The training of Damien Windstar


SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2009
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Damien was walking around the Jedi archives fascinated by the technology, the lights to him it seemed very beautiful but almost anything would after spending the last three years in the slums. As he was walking around looking at the huge collection of files and documents he knew he was in the right place, the right place to learn more about the force. He decided to sit down on one of the padded chairs and let it all sink in, (I’m going to be a Jedi) he thought to himself, the thought of such a thing was to overwhelming as he had heard and read a lot about the Jedi and all the wonderful mysterious thing they do. Looking around at the other Padawans and their masters made him wonder where his was and what they were like.

Where are you master?

Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2009
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well...honestly Ryo was more nervous than the day he was trained,since now he was going to train his own padwan, but his padwan was young,so well he kind of had the chance to train him,and guide him without having so much trouble since Ryo was also young himself(only 18 years old).

Ryo was gadely able to sense his young padwan through through the force,as he passed through the archives, and as usual he had his hair well combed, and his jedi robe well tied, and well of course his lightsaber hanging from his belt.

"Damien Windstar I assume?he said in a calm,and emotionless tone"I am Ryo-kan you can just call me Ryo, and Ill be the one to train you" he said still maintaining his tone, as he observed his young padwan's face carefully.
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SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2009
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Damien stood up quickly as his master talked to him clumsily knocking over the chair he was sitting on, he looked at his master and realised he was a lot younger that he thought he would be.

"Yes that's me Master err Ryo"

He said this bowing and with a little nervous stutter in his tone.

"Nice to meet you"

Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2009
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Ryo was probably starting to know his padwan better, from the moment he dropped the chair, oh well like most of the kids at his age he was clumsey, but Ryo was going to make sure that all of this will change soon.

Ryo smiled warmely to his padwan.""follow me" his tone was cheerful, and friendly. He then starting to walk toward the training hall,which was probably a garden that was located just right outisde the temple, but well Ryo's steps were pretty slow, since patience was probably the first thing he was going to teach him,and well he also wanted to ask him a few questions befor they reached the training site.


SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2009
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Damien picked up the chair after the he had introduced himself, his cheeks were still blushed red from embarrassment but he quickly shrugged it off and followed his new master, hoping not to make a fool out of himself again.

"So where are we going Ryo?"

Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2009
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"Damien i would like you to tell me the jedi code,and what does it mean to you"he said ignoring his padwan's question, for they were almost their,yes well the door that leads to the garden was pretty close to them, but Ryo stoped to listen to his padwan's answer.


SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2009
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Damien was stunned by this question and he felt a lump come into his throat as he did not know the answer, he started to rack his brain for all that he knew about the code. He knew that the answer to almost everything was in the code and that Jedi's would also find peace in it.

"Umm I’m sorry Master but I do not know the code, but I do know that the answer to almost everything is in the code and that Jedi reflect on it whenever they are in trouble."

He said this with fear in his voice having thought he had blown it already.

"Would you teach me the code please Master Ryo?"

Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2009
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"of course its my job to teach you, but I can sense that you are thinking alot,and nervous,so i would probably like you to be calm,and clear your mind,and listen to me carefuly"

"Emotion, yet peace
Ignorance, yet knowledge
Passion, yet serenity
Chaos, yet harmony
Death, yet the force."
Ryo said the code making sure that his voice was clear,and he was saying it slowly,for his padwan to be able to memorize.

"And after i finish your training i am sure that you will not only understand the fully meaning of it,but you will also follow it on a daily basis"

he said,as he started to walk again increasing his pace, and as he passed through the door. finally,they were in the place where the training of Ryo's first padwan was going to take place.

After observing the place carefully Ryo looked behind him to see if his padwan was following him, or not.
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SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2009
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Still following his Master Damien repeated the code to himself.

"Emotion, yet peace
Ignorance, yet knowledge
Passion, yet serenity
Chaos, yet harmony
Death, yet the force."

As he said this he felt something strange happen like it wasn’t just blood going through his veins, he felt peaceful for the first time in a long time, and he calmed and felt as if he was becoming more in tune with the world around him.

"Ryo I feel strange but its a good sort of strange, calmer and in tune with my surroundings, it’s like something else is with me."

Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2009
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"good, it seems that you are starting to feel, and undestand the code already."he said, as he gave his padwan a warm smile.

"ok now we shall start your training, but befor we do I would like to know more about you , and if you ever did sense, or use the force befor."he added as he changed his tone to a more serious, and emotionless tone.
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SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2009
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Damien thought back over his life, all the good times and the bad and realized the ceiling falling in could have been the force.

"Well... i lived a good life with my Father and Mother up till i was ten, when one day i came home to see them fighting. I hid behind the door to listen then I heard my mother scream."

He paused struggling to keep him emotions at bay.

