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  • Khivas
    That's OK lol I made my post, and Khivas is going to remain quiet at this point. He's been over the code before in his youth, he's just here to kill time and offer insight to his point of view should the opportunity arise
    Oh, goodie. Continue to do so. I don't want this to be a class where everyone just listens.
    TMW> Your internet get's eaten by tree rats so you actually start meditating like a Jedi for real just to past the time. Yea. Yeaaaa.
    So, I dunno if you saw yet, but I got that lightsaber building and practice duelling thread up. Feel free to jump into it if you want, or notify whoever else it was whose attention you brought to the thread whose display name I don't remember right now because I'm just that forgetful. =P
    Elijah Brockway
    Elijah Brockway
    Doesn't look like anybody is going to join us, does it?
    Not at the moment, which is why I'm typing up a post to that thread. I'm also going to like spam the OOC a bit to see if others are still down to watch.
    Elijah Brockway
    Elijah Brockway
    Hi Khivas. I just wanted you to know youre still on our radar with your promotion request. We've gor some behind the scenes stuff that has kept us pretty busy. We'll continue to review your application and make a decision relatively soon. If you have updates for us to consider, feel free to post them on your promo thread. Cheers!
    Will do sir! And thank you.
    nah I am, honestly don't mind those kind of questions but anyway going to post in our thread now
    Alright, I'll be around.
    No, and don't worry that's not rude or anything
    And again sorry if it is and you're being sarcastic to me lol
    Heyyyyy, I'm back in bussiness! It took a day longer, but I'm here. We van continue tommorow with the training thing XD
    Yea you can, just gotta go into the editor/more options part. Or at least I think you can. If not you could always ask staff lol
    It is done, my master. No one shall ever find out about that incident. *Dark Side intensifies*
    Welp, time to walk away lol I'll try to get a post out soon
    Alright if you want to do that it would be good, moving while concentrating on lifting objects is advance telekinesis so that would be good training
    I have one more question for you, and I apologize in advance if it comes off as rude or some such, but are you perhaps Dyslexic?
    Also, Posted!
    Sorry I meant rock, like you do it again but this time pushing yourself harder this time like imagine you are lifting weights, than adding more weight and for a longer period of time basically just do the same thing again honestly sorry if it is confusing
    No no lol It's ok, but it did give me the idea to lift and walk around in a circle
    hey are you interested in fighting a two sith, it will be 4 jedi padawans (if you join) vs I sith crusader and one acolyte
    You mean that death enabled one? Tbh, not atm lol
    Also, that last line of dialogue with Jaleer, what do you mean by it?
    Hey, man. This is sudden, but I only found out today. I won't be online until Saturday because I will be in a place with no internet until Saturday. So we can resolve the training later. Cheers!
    Alright man, np. Enjoy yourself down there!
    Posted sorry it is a long one tell me how I did whenever you get the chance
    It wasn't that long lol I come from a site where 1k was the norm lol Longest post I ever saw was a destructive 20k. I nearly died.
    And as for you, diversify your adjectives. The Young Seer was an example, but far from the only one. The idea is to not overuse a word or term, which is easily your biggest problem. Simply put, try not to use the same word more than 2-3 times in a row when describing something.
    One last bit of advice for now: Try to type in a sense that you're talking or telling the story, it adds to the reader's ability to relate and attach themselves to the character, and eases the story along better.
    Hey I posted tell me how I did in your opinion
    When Khivas landed next to the village the Jedi sage, stood up, dusting off his brown cloak, though it was pointless of Ryloth, the sand got everywhere though it wasn't as bad as Tatooine, which he had visited once.
    When Khivas landed next to the village the Jedi sage stood up, dusting off his brown cloak, and though it was pointless of Ryloth, as the sand got everywhere, it wasn't as bad as Tatooine, which he had visited once.
    See the difference between the two? One seems more like a sort or rant, the other a dialogue.
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