Master Maverick

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  • I streamlined both Viirro and Exal's profiles Plus Posted new pictures of the Hydraass brothers loom and tell me your thoughts :)
    I gave Akacen and Ebberla something to do in The Force's Gambit thread. Check it out.
    Been battling flu for last week or so. Haven't forgotten about Krath thread, but been having to do triage. Reading over it. Should have a post soonish. Lemme know what direction you wanna take it.
    When I was brainstorming ideas in the past for other factions, looked at old faction missions, and got some ideas from Mafia Wars jobs.
    Be thankful. When I was working on the Factionless Mission Board, I was not even half way with the mission ideas I had, but started to get bored and thought #99 was a good stopping point.
    Yup. It's me lol. I keep seeing people refer to talking on facebook or other things and thought I should add people too! Where exactly do people converse if it's not via pm? lol. I require further interactions.

    I'm trying to think up things as well. I shall post in the directory when they're better.
    I believe it's because they don't age and rapidly regenerate health. Assuming I'm remembering things correctly, there was concern that a Talortai character could live indefinitely if played properly, and so could run through multiple timelines.
    I think that'd be fine. We've had Neti characters before, and I don't think they're on the disallowed species list. Check - if they're not on it, go ahead and use 'em.
    Mav, I nearly choked on my drink as to seeing someone posted in the class on the Force. <3
    Hey, just another nudge to post in that thread. Atreia needs to know her next mission.
    The timeline for this story and the one going on is not in the same moment, so we can finish it when it is finished, no need in jumping to the ending in a rush really
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