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  1. Pho Gorcru

    Inferior Funds

    Moving about the galaxy was a lot safer in the war than sitting in one place. Pho was not in it for the safety despite its added comfort, though. He wanted to get out and see how the galaxy was doing. The Jedi Knight was looking for opportunities to help where he could while worlds were...
  2. Pho Gorcru

    Fire in their Hearts

    Pho moved quickly towards the building again. No one had come out but this was how they could liberate the camp so they had to go in. The Jedi Knight leaped up to a window with his lightsaber still ignited and plunged the blade into it as he crashed inside. He was in. Now to find the targets...
  3. Pho Gorcru

    Fire in their Hearts

    Pho already had the lightsaber hilt in hand. When the anticipated deflection came his way he ignited the weapon and slammed the bolt towards the dirt. Both his shots were blocked, but his partner seemed to strike flesh which would be plenty for an unarmored torso. The Zabrak made no move to...
  4. Pho Gorcru

    Fire in their Hearts

    The Sith in hiding had finally revealed himself. Pho saw the large being ignite his weapons and his partner went to engage. The Zabrak decided he would hold for just a moment to deal with another matter. This building would likely soon be releasing more guards or who knows what else. He quickly...
  5. Pho Gorcru

    Fire in their Hearts

    Pho was attuned to the area around him well thanks to the force being ready at a moment's notice and building up inside. He was preparing for the danger he had sensed around them. He heard something in the silence. Like something being activated and then he could hear an object approaching. Pho...
  6. Pho Gorcru

    Fire in their Hearts

    A Jedi Knight was not someone to be foiled by a squad of minions. Pho simply watched as they were approached by a squad of security officers. None of them seemed to be in charge or particularly important in any form. The Zabrak smiled faintly and glanced towards his partner. A plan was already...
  7. Pho Gorcru

    Fire in their Hearts

    There was so much darkness and hatred in the galaxy thanks to the Sith Empire. It would take a lot of work and a lot of time to fix it. Pho was a Jedi now, a Knight, ready to take on the task. His partner was also a Jedi, but seemed to be more Rebel than Jedi at a glance. The armor, heavy...
  8. Pho Gorcru

    Red Right Hand

    A complete surprise to the attack came when the Sith cut through his own arm in order to block the defensive thrust. Mistakes were made and that was apparently the only logical way to not get stabbed. Pho almost felt bad for the guy. Corrupted by the darkness and now maimed for his...
  9. Pho Gorcru

    Red Right Hand

    As the moment of pressure released and the Sith was pushed away, Pho readied himself to defend once more. He watched as the enemy charged to his unarmed side, what some might say is the weak side in a battle like this. That was a typical strategy and one the Zabrak Jedi had practiced since...
  10. Pho Gorcru

    Red Right Hand

    To say Pho was ready would be too simple. He had been preparing to be attacked since he laid eyes on the Sith pair. The force had been welling up inside and the Jedi was ready to prove himself. Street rat to rebel to Jedi Padawan had taught him much about survival in a scrap. His hand was...
  11. Pho Gorcru

    Red Right Hand

    The rocky surface of the planet was not amazingly smooth but it would serve well as a duel ground. Pho locked eyes with his apparent chosen opponent as the other Sith seemed to simply rush the Mandalorian. Such haste and hatred was typical of a Sith and was not the style the Zabrak Jedi has been...
  12. Pho Gorcru

    Red Right Hand

    Pho had come a long way since first being discovered by the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi. He was a padawan now and had some basic understanding of the force. He also had finally been given a sleek green bladed lightsaber for help in his path. While the Zabrak still wanted to craft one for...
  13. Pho Gorcru

    You Can’t Stop The Beat

    Surprise was hard to hide as the Zabrak got an answer from Aurora into his mind. He tried his best to conceal it but at first he raised an eyebrow. Pho had not expected his thoughts to actually reach her or for her to be reading his mind so directly. That was a bit disturbing but he also was...
  14. Pho Gorcru

    You Can’t Stop The Beat

    Pho felt a shiver go down his spine as Aurora spoke to him directly through the force. That was an odd feeling still to say the least. The Zabrak could not help but feel like she was reading his mind sometimes. He was unsure if that was one of the Sith powers or not. Rumors were hard to...
  15. Pho Gorcru

    You Can’t Stop The Beat

    Here she goes again. That was all Pho could think as things turned mystical. It was clear that most people feared the Sith Empire. Empires? Whatever they were now. Pho didn't need to feel anything to relate to these people feeling disturbed by this dangerous step towards the Alliance. Not...
  16. Pho Gorcru

    You Can’t Stop The Beat

    The force was still a weird thing to Pho. He had always seen it as Sith magic that only was used by those who were evil. Something that brave people have to fight against with technology and cunning. The Zabrak boy had never believed Jedi were real until now. Even now he felt this was a weird...
  17. Pho Gorcru

    FC - Flying Straight

    Pho watched the Corvette break apart and was amazed at how they did so much damage. He heard the call for finding the black box and he knew he had to jump to action. The ship screamed as he pushed it into the debris field to find the device. Scanners were going and his eyes were peeled for a big...
  18. Pho Gorcru

    Sands of Change

    "I'll be there. One hour." Pho muttered back. Pho was overloaded with information and had not even begun to ask more questions when Aurora answered more. That would do plenty for now. The Zabrak had a lot of research to do. He also had some pants to change. An hour to gather his things which...
  19. Pho Gorcru

    FC - Flying Straight

    First pass had been a bit of a fail so Pho focused harder when it came to making the next attempt. He watched as others seemed to making short work of their targets. He refused to be a useless bit of backup for this. The Zabrak moved his ship in for a strike against the disabled corvette hoping...
  20. Pho Gorcru

    Sands of Change

    One thing that could be said of Pho was that he was bad at taking orders. He was a Rebel in an Alliance but preferred not to be in some military structure. It was the lesser of many evils though to say the least. Pho could not help but grin at her frustration. Aurora was too old to be attractive...