Recent content by Jaxx

  1. Jaxx

    Deer steals man's wife.

    Thank you.
  2. Jaxx

    Dead Baby Revives in Coffin

    New horror flick: Buried Alive:Babies Gone Mad
  3. Jaxx

    College Classes, Fall '10

    Now that we know your full name, and the college you attend... =) I'm in Music Aprec this semester as well. Along with other random classes.
  4. Jaxx

    Your career.

    Ill pay, in gum, for your services. ;)
  5. Jaxx

    Troops Not Allowed on WikiLeaks

    Link Interesting, I thought they would just consider the leaked documents public knowledge.
  6. Jaxx

    Your career.

    I loled
  7. Jaxx


  8. Jaxx

    Your career.

    Physicians Assistant. What about you, SIN?
  9. Jaxx

    Post Your Pictures, Version 11

    Is that a 45/45 tank? It looks small, but I dont know what else it would be..also, how could you use an Epiphany!?
  10. Jaxx

    Should marijuana be legal?

    Tobacco and Alc. will never be made illegal, simply because the government makes so much money from taxing it. Lets be serious here. The medical, and economical advantages of legalizing Marijuana are substantial. So I don't see why not.
  11. Jaxx

    Vampire Sucks movie

    It doesn't look funny.
  12. Jaxx

    DC Universe Online

    You don't have to believe me, I know that I did. I didn't say first, I said one of the first. Why would I have mentioned it? It did not pertain to the argument in any way.
  13. Jaxx

    DC Universe Online

    I had one of the first lvl 60 Druids in the game.
  14. Jaxx

    Hello There

  15. Jaxx

    DC Universe Online

    You make statements without backing them up, this is no way to prove a point.