 34
SPECIES: "Wraithbound" Human

"Do not mistake me for some simple-minded Force user, Jedi. I am as far beyond you as you are beyond an amoeba."

I was born Human, though to whom and where have remained a mystery to me. My childhood was spent in an orphanage on Bespin watching other children being adopted into loving, nurturing families. Every day was filled with disappointment and rejection for no one wanted me. I began to loath those around me, rejection turned into anger and one day I lashed out in violence, scarring the face of one of the orphanage patrons. For my actions I was forced to live in the basement where my hopes of being adopted were finally abandoned.

I escaped the orphanage and ran until my feet were raw. Cloud City was full of places to hide, they would never find me, never bring me back to that place. Years were spent stealing food and sleeping in the streets, until one fateful day...

I had broken into a house to steal food as I had done hundreds of times before, but this time I was caught. The home belonged to Bespin's Senator, an old human female, and instead of turning me in to the authorities she took pity on me and invited me into her home. I lived with her for nearly a decade until her death, but in that time she had taught me the meaning of love and the value of kindness. She also tutored me in politics, economics, diplomacy and the ways of the Senate, democracy had become my life and in the wake of her death I followed in her footsteps to become a Senator myself.

During an excursion to the Herios sector in the Outer Rim territories, my convoy was attacked by raiders. Everyone that survived the raid were taken as hostages for ransom. Long weeks passed before we realized that no ransom was to be paid for our release, and the raiders began murdering us one by one. When it was my turn something strange came over me, I was overwhelmed by the desire to live, the desire to kill, the need to survive. I lashed out, but it was different from the incident in the orphanage, it was my mind that fought. Every thought was inexplicably turned into action. I wanted them to kill each other instead of us, and it happened. The raiders turned their guns on each other and pulled the triggers just as I had imagined. I willed their deaths. It wasn't until after I returned to Bespin that I found out how it had all happened.

I was compelled to search for answers, but somehow I already knew what I sought. My mental awareness had expanded exponentially during the return trip to Bespin, it was this awareness that lead me to realized that, at the moment I was about to be killed, my mind was taken by a rare species known as Space Wraith. At first I was appalled and horrified, however I soon came to be thankful of this possession(which turned his skin pale and eyes black) and accepted what I had become; Wraithbound.
My life was in debt.

For the next year I spent every waking hour devoted to developing the new abilities of my mind. I became obsessed with expanding my limits, every day those limits were pushed further and further. My Psionic abilities were more than I ever dreamed possible.

Being a Senator had it's privileges. Free vacations. Near diplomatic immunity. Political power. Access to things most would never see or hear.

During my recent excursion to Muunilinst I had the displeasure of touring the dreadful city of Pilaan, though it was a relatively large city on a very wealthy planet it was in poor condition and housed the dregs of Muun society. An 'underground' existence of sorts, Pilaan was ripe with various types of gambling and wagering as well as extensive use of spice. I had never before held any interest in intoxicants, but after learning of the effects of a spice variant called Glitterstim I found myself curious. I am continuously searching for ways to expand my psionic abilities but never suspected an intoxicant to be a viable option until now.

I acquired a great deal of this drug from a Muun spice dealer, free of charge after overpowering his cognitive faculties and leaving him thinking he was a Trogwhale for the rest of his wretched life. I would begin experiments immediately upon my return to Bespin.

My first use of the drug was a unique experience. It's effects were said to boost one's mental state, but my mental state was already verily heightened and it's effects on me were absolutely frightening, my psyche was flooded with the thoughts of thousands of Bespinians, and with little in the way of control, those thousands surely felt my presents swirl in their own minds - an unintended and dangerous side effect that left those citizens thinking they had just experienced a psychotic episode, which wasn't far from the truth as they had shared my own. Yet, after several hours and with great effort, I remained grounded and held fast to my sanity. Glitterstim was far more potent than I suspected, a smaller dose was required in order to retain control of my psionic abilities.

I waited several days before trying another dose, in those days I attempted to find the psychoactive agent within the molecular compounds of the drug, but it's photoactive properties made the task near impossible.

The second experiment was a far more fulfilling experience, the lesser dose allowed me to expand my psioinic horizons and keep my mind under complete control. It was enjoyable to reach into the nether regions of pure existential thought. I felt myself leave my physical coil and drift along the astral planes. Imagination unbound, I was deluged with epiphanies and ideas that never would have occurred to me otherwise. It was not the strength of my abilities that were empowered by the drug, rather, my entire perception of existence had shifted. Routes of thought, avenues of cognitive rationale, subconscious became proconscious, absolute intellectual enlightenment. It was a cerebral awakening in every definition. I had felt the designs of creation. Even the Space Wraith within me, the impossible incorporeal entity from the Netherworld of the Force, was reeling at the implications.

The experience lasted for nearly an hour before I began to realize my physical sensory perceptions and returned to the realm of normality.

I now ingesting Glitterstim every day, the feeling of absolute freedom was more than intoxicating, it became a requirement. I had become addicted, though I viewed it not as addiction, but an extended experiment of the boundless exploration of the mind.


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Zhin Vakia

SWRP Writer
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Edit: Took out the Psychic Augmenter Spikes, they were far too advanced for cybernetics of the new timeline.

Now the spikes will just be regular nails, put there by a very sadistically curious Space Wraith exploring the sensations of physical flesh. Same goes for the cuts and open wounds normally seen on Pinhead.


SWRP Writer
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
meh..fukc it, I'm scrapping this guy, he's already had a good run with Armada and I don't see a good place to put him (in terms of faction, and I don't think he'd go anywhere solo) in the new TL anyway.