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  • Indeed. Welcome to Te Atiniiryc Kisol, my friend. We are The Enduring Few. Soon to be the many, I think.
    Now you sound just like Corden. I'm tired of this sudden bull shit ****tardery going on in the Mandalorians with people claiming "I'm Mandalorian! We don't need no stinking faction to prove that!". It's even worse that we are about to head to war and I suddenly get this with no warning ahead of time. So fine, you're going to get exactly what is coming.
    I don't think so, Scooter. Really wish I was informed of this ahead of time.

    1. Your character is not on the Mandalorian roster, in turn not in the Mandalorians themselves.
    2. This is exactly not the sort of thing we need now.
    3. This is exactly not the sort of thing I need now.
    4. Since you are not in the Mandalorians, where in the hell did he get this support?
    5. As above, I am rejecting your challenge. Your character is not on the Mandalorian, and unfit and unworthy to challenge him.
    It made me facedesk when I read his 'save'. I feel like hounding him about everything he posts now, just 'cause.
    That means his whole ploy backfired because I'm gay. -.- I hate judgemental people like him so much.
    Yeah. I did not notice his post till after I posted. So now I'm wondering what the issue is. -.- Also, I'm serious - I need an IRL friend @.@
    Pretty good, actually. I made an Imperial Knight who's training Cyclone in an unorthodox fashion - given that I don't have any examples on how to train Imperial Knight style, I figured it was left to my discretion.
    Slave's up!

    I'ma shoot you a PM about wanting to know how he regards her and stuff of the mix. x3
    Oh good. I have a Independent force user as my other character. If your jedi is doing something away from factions, could he train my guy? I mean, we have a rivalry going on between Balkk and Saren. So maybe our force wielders can be friends.
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