High Atop


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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It was around this time that Xentar was now emerging from the refreshener and walked into the main room, only to find the Female with her gun drawn and behind a half wall. This was what sent Xentar into combat stance once more, extending the blade on his right hand as he ducked behind a wall opposite side of Emi. He was now clean of all the blood that went on him in the last fight, and looked towards the female.

"Rrrr More, i'd pressssume?"

Johnnysaurus Rex

Infinity & Beyond
SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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Shane dived behing the couch he was sitting on and drew his revolver, all in one fluid motion. Damn! They had tracked them this quickly. Shane knew it would have been a matter of time before they could pinpoint where they were but the General had planned to be off world by then. Shane crept to the side of the couch and peered around with his gun trained on the door. Checking the revolver, he found that it had the full six round ammo capacity.

"So, if it is just a few guys I think they're pretty much screwed."