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  • My personal religion is an independent variant of Norse/Germanic Neopaganism. I don't want to explain ALL my beliefs to you, because I have things to do, but feel free to do some research on the Norse gods and the values they represent. :3
    No... no I didn't ._.

    I saw someone looking at it in the online page and it looked fun so I went in....
    Coolness. My character's name will be Galen. I apologize for how long I'm taking. I want to make this character good. I will post as soon as he is posted.
    That's a good idea and one we should all be doing. That would greatly help out our efforts. The key is to advertise our differences from the Jedi and the Bogan. If we can become the more popular Force-sensitive Independent Faction, then we may have a chance of sticking around in other timelines as well. Also, we should begin recruiting mercs too, so any bounty hunter character can be advertised too. That's why I made the Order both a Force user and non Force user organization; to expand the amount of recruits we'd get.
    Well I figured that since it takes far too long to move up in rank in the Jedi or the Bogan and since I did found Rowrakruk, I'd be better off focusing my energies there. Besides, since it is a new Order, Rowrakruk is low on Paladins and Lords. I gave us one Lord in the form of Zhaf and my new character will be a Paladin. Once the three recruits (yourself included) complete your training though, we'll have a good foundation and can start having our Order show up in the main storyline.
    Well he's gonna be a Paladin in Rowrakruk. If I had to compare him to any canon character, it would be Revan. No I'm not saying he is this master Force user...yet :D Lol but personality and his affinity for the Force is much the same. He is also going to be based on me personally so I expect him to be interesting.
    Yes, real soon. Sorry, I'm working on a new character that is set to be my main one, so I'm trying to put a lot of detail and effort into him.
    No problem. I'll do that as soon as possible. I got to run now, though! But first thing I do when i get back online is making that thread. ^^
    Always! I wanna use Koran Mak to train you, though, if that's ok with you, and could you send me a link to your character's profile? Also, do you want me to make the thread or do you want to do it yourself?
    Just a note dude...keep your writing in past tense. so like:

    "She whipped out her lightsaber..." not "She whips out her lightsaber"

    It's much less jarring to read and easer for everybody to work with.
    uh...sure, why not.

    I have a "Seamus vs. Anybody" thread let's have at it.
    Yeah, it is a bit busy. On top of that I have to post for my Jedi Mission, our other RP with Gaven and Mafalda, and my Bogan training, but it's worth it. Right now the new Order doesn't have any teachers other than myself, so someone has to do the job. Once you and the other two become Paladins though, we will have a good foundation to train new recruits.
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