The Training of Jamall Mohatu

Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
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Jamall was, perhaps understandably, nervous.

After all, this was the day that he was finally going somewhere in the Jedi Order. He was meeting his master, a Kel Dor man named... Oh, what was his name? It was Koru Arca, was it not? The cathar sighed and straightened out part of the simple tan tunic he was given to wear, as part of his padawan's clothing.

As he waited near the fountains in the main hall of the Jedi Temple, the cathar's anxiety was visibly seen in subtle twitches of his ears, though he otherwise kept himself calm and contained, his expression neutral as he stood beside the fountains.

Since some time had passed as he patiently waited for his master -whose rank was, curiously enough, not master but Knight- to arrive, Jamall eventually turned his back to the crowds of Jedi moving through the halls, and focused on the fountains, observing and admiring the way the water flowed through the intricate fountains to give himself something to focus on as he waited for Koru Arca's arrival.


Keeper of the Archives
SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2009
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Arca was since his ceremony not anymore on the lush green world of Ossus.The council ordered him to move to Coruscant.His padawan, was a young cathar by the name of Jamall.Time flowed - days passed, weeks passed, months passed, and even 20 full years, have passed since his young days, but Koru did turn his back to the events of the past - focusing on now, not yesterday, nor tomorrow.

The Jedis passed through the main hall like their was somekind of knowledge market, finding his padawan at the fountain he approached, not wearing his hooded coat - giving himself the look of a knight.
"You are watching the water, my Child, but infact it watches you.Even the water flows with organisms, living their and purifiying it." he said this all fatherlike "It is something that most people do not dare or want to understand.

He watched the water also, but only for moments.Koru stood tall besides Jamall, his hands crossed.

(OOC: Normally, a padawan finds a master himself - so i rather think the both should know each other allready?)

Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
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[OOC: Hmm, good point. I'll assume that Jamall knows Koru from here on.]

Jamall chuckled quietly under his breath as he felt his nervousness dissipate. "Good day to you too, Master." He said, glancing over at Koru Arca and smiling faintly at the Kel Dor male. In a way, Koru was a father figure for him. The man's wisdom and intelligence far exceeded Jamall's own, and he felt like he learned something new from every conversation he had with his Master. Such as this one, though he had to admit, the concept of the water in the fountain watching him, just as he watched it, was rather... Creepy.

After a moment, he fully turned towards Koru Arca and gave him a brief bow in greetings, before rising back to his full height of no less than six feet and two inches and asking, "What is on our agenda for today, Master? I'm eager to get started."


Keeper of the Archives
SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2009
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As Jamall bowed before Koru, Koru did the very same - showing even respect towards his padawan.Arca was not the type of man who was arrogant, rather he saw all living beings to be worth to receive his respect.
"Well, Jamall - i thought we could practice your combat skills.It is to understand battle and violence, to receive inner peace and the advantage over the angry enemy - but also it is to avoid it aswell!For this, i want to teach you the basics of the "Baran Do" Martial art, at one of the training places infront of the Temple.

Arca stared at the water for short, seeing the creatures like they would glow in the darkness of the walls.

Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
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"Baran Do?" Jamall repeated, slightly arching one eyebrow as he looked down at his Master with a curious twinkle in his eyes. "Sounds interesting, though I should hope I can learn to disarm an opponent with words rather than my fists, as you say I should. Anyways, lead on to the training site, if you will. I will follow." He added in. While Jamall may have had a build befitting a warrior, with broad shoulders and thick muscles, he was not a fighter at heart. He preferred a peaceful solution to problems, and so he had found his fighting lessons less interesting than lessons in diplomacy or the use of the force.


Keeper of the Archives
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Jun 28, 2009
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"The Baran do are a Order of Force Users, predating the Jedi, having their seat on Dorin, my Homeworld.They prevented wars years before they started, aquiring this through inner peace, and understanding the Force itself.To prevent blood to flow, my child, you need to understand the nature of violence itself, however only then, when you understand what you try to prevent from happening, you can truly stop it from happening, saving those who need your help.See, that the Martial Art of Wisdom is not here to create violence, but to defend." he tried to explain it to his padawan

"Because of this, i want to teach you the basics.When you aquired wisdom about the nature of things, you understand them, through understanding you will find the words..
Koru stood their, looking him into the face - however their was no facial expression, prevented to be seen from his lipless face, and also the gasmask that prevented him from dying in Dorin-Gas free atmosspheres.

Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
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Jamall's ears perked and swiveled forward in true feline fashion as he listened intently to his Master explain the concept behind the Baran Do martial arts. Now that he knew the purpose behind Baran Do, he had to admit, he was very eager to learn more about it. It was a method of fighting that, if he understood his master correctly, focused more on preventing a fight from ever beginning, and in the event of violence, establishing an effective defense with which to hold off his foe.

To the somewhat gentle cathar, that sounded very interesting indeed. He slowly nodded as he looked back into his master's eyes, then spoke. "Okay, I think I understand. Shall we go to the training area, Master? I'd like to see how this all works, so that I can understand it better."


Keeper of the Archives
SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2009
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"Yes - we should go before their are too many people walking through this, believe me when i say you, they swarm here sometimes like they were the legendary and beautiful duck swarms, wanting to eat the bread of knowledge." he winked his padawan to follow him, in a normal walking speed he walked towards the exit of the temple, leading his Padawan to one of the training circles.

Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
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Jamall chuckled at his master's comparison. "Only you would compare people to ducks, Master." He commented, falling into step behind Koru and following him towards the temple exit. Lucky for the sturdily built cathar, when people saw him coming, they tended to make a path. Thus, the swarms of people didn't hamper his progress very much.

As they made their way through the hall, his eyes caught the sight of a distant cathar Jedi, a female. At first, he paid her little mind. He was at the temple to train, to become better than he was, to mold himself into a Guardian of the people.

But as they drew closer to the entrance of the temple, and thus the cathar female, he could have swore he saw his twin sister's mirror image. From the young woman's blonde hair to the almost-tan color of her pelt to the structure of her facial features, she could easily pass for Samanya Mohatu.

"Samanya?" He muttered under his breath, as they drew closer and closer. He lost sight of her for a moment as a wookie strode by, but once the large alien had passed, he saw that Cathar woman looked nothing like Sam. Instead, she had jet-black hair and gray fur, and she was rather short to be his sister, though undeniably attractive even in her covering padawan's robes.

A brief sting of disappointment struck at the young man's mind, but he quickly shrugged it off and resumed tailing his master, hoping the keen Knight hadn't picked up on Jamall's momentary interest in the woman. He did not especially enjoy the concept of having to explain the tragic events in his past to anyone; not even Koru Arca. It was not that he didn't trust his Master with the story of the events that ultimately led him to join the Jedi, but rather, it was still a very uncomfortable thing for him to share.


Keeper of the Archives
SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2009
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Koru and Jamall arived on the round circle, made out of earth and partially sand - the reason was not obvious why Arca chose this training ground... but he also felt what Jamall saw - one of his beloved ones like he thought, however Koru dared not to talk about it.He did not want to hurt his padawan.
"We will train hear, Jamall.The basics consist of fighting with your fists.First of all you need to take a hard stance on the ground, my Child, and then you will need to take a defensive position with your fists... i will attack, try to avoid, or block my attacks, after this you will attack me - but remember, what i told you." he told Jamall proud that he was his student, he trusted him - and he knew he had potential "Do not think of attacking without a reason, attack to defend, not to attack.Understand the nature of fighting, so you shall find inner peace with your Hades."

Koru stood in the attacking stance, his handbalms open, the claws showing up to the north, the west and the east.The sun shined - warming the air, heating the atmossphere.
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Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
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Jamall lowered himself into a defensive stance, fists brought up to his chest to block any incoming blows. His muscular body was tensed and ready for battle, though his clothing prevented that from being visible.

"Ready whenever you are, Master." He said, his dark brown eyes locked upon the Kel Dor, waiting for the older man to launch his attack.


Keeper of the Archives
SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2009
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Koru did not answer, like his old friend Master Kru would do now - but he did remember him, knowing that he would be proud of his student be a sage now.

Quickly, he ran with his hands still in the same position towards Jamall - showing high speed and agility, he attacked with quick attacks, then rolling to the side resulting in a side attack.Kicks seemed to be more involved then hand to hand fighting, and after one minute, he stoped, standing now before his Padawan.
"You may try it now, my Child." Arca said this words again, fatherlike, despite the formality "my Child" that was often used by older sages of the Baran Do.
Slowly he walked back his original place in the sand.

Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
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Adrenaline surged through Jamall's body as Koru flew at him and launched into a flurry of fast strikes. The cathar was hard-pressed to defend himself from the speedy assault, and was unable to block all of the strikes, with over half finding their mark on him.

After a minute of fighting, Koru finally stopped - much to his relief. "Pretty spry for an old guy." He quipped with a joking smile, wiping away a bead of sweat that had formed on his forehead; a combination of the warmth of the air, his thick pelt, and his relatively heavy clothing. While he normally was reluctant to shed his shirt, even in hot weather, the cathar felt he had no choice and removed the garment, casting it to the side.