"I came round the corner to see my Father standing over her with a blood soaked knife. He then came after me; I felt so much anger towards him but at the same time being scared. I was lucky as the ceiling above him cracked and fell knocking him unconscious. I had no idea how it happened the ceiling was not in bad condition at all, but when it was cracking I felt what I felt a minuet ago... but I didn’t think anything of it."

He stopped and had to look away from his master, yes it was only three years ago but it felt like it was only yesterday and he still felt the pain.

Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2009
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Ryo was clearly able to sense his padwan's fear,and the strong emotions inside him that were starting to grow.He then looked at his padwan,still keeping his serious tone.

"your past will probably be your worst enemy,but i am sure that you will be able to fight it through patience,and clearing your mind of all thoughts."

he said as he sat down,on the ground,and started to meditate.

"do like me.I am sure that meditation will help you alot,sit down next to me,and clear your mind of all thought,and let the force guide you"

Ryo said as he closed his eyes,and cleared his mind,as he started to feel the force strongly around him.


SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2009
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Damien sat by his Master and closed his eyes; he started to let everything go and relaxed. He started to feel the feeling again as his mind wondered to a lushes green field where he knew everything that was going on around him, he could sense that Ryo was next to him and his mind was finally starting to clear.

He noticed a dark corner start to appear and slowly stat to engulf the field in darkness and he saw his father in the middle of it all. He went up to him to see what was going on, then his father suddenly burst into a daemon like thing. Damien could hear his mothers screams all over again.

He then snapped back into reality stood up suddenly and fell backwards in a cold sweat.

"In sorry Master Ryo I don't know what happen I will try again.Emotion, yet peace"

He said this to himself and sat back down focused himself and closed his eyes starting to feel calmer.
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Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2009
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Ryo was observing his padwan carefuly,and even tho he knew well that it was going to be hard for the young boy to fight his past,but oh well he had to do it if he ever hoped to be a jedi.

"concentrate,and clear your mind"he said his tone was emotionless, and serious,since this was probably the most important part of the whole training.

"good emotions, yet peace you must be at peace with youself"

he added, as he looked, and observed his padwan carefully.

"tell me what do you feel now?"

he said after meditating for one whole hour.
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SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2009
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(OOC I think part of the post was cut off I only saw more in the reply part)

Damien opened his eyes and looked at his master.

"I feel... almost at peace I can think clearly, I can also sense things going on around me like you sitting next to me you Master Ryo and people walking past, it feels amazing."

Damien was pleased that he had got over what happened and hour ago and he was glad Ryo was there to help him he would never had thought he would be doing this but was still worried about what he saw.

Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2009
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"good...good it seems that you are now starting to feel the force, and of course you were never going to be able to sense it if you hadn't cleared your mind."

the boy was getting wiser, and more patient that was something that Ryo was able to feel without the force, and well Ryo knew well that now was the time to start his the main training.

After waiting for another hour Ryo took a pebble from the ground, yeah force push, pull, and telekenisis that was probably going to be the first thing that Ryo had to train his padwan to do.

"okay i would like you to use force pull to move the pebble into your hand.Remember to keep your mind clear, and yeah concentrate the force on your palm, for that is the only way you will be able to use most of the force powers I am going to teach you."
Ryo addressed his padwan.


SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2009
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Damien held his hand out and closed his eyes; he tried to focus all his energy to his hand. He saw a dark space in his mind the pebble at one end and his hand at the other but the pebble was not moving, (what’s the problem why isn’t it moving?) he thought to himself then he knew what was wrong. He was trying to hard thinking too much then he remembered what Ryo told him "Remember to keep your mind clear", Damien relaxed and cleared his mind. Suddenly he pebble started moving towards his hand until it touched it; he held the pebble and opened his eyes to find that it was in his hand. He looked at it in disbelief.

"I done it... I really done it I pulled it to me Master Ryo"

He said this starting to get even more excited.

Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2009
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"good, good do you see now what can you do through patience, and through clearing your mind"he addressed his padwan.

"ok now you shall use force push on the same pebble.this time you will also concentrate the force on your palm, but you will have to unleash it on the pebble so it would move."he said looking directly into his master's eyes.


SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2009
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"Yes I can see now, ok I will try"

Damien closed his eyes again and the same image came up of the pebble and his hand, but this time wave of energy where coming out of it. Damien tried only managing to knock the pebble over, he closed his eyes again and willed it even more, the pebble started to move away from him (I wonder if I can make it go faster) he thought. He could feel the force flowing down his arm and going out his hand he push this energy and opened his eyes to see the pebble shoot off just missing his master’s leg.

"I’m sorry Master Ryo"

Count Sam

Ex High Immortal
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2009
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"its ok you are really doing well, and I am really proud of you"Ryo said, as he gave his padwan a slight laugh.

" now you will have to use force telekensis to keep the pebble floating,remember this force power requires alot of concentration, so concentrate, and keep your mind clear"he said to his padwan in a friendly, yet serious tone.