Recent content by Tomic Domin

  1. Tomic Domin

    Loose ends

    What was coming? Pfft. "Half of the Galaxy seems to think that the words 'Mandalorian' and 'Republic' can exist in the same sentence about the state of Galactic affairs." he paused before adding, grudgingly, "Unless that sentence 'so the Mandalorians got bored of their experiment with...
  2. Tomic Domin

    Loose ends

    Back to civilization huh? It wasn't all that it was cracked up to be in Tagal's opinion but, he supposed, no one had ever really asked for his opinion so he wasn't about to just up and voice it. Nah, let them think he enjoyed all the bars and the nightclubs and the thickness of humanity and...
  3. Tomic Domin

    Loose ends

    The hell is he even here? Why the hell were any of them still even here? Tomic sighed a little bit as he twirled his robotic eye around in it's socket. It was something he did when he was bored and executing some sad old people was something that bored him enough to qualify. He had his rifle...
  4. Tomic Domin

    Successful Negotiations

    ... did Jay prat-fall into the enemy? From his own breaching charge? Tomic paused for a moment before making a decision and it was a very clear and, surprisingly, easy decision to make. "... screw this, I'm out of here." Because seriously, Tomic wasn't paid enough to charge into screw ups...
  5. Tomic Domin

    Successful Negotiations

    One shot got through and smacked right into the helmet of the Mandalorian he had aimed at - that was a result even if it wasn't a victory on it's own. He always did think it was a bit like hubris to make your armour and have the biggest, most noticable part, be for protecting your head. Felt...
  6. Tomic Domin

    Successful Negotiations

    The breach was loud, the breach was a choke point for sure but at least the breach was made. Thankfully some of the squad knew that keeping the vehicle in the wall was a bad idea and it was reversed back out to keep the breach open wide enough for people to actually begin storming in. Blaster...
  7. Tomic Domin

    Successful Negotiations

    Tomic had to admit that the defenses activating was expected. Annoying but expected; they couldn't very well bank on their enemies being idiots now could they? Would make it all far too easy and ruin all the fun. Or all the violence... though to a young man of Tomic's skewed views, those two...
  8. Tomic Domin

    Successful Negotiations

    Tomic wanted to sigh but he knew he had been doing that far too much lately so managed to refrain from doing so. Instead he checked his weaponry once again. He was equipped with everything that made up his standard kit, which he knew wasn't very standard for those usually in the Imperial...
  9. Tomic Domin

    The Professor

    Oh fantastic. Tomic just stared at the creature across from them before glancing back to Skuld. He honestly thought about throwing her at the creature because he was already getting some very creepy vibes from the creature that reported to be a man. Tomic would argue that the professor was...
  10. Tomic Domin

    Saving Commander Varo

    "Seriously?" Tomic was not a kind and considerate guy at the best of times but they were on a planet that none of them really knew much about where one of their own had been dumped specifically so he would die a painful death. The hell were they doing just standing around here shooting the...
  11. Tomic Domin

    Saving Commander Varo

    Well this was odd. No one around trying to stop them and their target literally right in front of them? Tomic wasn't the kind of guy who pointed out when things were obviously a trap but if he was he felt like he would be saying it right now. Instead he just sighed once and scanned the area...
  12. Tomic Domin

    Saving Commander Varo

    Not into human men huh? "That's sexist." he quipped before adding, "Probably species-ist too. You should work on that." Of course he didn't actually care but it was good to joke about with people when he was off-duty. It helped to convince them that he actually gave a damn about them. Did he...
  13. Tomic Domin

    Saving Commander Varo

    Tomic was bored. Space travel might be marvelous to some people but there was only so much staring out the windows at the unknowable depths of hyperspace before Tomic just wanted to go to sleep. The ride wasn't long enough to do much sleeping however so instead he had taken to painting his...
  14. Tomic Domin

    The Professor

    It all came down to this. The Body Snatcher. The man who worked on sentients across the Galaxy, made some of the best replacements that had ever been seen on the Galactic market and a madman who enjoyed cutting people apart to stitch in some of said replacements. He was a monster but he did...
  15. Tomic Domin

    Dr. Kat Solari

    Didn't hurt to have an extra? Was she serious? He supposed she must be more into tech than weaponry if she wasn't able to tell that the quickdraw he had handed her would do more damage and fire faster than the peashooter she had with her at the moment. The double-shot feature would help her as...