He entered an aggressive stance similar to the one his master had previously adopted, and then without warning, he charged his master and launched himself into a furious assualt - though he kept his vast strength in mind, and thus his attacks were weaker than they would be in an actual fight, to avoid accidentally injuring his master.

The cathar, much to his own surprise, transformed into a furry blur of strikes as he danced around his master, launching blows with both his feet and hands. His attacks were neither as precise nor as graceful as his masters, however, and relatively easy to block and deflect. After one minute, he too halted, and stepped away. "So, how'd I do for a first try?" He asked, as he stood up straight and looked at his master.


Keeper of the Archives
SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2009
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Arca bowed before his Padawan - as he saw that he understood the basics, and also the meaning of them.
"You learn quick, Jamall.I saw you understanding the basics, but also the meaning of the Baran, step out of the sand, and look what image you have created.
Arca jumped back, out of the circle and looked at the image that created it self in the sand.
It was clearly, the fist of a Kel Dor wrapped in bandages - the Hand created by the Master, the rest of the arm made out of the dust from his apprentice.
"Tell me, what you see, my child."

Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
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The cathar returned his master's bow, then stepped out of the circle and turned back to look at the image the brief but intense fight had created. He was shocked to see the rough image of a fist of, wrapped in what might be bandages.

"I... See a... Fist, I think." Jamall replied, slightly cocking his head and folding his arms over his chest as he squinted at the sandy image, ears twitching as he studied it closer. "Yes, that's definitely a fist. A Kel-Dor fist if I had to guess; there aren't enough fingers for it to be much else. That and this *is* a Kel-Dor martial arts form, yes?"


Keeper of the Archives
SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2009
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"Yes, the Fist of Wisdom it is called.My former master, and old friend Kru teached it me on my very first day as a 6 year old Kid.Do not think i hold you for unexperienced, my Child, the Basics are repeated even by the Sages, like me, and the master of order himself. he told it his padawan with a friendly and still fatherlike voice "You will may think back to this day, when you try to interrupt combat, or cruelty.My child, you will find the words then."

He bowed again before his padawan, awaiting him to do the very same.

Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
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As his master spoke, the cathar lowered himself to one knee besides the sparring ring, placing one of his furry hands in the sand, feeling the warmth and coarseness of the free-flowing material against the tough black cat-like pads on the bottom of his fingers and palm.

"Fascinating." He said, though unlike what might be expected of the mass of testosterone-laden padawans around his age, he was being completely honest and his intrigued tone reflected that. It really was fascinating to him.

He rose to his feet after a moment and turned back to face his master; just in time too, as the Kel Dor was giving him a bow. Jamall returned the bow, and by the time he had risen back to his full height, his gaze was focused on the circle again. "I'd like to have a go at this again sometime later, if we have the chance."


Keeper of the Archives
SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2009
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"I would like to offer you, to train you further in the way of the Fist, Jamall.But i think we should continue your Jedi Training, shouldn't we?Atlast, this is the Jedi-Order. he said towards his Padawan.
Koru went back into the circle, looking at the Cathar.

Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
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Jamall nodded again. "Very true." He replied, turning to face Koru as the Kel Dor stepped back into the circle.

"What's next on the training agenda for today, Master?" The cathar then asked. He was hoping his next lesson had something to do with the Force. He found the study of the Force to be his favorite out of all his studies, as he saw so much potential for good in its use, such as healing the wounded and curing the ill. But he had a long way to go before he even began to realize his potential.


Keeper of the Archives
SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2009
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"We are going to meditate." Koru told his Padawan "You, my Child, will learn through this lessons about the force - and make the next step in understanding it.While meditating, try to lift a object, buried right before me in the sand.You will know how to, when you focus on it.Telekinesis, is your most valuable weapon - and mastering it is only possible through meditation and a open mind."

Koru sat down in the sand, his legs crossed and his hands on his held open on his legs - the typical Meditation position."Listen to everything around you - do you hear and feel the Jedis and other creatures in the Temple?Do you feel the object buried the Object buried in the sand, my Child?" Arca asked.
"Everything around you lives, everything changes.Like this sand - you see just small pearls of soft sand, but even the Sand was once a Rock, and the Rock was once part of a planet, my Child.Let it change, and don't try to interrupt it, so you may aquire not only peace around you, but also Inner Peace with your darkest spirits of the past!" he said friendly, waiting for his Padawans response.

(OOC: You can choose what the object is, aslong as it is not a corpse ^^ )